- Record Type:OSHA Notice
- Current Directive Number:TED 1
- Old Directive Number:TED 1
- Title:Fiscal Year 1997 OSHA Training Institute Schedule of Courses and Registration Requirements.
- Information Date:

NOTICE: This is an OSHA Archive Document, and may no longer represent OSHA Policy. It is presented here as historical content, for research and review purposes only.
OSHA Notice TED 1 October 1, 1996 Office of Training and Education Subject: Fiscal Year 1997 OSHA Training Institute Schedule of Courses and Registration Requirements A. Purpose. This notice transmits the OSHA Training Institute schedule of courses and establishes OSHA Training Institute registration requirements for fiscal year 1997. B. Scope. This notice applies to all individuals participating in courses conducted by the OSHA Training Institute staff. C. Reference. Refer to OSHA Instruction TED 1.12A, Training Program for OSHA Compliance Personnel, July 7, 1992, for training guidelines and requirements for new-hire and experienced OSHA compliance personnel. D. Action. All individuals participating in fiscal year 1997 courses conducted by the OSHA Training Institute shall follow the registration procedures outlined in this notice. E. Expiration Date. This notice expires September 30, 1997. F. Background. OSHA Training Institute courses provide basic and advanced training and education in safety and health. Course subject matter emphasizes OSHA policies and standards as well as hazard recognition and hazard abatement techniques. Courses are designed to build a more effective workforce and to aid in professional development. The schedule contains courses for Federal and State compliance officers, State consultants, other Federal agency personnel, and private sector employers, employees, and their representatives. The fiscal year 1997 schedule of courses reflects input obtained from OSHA Regions. All courses were reviewed and, where appropriate, have been restructured to respond to the current needs of students. G. General Registration Information. 1. Registrar. The Registrar, OSHA Training Institute, shall be contacted for registration and related information. The address and telephone numbers are as follows. OSHA Training Institute 1555 Times Drive Des Plaines, Illinois 60018-1548 Commercial: 847-297-4913 FTS: 8-312-886-9883 Individuals with disabilities may contact the Registrar for information and assistance. Persons with impaired hearing may contact the Registrar on the TDD number 847-297-4876. 2. Special Edition of the Fiscal Year 1997 OSHA Training Institute Schedule of Courses. a. A special edition of the fiscal year 1997 OSHA Training Institute schedule of courses containing enrollment procedures and instructions for other Federal department and agency personnel, non-OSHA and non-7(c)(1) State personnel, local governmental personnel, and private sector and Federal contract personnel will be available in September 1996. b. The telephone registration schedule for these personnel will be announced in the special edition. c. A copy of this special edition of the schedule may be requested by calling the OSHA Training Institute at 847-297-4810 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. central time. 3. Telephone Registration Hours. a. Telephone registration hours are as follows: Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m NOTE: All times listed are central time. b. The registration telephone numbers are as follows. Commercial: 847-297-4913 FTS: 8-312-886-9883 c. The Registrar's office will be closed on all Federal holidays, on July 5, 1996, on November 29, 1996, and from December 23, 1996, through December 27, 1996. H. Registration Policies and Procedures for Federal OSHA, State 18(b), and 7(c)(1) Consultation Personnel. 1. Federal OSHA Field Personnel. a. Regional Administrators shall nominate personnel directly to the Registrar. (See Paragraph H.4.) b. The Registrar shall confirm nominations through the Regional Training Officer or designee. c. The Regional Training Officer or the appropriate OSHA Training Institute Branch Chief (Occupational Health Training Branch/Occupational Safety Training Branch/ Construction Training Branch) will, as needed, counsel nominees on course requirements and related issues to ensure the maximum benefit to participants and their offices. d. Field personnel shall send inquiries concerning OSHA Training Institute programs to the Institute Director through their Regional Administrator. e. Regional Administrators shall submit the names of those canceling their registration no later than two weeks prior to course commencement. 2. OSHA National Office Personnel. a. National Office personnel shall register with the Registrar through the OSHA Office of Management Systems and Organization. (See Paragraph H.4.) b. The Registrar shall confirm nominations through the Office of Management Systems and Organization. c. The appropriate OSHA Training Institute Branch Chief will, as needed, counsel nominees on course requirements and related issues to ensure the maximum benefit to participants and their offices. d. The OSHA Office of Management Systems and Organization shall submit the names of those canceling their registration no later than two weeks prior to course commencement. 3. State 18(b) and 7(c)(1) Consultation Personnel. a. Personnel from State 18(b) or from State 7(c)(1) consultation programs shall be nominated for training directly to the Registrar by the Regional Administrator. (See Paragraph H.4.) b. Direct nominations from State 18(b) and 7(c)(1) consultation program officials will be accepted if that procedure has been approved by the Regional Administrator. 4. Registration Instructions for Federal OSHA, State 18(b), and 7(c)(1) Consultation Personnel. a. Registrations will be accepted for Federal OSHA, State 18(b), and 7(c)(1) consultation personnel in writing or by telephone, according to the procedures established in Paragraph H. b. Advance registrations for fiscal year 1997 courses for Federal OSHA, State 18(b), and 7(c)(1) consultation personnel only will be accepted in writing from July 15 through August 2, 1996. c. The following information must be provided in the written registration request. o Course number as listed in Appendix A o Dates of the course session requested o Employer o Name of student o Last four digits of student's social security number o Federal office location or State or consultation office address and the reporting identification number (RID) of the office o State or consultation office telephone number d. The Registrar shall confirm nominations and provide written instructions regarding course attendance. I. Registration Policies and Procedures for Other Federal Department and Agency Personnel, Other State and Non-Federal Governmental Personnel, and Private Sector Personnel. 