# Federal Register
1 - 1903.4 - 89:22558-22601 - Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process; Final Rule - PDF
2 - 1903.4, 1903.4(b), 1903.4(b)(3) - 88:59825-59834 - Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process - PDF
3 - 1903.4 - 45:65916 - Ex Parte Warrants - PDF
4 - 1903.4 - 45:33652 - Ex Parte Warrants
# Regulations
1 - 1903.4 - Objection to inspection.
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1903.4 - Reporting over-the-road fatalities; Refusing entry and employee interviews to an OSHA inspector; and OSHA's policy associated with seat belts on forklift trucks
# Directives
1 - 1903.4 - National - CSP 01-01-013 [STP 2.18] - Inspections and Investigations: Obtaining Warrants on an Ex Parte Basis and Prior to Attempting Entry