# | Federal Register |
1 | - 1910.134(i) - 89:45025-45026 - Vinyl Chloride Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF |
# | Standard Interpretations |
1 | - 1910.134(i), 1910.134(i)(1)(ii), 1910.134(i)(4)(iii), 1910.134(i)(5)(ii) - Clarifications for breathing air quality and use |
2 | - 1910.134(i) - 1910.134(i) does not apply to portable breathing air compressors. |
3 | - 1910.134(i) - Breathing air: testing and carbon monoxide alarm. |
4 | - 1910.134(i) - Respirator air quality standards do not apply where the NRC has jurisdiction |
# | Regulations |
1 | - - Respiratory protection. |