1. Other Federal Department and Agency Personnel. a. Federal departments and agencies shall nominate their personnel directly to the Registrar. (See Paragraph I.4.) b. Federal department and agency personnel may enroll in most 100, 200, and 300 series OSHA Training Institute courses. In addition, courses #600 Collateral Duty Course for Other Federal Agencies and #601 Occupational Safety and Health Course for Other Federal Agencies are designed and conducted specifically for Federal department and agency personnel. 2. Other State and Non-Federal Governmental Personnel. Applicants from non-plan States, other State agencies, and county and city governments shall enroll directly with the Registrar. (See Paragraph I.4.) 3. Private Sector Employers, Employees, and Their Representatives and Federal Contract Personnel. a. Private sector requests for registration shall be made directly to the Registrar. (See Paragraph I.4.) b. The Registrar shall mail a written confirmation and tuition invoice to registered participants four weeks prior to the beginning of the course. c. The six courses in the 500 series are designed and conducted specifically for private sector personnel. d. The OSHA Training Institute provides a program that permits private sector personnel to enroll in technical and non-managerial courses on a space available basis. Refer to the course description in Appendix A to determine whether a course is available for Private sector enrollment. e. Private Sector Tuition. (1) As provided by U.S. Department of Labor regulations at 29 CFR 1949, the OSHA Training Institute charges tuition for private sector personnel attending OSHA courses. As soon as written confirmation of enrollment is received, a check covering the cost of tuition made payable to the U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA shall be forwarded to the Registrar. The participant's name, the course number, and date of attendance must be indicated on or attached to the check. (2) A tuition payment must be received by the OSHA Training Institute 14 days prior to the start of the course or registration for that student in the course will be canceled. Students will not be admitted into a course if the tuition payment has not been received. (3) In accordance with 29 CFR 1949.5, a participant may withdraw a registration and receive full reimbursement of the fee provided that written notification to the Registrar is mailed no later than 14 days before the commencement of the course for which registration is being withdrawn. NOTE: OSHA Training Institute tuition is calculated to comply with the requirements of OMB Circular A-25, "User Charges," July 15, 1993. 4. Enrollment Procedures for Other Federal Department and Agency personnel, Other State and Non-Federal Governmental Personnel, and Private Sector Personnel. a. Registrations for other Federal department and agency personnel, other State and non-Federal governmental personnel, and the private sector will be accepted by telephone only, according to policies established in Paragraph I. Written requests will not be accepted. b. Specific telephone numbers and instructions will be listed in the special edition of the OSHA Training Institute schedule. c. A copy of the special edition of the fiscal year 1997 OSHA Training Institute schedule of courses may be requested beginning July 1996 by contacting the OSHA Training Institute at 847-297-4810. d. The following information must be provided at the time of registration. o Course number and title o Dates of the course session requested o Employer classification: other Federal agency, State agency, or private sector o Name of student o Last four digits of student's social security number o Name of employer o Business mailing address o Business telephone number No enrollment can be initiated without all of the above information. e. Registration operators will provide a confirmation number at the time of registration. The Registrar will mail a written confirmation and tuition invoice to registered participants four to six weeks Prior to the beginning of the course. J. Requests for Off-Site Courses. 1. General. The OSHA Training Institute conducts off-site training in support of Agency goals and as priorities and resources permit. In order to allow planning and coordination with existing schedules, requests for offsite training should be submitted as early as possible to the Institute Director. 2. Reimbursement. The recipient organization may be required to reimburse the OSHA Training Institute for costs related to courses held off-site. Details of the reimbursement procedure will be provided by the appropriate OSHA Training Institute Branch Chief. K. Schedule Changes. The Institute Director shall give notice of course cancellations and rescheduling. The Institute Director shall issue course schedule amendments, announcements, and instructions. L. Course Requirements. 1. Prerequisites. Prerequisites are used to provide a more uniform population of students for a given course. a. OSHA Federal and State Compliance Officers. Prior to enrolling in #100 Initial Compliance Course, OSHA compliance personnel are required to meet all prerequisites as described in OSHA Instruction TED 1.12A, Training Program for OSHA Compliance Personnel. OSHA compliance personnel must complete #100 Initial Compliance Course prior to enrolling in any other OSHA Training Institute course. b. 7(c)(1) State Consultants. Prior to enrolling in other courses, State consultation project managers should ensure that newly hired state consultants are provided on the job training and information about OSHA and the 7(c)(1) program, including the consultation regulations at 29 CFR 1908, and the Consultation Policies and Procedures Manual (OSHA Instruction TED 3.5A). The Division of Consultation Programs is working to develop an interactive, multi-media "self teaching" version of #150 Basic