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    Metalworking Fluids Standards Advisory Committee: Notice of Meeting.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

[Docket No. H-372]

RIN 1218-AB58

Metalworking Fluids Standards Advisory Committee: Notice of Meeting

AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Labor.

ACTION: Metalworking Fluids Standards Advisory Committee: Notice of meeting.

SUMMARY: The Metalworking Fluids Standards Advisory Committee (MWFSAC), established under Section 7 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to advise the Secretary of Labor on appropriate actions to protect workers from the hazards associated with occupational exposure to metalworking fluids, will meet in Detroit, Michigan, on Monday through Wednesday, October 19 through October 21, 1998.

DATES: The meeting will be held October 19 from 10 a.m. to approximately 5 p.m.; October 20, from 9 a.m. to approximately 6 p.m.; and on October 21, from 9 a.m. to approximately 12 noon.

ADDRESSES: The Committee will meet at the Westin Hotel, at the Renaissance Center, at East Jefferson Avenue and Brush Street, Detroit, Michigan, 48243. Telephone: (313) 568-8000.

Mail comments, views, or statements in response to this notice to Dr. Peter Infante, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, OSHA, Directorate of Health Standards Programs, Metalworking Fluids Standards Advisory Committee, Room N-3718, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bonnie Friedman, Director, Office of Information and Consumer Affairs, OSHA, (202) 219-8151.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: All interested persons are invited to attend the public meetings of the Metalworking Fluids Standards Advisory Committee, at the times and places indicated above. Individuals with disabilities wishing to attend should contact Theresa Berry at (202) 219-8615 ext. 106 (Fax: 202-219-5986) no later than October 5, 1998, to obtain appropriate accommodations.Meeting Agenda

This meeting will focus on non-cancer respiratory effects associated with exposure to metalworking fluids and possible approaches to estimating risk of non-malignant respiratory diseases. Other items for discussion will include ventilation and design of enclosures, occupational dermatitis related to metalworking fluids, and product stewardship. Public Participation

Written data, views, or comments for consideration by the MWFSAC on the various agenda items listed above may be submitted, preferably with 25 copies, to Dr. Peter Infante at the address provided above. Submissions received by October 9, 1998, will be provided to the members of the committee. Anyone wishing to make an oral presentation to the Committee on any of the agenda items noted above should notify Dr. Peter Infante at the address listed above. The request should state the amount of time desired, the capacity in which the person will appear, and a brief outline of the content of the presentation. Requests to make oral presentations to the Committee may be granted if time permits.

Authority: This notice is issued under the authority of sections 6(b)(1) and 7(b) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 655, 656), the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2), and 29 CFR Part 1912.

Signed at Washington, DC, this 18th day of September, 1998.

Charles N. Jeffress,
Assistant Secretary of Labor.

[FR Doc. 98-25450 Filed 9-22-98; 8:45 am]