# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.1200(f) - HCS applicability to an industrial marker containing liquid paint or ink
2 - 1910.1200(f)(7) - Transmitting bulk shipment labels by technological or other means
3 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - Transmitting bulk shipment labels by technological or other means
4 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Transmitting bulk shipment labels by technological or other means
5 - 1910.1200(f), 1910.1200(f)(1), 1910.1200(f)(6), 1910.1200(f)(7) - Transmitting bulk shipment labels by technological or other means
6 - 1910.1200(f)(3) - Single HCS Compliant Shipping Label that includes DOT and/or State Requirements
7 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Single HCS Compliant Shipping Label that includes DOT and/or State Requirements
8 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - HCS compliant labeling of outer and inner packaging
9 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iv) - HCS Labeling Requirements for Bulk Shipments of Small Packages
10 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iii) - HCS Labeling Requirements for Bulk Shipments of Small Packages
11 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(ii) - HCS Labeling Requirements for Bulk Shipments of Small Packages
12 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(i) - HCS Labeling Requirements for Bulk Shipments of Small Packages
13 - 1910.1200(f)(7) - HCS Labeling requirements regarding intra-plant and intercompany shipping
14 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - HCS Labeling requirements regarding intra-plant and intercompany shipping
15 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - HCS Labeling requirements regarding intra-plant and intercompany shipping
16 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - Hazard Communication Standard – SDS responsible party and hazards not otherwise classified
17 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - HCS pictogram labeling of DOT-39 Non-Refillable Cylinders
18 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Listing and disclosing Benzene as a human carcinogen on the label and SDS
19 - 1910.1200(f), 1910.1200(f)(1) - Listing and disclosing Benzene as a human carcinogen on the label and SDS
20 - 1910.1200(f)(6)(ii) - Labeling of Secondary Containers
21 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Separate SDSs and labels for dual components
22 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - Labeling outer containers of chemical cleaning products while in storage.
23 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Labeling outer containers of chemical cleaning products while in storage.
24 - 1910.1200(f)(11) - Hazard Communication Standard's (HCS 2012) June 1, 2016 effective date, 1910.1200(j)
25 - 1910.1200(f)(9) - Hazard Communication Standard's (HCS 2012) June 1, 2016 effective date, 1910.1200(j)
26 - 1910.1200(f)(4) - Safety Data Sheets for grinding wheels and abrasives
27 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Safety Data Sheets for grinding wheels and abrasives
28 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Labeling small containers
29 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - HCS 2012 labeling of refrigerant containers
30 - 1910.1200(f)(5) - HCS 2012 labeling of refrigerant containers
31 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - HCS 2012 labeling of refrigerant containers
32 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Labeling refrigerant cylinders
33 - 1910.1200(f)(1), 1910.1200(f) - Labeling refrigerant cylinders
34 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Container labeling requirements for importer under HCS 2012
35 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(vi) - Requirements for labeling of products shipped for export to domestic and international destinations, under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
36 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(v) - Requirements for labeling of products shipped for export to domestic and international destinations, under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
37 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iv) - Requirements for labeling of products shipped for export to domestic and international destinations, under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
38 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iii) - Requirements for labeling of products shipped for export to domestic and international destinations, under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
39 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(ii) - Requirements for labeling of products shipped for export to domestic and international destinations, under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
40 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(i) - Requirements for labeling of products shipped for export to domestic and international destinations, under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
41 - 1910.1200(f)(5) - Safety data sheets for custom blend fertilizers
42 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Safety data sheets for custom blend fertilizers
43 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(vi) - Labeling requirements for absorbent clay products in various packaging configurations
44 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(v) - Labeling requirements for absorbent clay products in various packaging configurations
45 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iv) - Labeling requirements for absorbent clay products in various packaging configurations
46 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iii) - Labeling requirements for absorbent clay products in various packaging configurations
47 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(ii) - Labeling requirements for absorbent clay products in various packaging configurations
48 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(i) - Labeling requirements for absorbent clay products in various packaging configurations
49 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Requirements for labeling of products shipped for export only to non-U.S. destinations, under the revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
50 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - HCS labeling of imports and exports
51 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - HCS labeling of imports and exports
52 - 1910.1200(f)(6)(ii) - Labeling of small containers in the laboratory
53 - 1910.1200(f)(6)(i) - Labeling of small containers in the laboratory
54 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - Labeling of small containers in the laboratory
55 - 1910.1200(f) - Hazard communication pictograms; single color and economic feasibility
56 - 1910.1200(f) - Hazard communication effective dates and labels
57 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - Hazard communication 2012-compliant labels and safety data sheets on shipped containers of hazardous chemicals
58 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iv) - HCS 2012 pictograms for aerosol air fresheners
59 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iv) - Label requirements between CPSC and HCS 2012 and aerosol products
60 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Correct use of product identifiers on safety data sheets and labels
61 - 1910.1200(f) - Intentionally blank pictograms not allowed in HCS 2012
62 - 1910.1200(f) - Hazard communication requirements for commercial ink cartridges
63 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Practical accommodation for the labeling of small packages under the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)
64 - 1910.1200(f)(2) - Use of multiple countries' information on labels of hazardous chemicals
65 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Use of multiple countries' information on labels of hazardous chemicals
66 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iv) - Acceptable use of pictograms on chemical labels under the revised Hazard Communication standard
67 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Acceptable use of pictograms on chemical labels under the revised Hazard Communication standard
68 - 1910.1200(f)(3) - What is the correct grouping/placement of the six required elements for labels
69 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - What is the correct grouping/placement of the six required elements for labels
70 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(v) - Acute Toxicity classification under hazard communication
71 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Labels on ampoules 5mL or smaller
72 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Practical accommodation for hazard communication labels on small shipped chemical containers
73 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(vi) - Manufacturer's name and address on the label of a chemical product under HCS 2012
74 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Manufacturer's name and address on the label of a chemical product under HCS 2012
75 - 1910.1200(f)(11) - Requirement to list carcinogens on labels under GHS.