On-Site Consultation Course, which used to be a prerequisite course for State consultants prior to enrolling in other OTI courses. Until this is completed and disseminated to all State projects, State consultants are encouraged, but not required, to enroll in #100 Initial Compliance Course, and may enroll in other courses offered at the OSHA Training Institute. c. Other Federal Department and Agency Personnel. Prior to enrolling in other courses, other Federal department and agency personnel are required to complete #600 Collateral Duty Course for Other Federal Agencies, or #601 Occupational Safety and Health Course for Other Federal Agencies, or to have equivalent knowledge of the OSH Act, procedures and standards. d. Private Sector and Other Non-Federal Governmental Personnel. Prior to enrolling in other courses, private sector and other non-Federal governmental personnel are required to complete #200A Construction Standards, #501 Trainer course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry, or #510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry, or to have equivalent knowledge of the OSH Act, procedures, and standards. e. Additional Prerequisites. Additional prerequisites for individual courses are listed with the course descriptions in Appendix A. 2. Waivers. Waivers for OSHA Federal and State compliance officers shall be obtained in accordance with the provisions of OSHA Instruction TED 1.12A, Training Program for OSHA Compliance Personnel. NOTE: The requirement to complete #100 Initial Compliance Course may not be waived. M. Course Information. 1. Series "A" Courses. The OSHA Training Institute offers alternative, shortened versions of eight courses. These specially designed courses are identified by a letter "A" following the course number and are designed for non-compliance personnel. For the purposes of this notice, the term non-compliance personnel includes other Federal department and agency personnel; State 7(c)(1) consultants; other State, county, and municipal personnel; and private sector employers, employees, and their representatives. While safety and health issues are discussed in the shortened courses, OSHA policies and procedures are not covered to the same extent as in the regular course presentations. These courses, therefore, are not intended for compliance personnel. Courses in this series include the following. #121A Introduction to Industrial Hygiene for Safety Personnel #200A Construction Standards #201A Hazardous Materials #204A Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards #207A Fire Protection and Life Safety #222A Respiratory Protection #309A Electrical Standards #330A Safety and Health in the Chemical Processing Industries 2. Starting and Ending Times. Unless otherwise stated, all courses conducted at the OSHA Training Institute begin at 8:15 a.m. central time on the starting date and conclude at 10:15 a.m. central time on the final date. Students will be notified of any exceptions to these starting and ending times. 3. Course Location. Refer to Appendix A for course location. OSHA Training Institute courses may be conducted at locations other than the OSHA Training Institute, provided the site meets Institute operating requirements. 4. Personal Protective Equipment. The OSHA Training Institute requires students to bring their own protective equipment when it is needed. This information is included in the course description where applicable. Participants will be notified in writing in cases where an off-site visit that requires protective equipment is scheduled after the date of this notice. NOTE: Students who fail to bring the appropriate personal protective equipment will not be permitted to participate in the off-site visit. N. Professional Development. 1. Continuing Education Units. Continuing education units (CEU's) are available to participants in courses conducted by the OSHA Training Institute in accordance with the administrative and program criteria guidelines that have been established by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training. These CEU's also meet the criteria of the American Board for Occupational Health Nurses (ABOHN), Inc., for certification or recertification. Some states also accept these CEU's for relicensure of nurses. The number of CEU's for courses offered by the OSHA Training Institute is listed with each course description in Appendix A. CEU's for abbreviated sessions offered at locations other than the OSHA Training Institute are available. Information on the number of CEU's available may be obtained by contacting the Registrar. 2. American Board of Industrial Hygiene Maintenance Points. Certification maintenance points (CM's) are available to certified industrial hygienists who complete courses awarded points under the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) maintenance of certification program. The number of CM points that is included with the course description in Appendix A is subject to change. The most recent information regarding certification maintenance points for a particular course session may be obtained by contacting the Registrar. 3. Board of Certified Safety Professionals Continuance of Certification Points. All technical safety and health courses with the exception of #600 Collateral Duty Course for Other Federal Agencies meet Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) criteria for continuance of certification credit. The number of points available from the BCSP is the same as that listed in Appendix A for earned CEU's. 4. Continuing Education Credit for Occupational Health Nurses. Contact hours designated for OSHA Training Institute courses meet the continuing education criteria established by the American Board for Occupational Health Nurses, Inc., as part of the requirements for certification or recertification. The contact hours or CEU's may also meet the criteria of some states that require continuing education for relicensure. The number of contact hours that have been designated for various courses is included with the course description in Appendix A. 5. Requests for Records. Although the OSHA Training Institute maintains a record of CEU's, it does not maintain a record of ABIH certification maintenance points, BCSP continuance of certification points, or ABOHN contact hours. It does, however, maintain a list of participants who have successfully completed courses for which such points are available. An individual record is issued as an official statement or transcript upon written request of the participant. The request should be addressed to the Registrar and must specify the name of the student, course number, and dates of each course session for which a record is desired. O. OSHA Training Institute Education Centers Program. 