• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Proposed Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
  • Abstract:

    Proposes to revise the Occupational Exposure to Benzene standard, 1910.1028. The proposal provides for certain methods of exposure control, personal protective equipment, measurement of employee exposures, training, medical surveillance, hazard communication, and other provisions. Comments concerning the proposed standard and notices of intention to appear at one of the informal rulemaking hearings must be postmarked by February 14, 1986. Four informal public rulemaking hearings are scheduled: Washington, D.C., March 11, 1986; New Orleans, LA, March 25, 1986; Los Angeles, CA, April 2, 1986; and Chicago, IL, April 8, 1986.

Proposes to revise the Occupational Exposure to Benzene standard,
1910.1028. The proposal provides for certain methods of exposure
control, personal protective equipment, measurement of employee
exposures, training, medical surveillance, hazard communication, and
other provisions. Comments concerning the proposed standard and
notices of intention to appear at one of the informal rulemaking
hearings must be postmarked by February 14, 1986. Four informal
public rulemaking hearings are scheduled: Washington, D.C., March
11, 1986; New Orleans, LA, March 25, 1986; Los Angeles, CA, April 2,
1986; and Chicago, IL, April 8, 1986.