# | Federal Register |
1 | - 1910.272(g)(1)(ii) - 85:74765-74767 - Grain Handling Facilities; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF |
# | Standard Interpretations |
1 | - 1910.272(g)(1)(ii) - Grain Handling Facility Sweep Auger Enforcement Policy |
2 | - 1910.272(g)(1)(ii) - Reiteration of OSHA policy on unguarded sweep augers. |
3 | - 1910.272(g)(1)(ii) - Clarification on when a worker may be inside a grain storage bin while a sweep auger is operating. |
4 | - 1910.272(g)(1)(ii) - Grain handlers and engulfment hazards; procedures for unguarded sweep augers. |
# | Regulations |
1 | - - Grain Handling Facilities |