1. In recent years the demand for OSHA Training Institute courses from the private sector and from other Federal agencies has increased beyond the capabilities of the OSHA Training Institute. In order to address this increased demand for its courses, the OSHA Training Institute has established OSHA Training Institute Education Centers. 2. The OSHA Training Institute Education Centers are nonprofit organizations that were selected after competitions for participation in the program. There are currently 12 OSHA Training Institute Education Centers. 3. The nine courses available from the education centers are listed below. #201A Hazardous Materials #204A Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards #225 Principles of Ergonomics #309A Electrical Standards #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry #510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene #600 Collateral Duty Course for Other Federal Agencies 4. The OSHA Training Institute Education Centers are available to conduct courses at sites other than their campuses. 5. Students shall contact the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers directly for information including registration procedures and the availability of offsite courses. 6. Information on the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers is included in Appendix B. P. Using the Appendices. 1. Appendix A--OSHA Training Institute Schedule of Courses. Appendix A contains the following information for each fiscal year 1997 OSHA Training Institute course: number, title, description, length, dates, prerequisites, location, private sector tuition, CEU's, CM's, the OSHA Training Institute Branch responsible for the course and, if applicable, personal protective equipment required. Courses are listed sequentially by course number. 2. Appendix B--OSHA Training Institute Education Centers. Appendix B contains the course schedule, tuition, mailing address, and the toll-free telephone number for the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers. 3. Appendix C--Course Index. Appendix C contains an alphabetical index by title with the course number and the page on which the course description may be found for each course available from the OSHA Training Institute. Joseph A. Dear Assistant Secretary Distribution: National, Regional and Area Offices All Compliance Officers State Designees State 7(c)(1) Project Managers Designated Agency Safety and Health Officials APPENDIX A FISCAL YEAR 1997 OSHA TRAINING INSTITUTE SCHEDULE OF COURSES _____________________________________________________________________ #100 INITIAL COMPLIANCE COURSE This course introduces compliance personnel to the provisions of the OSH Act. Participants are provided with an orientation to OSHA regulations, the current field manual, the Technical Manual, hazard recognition and control, and the evaluation of the fundamental safety and health program elements. (9 days) NOTE: This course is limited to newly hired Federal and State compliance and 7(c)(1) Consultation personnel. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU'S. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch/Safety Branch. DATES: 04/08/97 - 04/18/97 08/12/97 - 08/22/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #101 SAFETY HAZARD RECOGNITION FOR INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS This introductory course to safety hazards and standards for industrial hygienists features hazard recognition related to common industrial processes and the criteria for citation or referral to safety compliance officers. Topics covered include electrical equipment, flammable liquids, compressed gases, welding, machine guarding, walking-working surfaces, materials handling, and construction. The course features a mock worksite inspection and evaluation including identification of hazards. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $1039. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's; 58.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 12/03/96 - 12/13/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #102 BASIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION This course introduces the student to basic accident investigation techniques. Topics include sources of evidence, the interviewing process, investigation management, and the evaluation of safety and health programs. The course also addresses documentation of critical factors in accordance with OSHA policy, directives, and the current field manual. (4 days) NOTE: This course is limited to newly hired Federal and State compliance and 7(c)(1) Consultation personnel. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 11/05/96 - 11/08/96 07/08/97 - 07/11/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #105 INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY STANDARDS FOR SAFETY OFFICERS This course introduces safety compliance officers to the OSHA general industry standards. Emphasis is placed on recognition of safety hazards and the documentation of apparent violations in accordance with current OSHA policy and procedures. The course features an introduction to direct reading instruments used to measure and support documented violations. (9 days) Note: This course is limited to newly hired Federal and State compliance and 7(c)(1) Consultation personnel. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 02/04/97 - 02/14/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #121 INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE FOR SAFETY PERSONNEL This course introduces the student to the general concepts of industrial hygiene. Topics include the recognition of common health hazards such as air contaminants and noise, hazard evaluation through screening and sampling, control methods for health hazards including ventilation and personal protective equipment, and criteria for referral to industrial hygiene personnel. Course features laboratories in the calibration and use of sampling and monitoring instruments. