# Federal Register
1 - 1956.11 - 90:1854-1866 - Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustments for 2025 - PDF
2 - 1956.11 - 88:2210-2222 - Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustments for 2023 - PDF
3 - 1956.11 - 87:50766-50776 - Massachusetts State Plan for State and Local Government Employers; Initial Approval Determination - PDF
4 - 1956.11, 1956.11(a)(1), 1956.11(a)(2), 1956.11(b)(2)(i), 1956.11(b)(2)(ii), 1956.11(b)(2)(iv), 1956.11(b)(2)(v), 1956.11(b)(2)(vi), 1956.11(b)(2)(vii), 1956.11(c)(2)(i), 1956.11(c)(2)(iii), 1956.11(c)(2)(iv), 1956.11(c)(2)(v), 1956.11(c)(2)(vi), 1956.11(c)(2)(vii), 1956.11(c)(2)(viii), 1956.11(c)(2)(ix), 1956.11(c)(2)(x), 1956.11(c)(2)(xi), 1956.11(c)(2)(xii) - 87:50766-50776 - Massachusetts State Plan for State and Local Government Employers; Initial Approval Determination - PDF
5 - 1956.11 - 87:2328-2340 - Department of Labor Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustments for 2022 - PDF
6 - 1956.11 - 86:49472-49476 - Discrimination Against Employees Exercising Rights Under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 - PDF
7 - 1956.11 - 85:2292-2303 - Department of Labor Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustments for 2020
8 - 1956.11 - 83:7-19 - Department of Labor Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustments for 2018 - PDF