- Information Date:04/15/1974
- Agreement Agency:Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Memorandum of Understanding
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
The Extension Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to clarify the responsibilities and areas of operation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of Labor, and the Extension Service (ES), U.S. Department of Agriculture, in job safety and health training, and education and information activities, as they relate to agricultural employers and employees. This agreement supports the policy established by Congress in section 651(1) of 29 USC, Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the Act) (29 USC 651 et. seq.)--to encourage employers and employees in their efforts to reduce the number of occupational safety and health hazards at their places of employment and to stimulate employers and employees to institute new programs and to perfect existing programs for providing safe and healthful working conditions.
Section 670(c) of 29 USC of the Act authorizes the Secretary of Labor in consultation with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, to "(1) provide for the establishment and supervision of programs for the education and training of employers and employees in the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of unsafe or unhealthful working conditions in employments covered by the Act, and (2) consult with and advise employers and employees, and organizations representing employers and employees as to effective means of preventing occupational injuries and illnesses."
Section 7(c)(1) of the Act authorizes the Secretary of Labor, in carrying out his responsibilities, to use, with the consent of any Federal agency, the services, facilities, and personnel of such agency, with or without reimbursement. ES engages in agricultural extension work to aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practicable information relating to agriculture. It is authorized to cooperate with other Federal agencies in conducting educational programs in which ES and the other agency have mutual responsibilities and interests. Pursuant to 7 CFR 2.19(c)(9) (38 F.R. 14946; No. 109, June 7, 1973), the Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research and Education, USDA, in administrating ES, is to provide educational leadership for USDA's farm safety educational program.
Under the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding, OSHA will:
Establish safety standards and set forth the training, education and information requirements of agricultural employers and employees for the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of unsafe or unhealthful working conditions in employments covered by the Act.
Coordinate with ES regarding agricultural safety and health education and training and information programs.
Furnish ES with copies of training and public information materials developed by OSHA on safety and health in agricultural areas.
Transmit information on changes in farm job safety and health standards and regulations directly to leaders in State Cooperative Extension Services designated by ES, and to the ES safety program leader.
Encourage communication and cooperation between OSHA regional and area offices, OSHA state designated agencies, and the appropriate State Cooperative Extension Services including the assignment of appropriate staff members to work with state extension personnel.
Under the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding, ES will:
Coordinate the extension farm safety program with OSHA farm safety activities at the national level.
Through the appropriations process and other means, provide support for an agricultural safety leader in each state who will provide leadership for extension educational work in agricultural job safety and health.
Assist the State Cooperative Extension Services to periodically identify the agricultural job safety and health needs of each state as a guide for development and conduct of educational programs in farm safety and health.
Assist the State Cooperative Extension Services to conduct educational programs on safety and health standards stemming from OSHA or state rules or guidelines.
Provide a feedback to OSHA from State Cooperative Extension Services and cooperating organizations of current information concerning agricultural safety and health problems.
Assist in negotiations of contracts and agreements, as appropriate between State Cooperative Extension Services and OSHA.
Encourage communication and cooperation between State Cooperative Extension Services and the appropriate OSHA regional and area offices, and OSHA states designees, including the designation of safety project leaders to serve in a liaison capacity.
Under the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding, OSHA and ES mutually agree to
Cooperatively plan programs, which span the responsibilities of both parties to be carried out under this Memorandum of Understanding. b. Develop evaluation procedures to measure the effectiveness of efforts pursuant to this Memorandum of Understanding to reduce illnesses and injuries.
Memorandum of Understanding
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be implemented as follows
OSHA and ES will each assign a senior staff officer who will serve in a liaison capacity.
Any joint endeavors involving reimbursement or transfers of funds between the two parties will be handled in accordance with normal Government financial procedures, and will be evidenced by appropriate documentation. This Memorandum of Understanding is not a financial document and does not obligate or require the obligation of funds.
Period of Agreement
This Memorandum of Understanding shall continue in effect unless modified in writing by mutual consent of both parties or terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other.
This Memorandum of Understanding does not preclude entering into separate agreements setting forth procedures for special programs which can be handled more efficiently and expeditiously by special agreement. Nothing in this agreement is intended to diminish or otherwise affect the authority of either agency to carry out its respective statutory functions.
This Memorandum of Understanding will become effective on the date of the last signature.
John H. Stender Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health
U.S. Department of Labor
April 8, 1974Robert W. Long Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research and Education
U.S. Department of Agriculture
April 15, 1974