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $1039. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's; 58.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 02/25/97 - 03/07/97 09/09/97 - 09/19/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #121A INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE FOR SAFETY PERSONNEL This shortened version of #121 introduces the student to the general concepts of industrial hygiene. Topics include the recognition of common health hazards such as air contaminants and noise, hazard evaluation through screening and sampling, and control methods for health hazards including ventilation and personal protective equipment. Course features laboratories in the calibration and use of sampling and monitoring instruments. (5 days ) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 06/02/97 - 06/06/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #125 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS This course introduces industrial hygiene compliance personnel to health standards contained in OSHA's general industry standards. Topics include the permissible exposure limits' expanded health standards, noise, ergonomics, hazard communication and control methods such as ventilation and respirators. In addition, hands-on laboratories covering air and noise sampling and utilizing appropriate sections of the OSHA Technical Manual are featured. (9 days) NOTE: This course is intended for newly hired Federal and State compliance and 7(c)(1) Consultation personnel. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 01/28/97 - 02/07/97 07/08/97 - 07/18/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #141 INSPECTION TECHNIQUES AND LEGAL ASPECTS This course introduces the student to the investigative techniques related to OSHA compliance activity and to the formal requirements and processes of the legal system. Topics include interviewing techniques, case file documentation, and expectations of Department of Labor solicitors. Emphasis is placed on communication skills needed in discussions with employers and employees. The course features a mock hearing in which OSHA hearing procedures and testimony are recreated. (9 days) NOTE: This course is intended for newly hired Federal and State OSHA compliance and 7(c)(1) Consultation personnel. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch/Health Branch. DATES: 12/03/96 - 12/13/96 03/18/97 - 03/28/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #142 11(c) BASIC INVESTIGATOR TRAINING COURSE This course introduces new 11(c) investigators to the OSH Act, regulations, and policies as they relate to discrimination investigations. Section 405 of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 and other whistleblower statutes are also covered. Participants are provided with interviewing and report writing techniques. Course features discussions of elements of violations and representative cases. (9 days) NOTE: This course is intended for newly hired 11(c)/Section 405 investigators. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 04/22/97 - 05/02/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #143 INTRODUCTION TO OSHA FOR NON-TECHNICAL PERSONNEL This course is designed for OSHA administrative, clerical, and other staff who would not normally attend occupational safety and health technical courses. It provides an overview of OSHA history, terminology, structure, and operations. Topics covered include the OSH Act, the inspection process, and various programs within OSHA. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR ENROLLMENT: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch DATES: 09/23/97 - 09/26/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #144 OSHA OVERVIEW FOR NATIONAL OFFICE NON-TECHNICAL PERSONNEL This course designed for National Office administrative, clerical, and other staff who do not ordinarily attend occupational safety and health technical courses provides an introduction to OSHA field and National Office operations. Topics covered include OSHA history, terminology, structure, and operations. Coverage of the OSH Act, the inspection process and various national programs is also provided. (4 days) NOTE: This course is for OSHA National Office personnel only. For registration information, see Paragraph H.2. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: Washington, D.C. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #151 ANALYTICAL LABORATORY ORIENTATION FOR STATE CONSULTANTS This course introduces the student to the procedures used by the Analytical Laboratory for sampling, mailing, recording, and analyzing samples. Topics include selection of sampling equipment, packaging and mailing of samples, and recording sampling data. The course is designed to improve communications between field representatives and the laboratory. (2 days) NOTE: This course is intended for State consultants and OSHA consultation personnel. Class ending time is 11:45 a.m. on the last day. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA safety officers: #121. LOCATION: Wisconsin Occupational Health Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $187. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 0.8 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #152 EFFECTIVE WRITTEN COMMUNICATION This course focuses on written reports and correspondence and is intended to improve written communication skills. A review of sample documents assists the student in developing an in-depth understanding of how to construct, review, and improve written communications. Topics include readability, mechanical correctness, style, impact, organization, and bottom-line reporting. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #153 STATE PLAN MONITORING This course assists the student to effectively conduct State plan monitoring activities with an emphasis on continuous monitoring. It provides information on the hierarchy of tools with which to monitor plan States and includes the use of the Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) and State internal evaluations. It reviews the State Plan Policies and Procedures Manual and the State Plan Activities Measures (SPAM's). The course describes the new Interim and Biennial Evaluation Reports and includes workshops on requesting micro-to-host reports, developing an analysis workplan, and conducting State internal evaluations. