• Publication Date:
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  • Fed Register #:
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  • Abstract:

    This notice provides the time, date, specific location of the hearing, and the name and address of the Administrative Law Judge presiding on Interstate Lead Company, Inc.'s application for an extension of its temporary variance from the final medical removal trigger level under the Standard for Occupational Exposure to Lead [1910.1025(k)(1)(i)(D)] which was originally announced in the August 14, 1987 Federal Register Notice (52 FR 30463). The hearing will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 1, 1987 in Birmingham, Alabama.

This notice provides the time, date, specific location of the
hearing, and the name and address of the Administrative Law Judge
presiding on Interstate Lead Company, Inc.'s application for an
extension of its temporary variance from the final medical removal
trigger level under the Standard for Occupational Exposure to Lead
[1910.1025(k)(1)(i)(D)] which was originally announced in the August
14, 1987 Federal Register Notice (52 FR 30463). The hearing will
begin at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 1, 1987 in Birmingham,