• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Proposed Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    Toxic Substances in Laboratories
  • Abstract:

    Laboratories in which toxic substances are used will be subject to the provisions of the proposed standard in lieu of the various substance-specific and air contaminants standards of Part 1910, Subpart Z. The proposed standard will apply to the laboratory use of other toxic substances which are not regulated by OSHA. Requires the formulation and implementation of a Chemical Hygiene Plan which is designed to avoid overexposures to toxic substances. Comments and requests for a hearing must be postmarked by October 22, 1986.

Laboratories in which toxic substances are used will be subject to
the provisions of the proposed standard in lieu of the various
substance-specific and air contaminants standards of Part 1910,
Subpart Z. The proposed standard will apply to the laboratory use of
other toxic substances which are not regulated by OSHA. Requires the
formulation and implementation of a Chemical Hygiene Plan which is
designed to avoid overexposures to toxic substances. Comments and
requests for a hearing must be postmarked by October 22, 1986.