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: To be determined. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #200 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS This course for OSHA compliance officers covers the application of 29 CFR 1926 to the construction industry. Topics include coverage of each section of the construction standards, inspection exercises, and citation documentation. Course features a one-day field trip to a construction site. Special emphasis is placed on those topics that are the most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. (9 days) NOTE: Students must bring their own hard-soled safety shoes and safety glasses for the field exercise. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. Industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety glasses, safety shoes, and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4,9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 10/22/96 - 11/01/96 07/22/97 - 08/01/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #200A CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS This shortened version of #200 covers OSHA construction standards. It is designed for non-compliance personnel who have responsibility for construction safety and health. Topics include coverage of each section of the construction standards. Special emphasis is placed on those topics that are the most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. (5 days) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. All participants must bring a current copy of the OSHA construction regulations to the course. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 11/18/96 - 11/22/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #201 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS This course covers OSHA general industry standards and integrates materials from other consensus and proprietary standards that relate to hazardous materials. Included are flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, LP-gas, cryogenic liquids, anhydrous ammonia, and explosives. Related processes such as welding, spraying, and dipping are covered, as well as electrical equipment, ventilation, and fire protection. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $1039. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's; 8.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 01/07/97 - 01/17/97 04/08/97 - 04/18/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS This shortened version of #201 covers OSHA general industry standards and integrates materials from other consensus and proprietary standards that relate to hazardous materials. Included are flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, LP-gases, and cryogenic liquids. Related processes such as spraying and dipping are covered, as well as electrical equipment. (5 days) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 4.0 CM's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. *DATES: 03/10/96 - 03/14/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #202 ADVANCED ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION This course provides advanced information on accident investigation techniques and methods. Topics include a review of sources of evidence and developing facts, findings, and conclusions. Emphasis is placed on the application of various cause analysis techniques such as change analysis and events, and causal factors charting and analysis. (4 days) NOTE: All OSHA participants must have completed #102 or the equivalent. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 02/25/97 - 02/28/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #203 BASIC ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES The course introduces the student to the basic principles of electricity. Topics include Ohm's Law, series and parallel circuits, and adverse effects of electricity on the human body. Electrical hazard recognition, OSHA electrical standards, appropriate inspection procedures, and training in various types of electrical test equipment are also covered. (4 days) NOTE: This course is intended for newly hired Federal and State compliance personnel. See also #309 Electrical Standards. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 11/19/96 - 11/22/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #204 MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS This course familiarizes the student with various types of common machinery and the related safety standards. Guidance is provided on the hazards associated with various kinds of machinery and the control of hazardous energy sources (lockout/tagout). The course presents an approach to machinery inspection that enables participants to recognize hazards and to provide options to achieve abatement. These hazards include mechanical motions and actions created by points of operation and other machinery processes. The course includes an introduction to robotics. Hands-on training in the Training Institute's laboratories and plant tours are important features of this course. (7 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $790. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 3.7 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 01/30/97 - 02/07/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS This shortened version of #204 familiarizes the student with various types of common machinery and the related safety standards. Guidance is provided on the hazards associated with various kinds of machinery and the control of hazardous energy sources (lockout/tagout). The course presents an approach to machinery inspection that enables participants to recognize hazards and to provide options to achieve abatement. These hazards include mechanical motions and actions created by points of operation and other machinery processes. Also included is hands-on training in the laboratories. (5 days) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. *DATES: 10/21/96 - 10/25/96 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #205 CRANES AND RIGGING SAFETY FOR CONSTRUCTION This course introduces the student to the various types of mobile and tower cranes used in construction operations. Students are provided with basic information concerning crane operations, crane inspection and maintenance, rigging inspection, reading load charts, and corresponding OSHA and consensus standards. Exercises in applying OSHA and ANSI standards, reading load charts and rigging tables, and preventing accidents are conducted. The course features a field trip to gain expertise in inspecting mobile cranes. