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  • Fed Register #:
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  • Abstract:

    Notice of hearing on the application of AMAX Lead Company of Missouri for a permanent variance from Table II of the standard prescribed in 1910.1025(f)(2), concerning the limitation on use of half- mask, air-purifying respirators equipped with high efficiency filters to areas where the lead concentration in areas where the lead concentration is less than 10 times the permissible exposure limit (PEL) , 500 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Hearing will be held December 4, 1985 in St. Louis, Missouri.

Notice of hearing on the application of AMAX Lead Company of
Missouri for a permanent variance from Table II of the standard
prescribed in 1910.1025(f)(2), concerning the limitation on use of
half- mask, air-purifying respirators equipped with high efficiency
filters to areas where the lead concentration in areas where the
lead concentration is less than 10 times the permissible exposure
limit (PEL) , 500 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Hearing will be
held December 4, 1985 in St. Louis, Missouri.