76 - 1910.1200(f) - Using the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) to Comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard.
77 - 1910.1200(f) - Application of OSHA PEL for nitric oxide as 8-hr TWA to pregnant employees.
78 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(i) - Requirements for labeling products that contain a nitrate or nitrite.
79 - 1910.1200(f) - Labeling requirements under the HAZCOM and Laboratory standards;use of safe needle devices.
80 - 1910.1200(f)(11) - Responsible party for MSDSs and labelling of imported chemicals.
81 - 1910.1200(f)(1)(iii) - Responsible party for MSDSs and labelling of imported chemicals.
82 - 1910.1200(f) - Using "stick-on" labels to meet the requirements of 1910.1200.
83 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Applicability of the Laboratory Standard; MSDS and labeling requirements.
84 - 1910.1200(f) - Hazard communication requirements for diatomaceous earth.
85 - 1910.1200(f)(2) - Hazard determination; labeling of solid materials.
86 - 1910.1200(f) - OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard.
87 - 1910.1200(f) - Meeting labeling requirements of hazard communication standard for slag wool.
88 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - Labeling Provisions of the Hazard Communication Standard
89 - 1910.1200(f) - Label requirements for crystalline silica
90 - 1910.1200(f) - Container labeling requirements under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
91 - 1910.1200(f) - HCS on Hazard warnings required on product labels
92 - 1910.1200(f) - Hazard Communication Standard.
93 - 1910.1200(f) - Carcinogen labeling requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard.
94 - 1910.1200(f) - Labeling requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard.
95 - 1910.1200(f) - Clarification of the label requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).
96 - 1910.1200(f) - Labelling requirements for chemicals transported to another plant of the same company under the HCS.
97 - 1910.1200(f) - Lift trucks or other machines found in the workplace are not containers for labeling requirements of the HCS.
98 - 1910.1200(f) - Overwarning on Hazard Labels
99 - 1910.1200(f)(9) - Requirements for labels in a language other than English.
100 - 1910.1200(f) - Labeling and MSDSs for a stump router cutter head which has carbide tips on the cutter teeth.
101 - 1910.1200(f) - Cancer warning labels for formaldehyde and products containing formaldehyde
102 - 1910.1200(f) - HMIS for meeting labeling requirements of the HCS.
103 - 1910.1200(f) - HMIS use in meeting the in-plant labeling requirements of the HCS.
104 - 1910.1200(f) - Evaluation of labeling system which was designed to meet the requirements of the HCS.
105 - 1910.1200(f) - Clarification of the terms "appropriate hazard warning" and "mandatory".
106 - 1910.1200(f)(5)(ii) - Target organ labeling requirements for shipped containers.
107 - 1910.1200(f) - Labeling of Formaldehyde-Containing Products Under the Hazard Communication Standard
108 - 1910.1200(f) - Explanation of HCS labeling requirements to the National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers.
109 - 1910.1200(f)(2) - Labeling requirements for bulk shipments of metallic scrap under the HCS.
110 - 1910.1200(f), 1910.1200(f)(2) - Labeling requirements for bulk shipments of metallic scrap under the HCS.
111 - 1910.1200(f)(6) - Applicability of the Hazard Communication standard to pesticides.
112 - 1910.1200(f)(5)(ii) - Applicability of the Hazard Communication standard to pesticides.
113 - 1910.1200(f)(5)(i) - Applicability of the Hazard Communication standard to pesticides.
114 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Maintaining MSDSs on a computer data base.
115 - 1910.1200(f)(1) - Conformation of labeling requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard
116 - 1910.1200(f)(5) - Requirements for alternate warning methods, delays between filling and labeling a chemical container, and label identification of mixtures under HCS.
117 - 1910.1200(f)(4) - Requirements for alternate warning methods, delays between filling and labeling a chemical container, and label identification of mixtures under HCS.