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety glasses, safety shoes, and clothing appropriate for field exercise in muddy conditions. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 06/03/97 - 06/06/97 09/09/97 - 09/12/97 _________________________________________________________________ #206 MARITIME STANDARDS This course introduces maritime operations and standards, including the jurisdictional considerations of enforcement. The longshoring segment covers vessel and equipment nomenclature and the application of the longshoring and marine terminal standards. The shipyard segment covers vessel building, repair and breaking, and the application of shipyard standards. Commercial diving and marine construction are also covered. Course highlights include field exercises at a working vessel or landship for longshoring orientation and at an operating shipyard for shipyard orientation. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: To be determined. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Hard hats, safety glasses, safety shoes, and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $1039. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 04/29/97 - 05/09/97 ______________________________________________________________________ #207 FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY This course introduces the student to the recognition of potential fire hazards and emergency procedures. Topics include the chemistry of fire, types and effectiveness of extinguishing agents, means of egress, detection and alarm systems, fire brigades, fire prevention plans, and the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101). 29 CFR 1910, Subparts E and L, and referenced NFPA codes provide the basis for the course. Hands-on training is emphasized as students study and use various types of fire protection equipment. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $1039. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's; 1.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 02/25/97 - 03/07/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #207A FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY This shortened version of #207 introduces the student to the recognition of potential fire hazards and emergency procedures. Topics include the chemistry of fire, types and effectiveness of extinguishing agents, means of egress, detection and alarm systems, fire brigades, fire prevention plans, and the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101). 29 CFR 1910, Subparts E and L, and referenced NFPA codes provide the basis for the course. (5 days) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 0.5 CM's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 07/07/97 - 07/11/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #208 CRANES AND MATERIALS HANDLING FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY This course introduces various types of overhead cranes, hoists, and powered industrial trucks used in general industry. Students are provided with basic information concerning overhead and gantry cranes, wire rope, slings, and crane inspection and maintenance procedures. Operation and maintenance of powered industrial trucks is also covered. Appropriate OSHA and ANSI standards and related requirements are discussed. The course features a one-day inspection of overhead cranes and hoists. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: To be determined. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety glasses, safety shoes, and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 05/20/97 - 05/23/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #209 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND POLICY This course designed for OSHA compliance personnel covers policies and procedures during a construction inspection. Citation documentation of 29 CFR 1926 violations and other hazards in the construction industry are covered. Topics include opening and closing conferences, inspection strategy, inspection exercises, and citation documentation. (4 days) NOTE: Students must bring hard-soled safety shoes and safety glasses in order to participate in the field trip. All participants must bring a current copy of the OSHA construction regulations to the course. PREREQUISITES: Course #200. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety glasses, safety shoes, and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 03/04/97 - 03/07/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #220 INDUSTRIAL NOISE This course addresses occupational noise--its nature, hazards, evaluation, and control. Topics include physics of sound, effects of noise, occupational noise standards, noise instrumentation and measurement, frequency analysis, noise control techniques, hearing conservation, audiology, and current OSHA noise compliance policy and inspection procedures. Course highlights include laboratory exercises/workshops on instrument calibration and use, frequency analysis, impulse/impact noise measurement, noise dosimetry, and audiometric testing. Some topics in this course involve the use of basic algebra and logarithms. Students are required to bring a personal calculator to this course. (7 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. Safety personnel: #121. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $790. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 3.7 CEU's; 6.0 CM's; 44.4 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 12/05/96 - 12/13/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #221 PRINCIPLES OF INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION This course covers the principles of industrial ventilation as a means of controlling hazardous air contaminants. Topics include the classification of ventilation systems, fundamentals of air flow, make-up air, fans, air cleaners, ventilation system surveys, and OSHA policy and standards. Course highlights include laboratories utilizing the Institute's simulated industrial ventilation system. Course is calculation intensive and requires a basic knowledge of algebra. Students are required to bring a personal calculator to this course. This course does not include heating ventilation and air conditioning ventilation (HVAC). (7 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. Safety personnel: #121. