# Federal Register
1 - 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - 86:27332-27338 - Walking-Working Surfaces - PDF
2 - 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - 84:35888-35889 - Walking and Working Surfaces Standard for General Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of the Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - Enforcement Guidance for General Industry Rope Descent System (RDS) Anchorage Requirements (29 CFR 1910.27(b)(1))
2 - 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - Rung spacing for fixed ladders.
3 - 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - Rung spacing for fixed ladders.
4 - 1910.27(b)(1)(ii) - Rung spacing for fixed ladders.
# Regulations
1 - - Scaffolds and rope descent systems.