- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:52:31852-86
- Standard Number:
- Title:Hazard Communication
- Abstract:
Parts 1910, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1926, and 1928 are amended by revising the Hazard Communication Standard, 1910.1200, and by adding 1915.99, 1917.28, 1918.90 and 1926.59 to contain the identical text of the revised 1910.1200 including Appendices A, B, C, and D of 1910.1200. This document expands the scope of the Hazard Communication Standard to cover all employers with employees exposed to hazardous chemicals in their workplaces. This regulation is effective September 23, 1987. The revised standard requires that chemical manufacturers, importers, and distributors ensure that material safety data sheets are provided with the next shipment of hazardous chemicals to non-manufacturing employers or distributors after September 23, 1987. All employers in the non- manufacturing sector are to be in compliance with all provisions of the standard by May 23, 1988.
Abstract: Parts 1910, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1926, and 1928 are amended by revising the Hazard Communication Standard, 1910.1200, and by adding 1915.99, 1917.28, 1918.90 and 1926.59 to contain the identical text of the revised 1910.1200 including Appendices A, B, C, and D of 1910.1200. This document expands the scope of the Hazard Communication Standard to cover all employers with employees exposed to hazardous chemicals in their workplaces. This regulation is effective September 23, 1987. The revised standard requires that chemical manufacturers, importers, and distributors ensure that material safety data sheets are provided with the next shipment of hazardous chemicals to non-manufacturing employers or distributors after September 23, 1987. All employers in the non- manufacturing sector are to be in compliance with all provisions of the standard by May 23, 1988.