- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Proposed Rule
- Fed Register #:57:21222
- Standard Number:
- Title:Reporting of Fatality or Multiple Hospitalization Accidents
OSHA proposes to revise 29 CFR 1904.8, Reporting of Fatality or Multiple Hospitalization Accidents. Four changes would be made to the current reporting requirements. Where the present rule only applies to employment accidents which result in one or more fatalities or hospitalizations of five or more employees, the proposed rule would cover accidents resulting in hospitalizations of three or more employees. It would require the employer to report accidents within 8 hours of their occurrence instead of the current 48 hour time frame. If the employer does not learn of the reportable accident at the time it occurs, he would be required to report it within 8 hours after learning of it. Whether or not an accident is immediately reportable, if it results in the death of an employee within 6 months after the accident, OSHA proposes that the employer report that death within 8 hours after learning of it.