- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Notice
- Fed Register #:55:26796-97
- Standard Number:
- Title:Application of Gannett Outdoor Companies for a Variance Concerning Fixed Ladders.
Announces the application of Gannett Outdoor Companies for a variance from regulations prescribed in 29 CFR 1910.27(d)(1)(ii), (d)(2) and (d)(5) concerning fixed ladders. The variance request involves multiple locations where the company is engaged in outdoor advertising using billboard-type signs. In lieu of installing the cages or wells and landing platforms required by the standards, applicant proposes to equip a climber with an 18 inch lanyard attached to a safety belt for climbs either on fixed ladders of up to 50 feet or at heights up to 65 feet from grade. For ladders on which length of climb exceeds 50 feet or which ascend to heights exceeding 65 feet from grade, it is proposed that climbers use a ladder safety device in lieu of cages or wells and landing platforms. Employees who routinely climb fixed ladders are required to undergo training in climbing and to demonstrate the physical capability to safely perform the climbs. 8/28/90 is last date interested persons may submit comments on the variance and the last date for affected employees & employers to request a hearing. Contact: James Concannon, 523-7193.