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  • Fed Register #:
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  • Abstract:

    Announces the withdrawal of the Application of ASARCO Incorporated for permanent variance from 1910.1018(e)(3)(ii) and 1910.1025(d)(6)(II) concerning the requirements of the inorganic arsenic and lead standards for frequency of exposure monitoring. Notice of this application for permanent variance appeared March 22, 1985 (50 FR 1158-11601).

Announces the withdrawal of the Application of ASARCO Incorporated
for permanent variance from 1910.1018(e)(3)(ii) and
1910.1025(d)(6)(II) concerning the requirements of the inorganic
arsenic and lead standards for frequency of exposure monitoring.
Notice of this application for permanent variance appeared March 22,
1985 (50 FR 1158-11601).