# Federal Register
1 - 1902.3 - 88:47254-47349 - Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses; Final Rule - PDF
2 - 1902.3 - 88:15458-15462 - Oregon State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health; Proposed Final Approval, Request for Public Comment, and Notice of Opportunity To Request Informal Public Hearing - PDF
3 - 1902.3, 1902.3(c)(1), 1902.37, 1902.37(a), 1902.37(b), 1902.37(b)(3), 1902.37(b)(4), 1902.39(c), 1902.39(e), 1902.39(f), 1902.39(g) - 88:15458-15462 - Oregon State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health; Proposed Final Approval, Request for Public Comment, and Notice of Opportunity To Request Informal Public Hearing - PDF
4 - 1902.3, 1902.32, 1902.32(a), 1902.32(e), 1902.32(f) - 87:23783-23790 - Arizona State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health; Proposed Reconsideration and Revocation - PDF
5 - 1902.3 - 87:18528-18558 - Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses; Proposed Rule - PDF
6 - 1902.3 - 86:49472-49476 - Discrimination Against Employees Exercising Rights Under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 - PDF
7 - 1902.3 - 81:43429-43461 - Department of Labor Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Catch-Up Adjustments; Final Rule - PDF
8 - 1902.3 - 80:49897-49909 - Streamlining of Provisions on State Plans for Occupational Safetyand Health - PDF
9 - 1902.3 - 80:49956-49968 - Streamlining of Provisions on State Plans for Occupational Safetyand Health - PDF
10 - 1902.3 - 65:20735-20743 - Nevada State Plan; Final Approval Determination. - PDF
11 - 1902.3, 1902.34, 1902.37 - 61:66593-66602 - North Carolina State Plan; Final Approval Determination - PDF