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $790. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 3.7 CEU's; 6.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 04/22/97 - 04/30/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #222 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION This course covers the requirements for the establishment, maintenance, and monitoring of a respirator program. Topics include terminology, OSHA and ANSI standards, NIOSH certifications, and medical evaluation recommendations. Course features laboratories on self-contained breathing apparatus, respirator fit testing, and supplied-air respirator systems. Workshops are used to supplement classroom discussions of respirator selection and standard operating procedures. (7 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $790. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 3.7 CEU's; 6.0 CM's; 44.4 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief Health Branch. DATES: 06/19/97 - 06/27/97 08/21/97 - 08/29/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #222A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION This shortened version of #222 covers the requirements for the establishment, maintenance, and monitoring of a respirator program. Topics include terminology, OSHA and ANSI standards, NIOSH certifications, and medical evaluation recommendations. Course highlights include laboratories on respirator selection, qualitative fit testing, and the use of a large array of respiratory and support equipment for hands-on training. (5 days) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 4.0 CM's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 12/16/96 - 12/20/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #223 INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLOGY This course addresses the principles of toxicology as they apply to industrial processes. Topics include an update of recent toxicological data related to OSHA standards, biological monitoring, biotransformation, an update on current methods of toxicological testing, and chemical hazards encountered in the industrial environment with emphasis on new toxicological information in support of hazard recognition. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. Safety personnel: #121. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 05/06/97 - 05/09/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #224 LABORATORY SAFETY AND HEALTH This course introduces the student to the hazards associated with laboratories and the control of these hazards. Topics include laboratory safety codes and standards, radiation hazards, biohazards, flammable and electrical hazards, incompatible chemicals, and health effects of chemicals. Course includes a discussion of OSHA's laboratory standard and the chemical hygiene plan concept, an evaluation of laboratory hoods, and a discussion of actual laboratory operations. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. Safety personnel: #121. Industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 05/13/97 - 05/16/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS This course introduces the student to the application of ergonomic principles to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Topics include work physiology, anthropometry, musculoskeletal disorders, video display terminals, and risk factors such as vibration, temperature, manual handling, repetition, and continuous keyboard use. Course features industrial case studies covering analysis and design of work stations and equipment, laboratory sessions in manual listing, and coverage of OSHA's proposed ergonomic protection standard. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. *DATES: 02/11/97 - 02/14/97 08/26/97 - 08/29/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #226 PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE ENTRY This course is designed to increase the student's knowledge of hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. Topics include the OSHA confined space entry standard, hazards associated with entry procedures, personal protective equipment, ventilation and purging requirements, calculations and techniques, and appropriate atmosphere testing equipment and related limitations. Course features hands-on training with explosion meters, oxygen meters, and other test equipment. Students are required to bring a personal calculator to this course. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: Participants must have completed either #222 or #222A. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief Health Branch. DATES: 10/22/96 - 10/25/96 06/24/97 - 06/27/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #228 RECOGNITION, EVALUATION AND CONTROL OF IONIZING RADIATION This course introduces the student to fundamental principles of ionizing radiation. Topics include explanations of terminology, health effects, the OSHA ionizing radiation standard and other applicable standards, industrial sources, proper usage of radiation instruments, and control methods. Course features a field trip to Argonne National Laboratory for a hands-on exercise using radiation instrumentation to identify unknown sources. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants must have completed college level physics or the equivalent. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $790. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; * CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. * Being applied for. _____________________________________________________________________ #233 INDOOR AIR QUALITY This course assists health and safety professionals in evaluating indoor air quality. Focus is placed on the nature and causes of indoor air problems in office building environments as well as on investigative approaches and solutions. Topics covered include current air quality and ventilation standards, HVAC system design and operation, survey instrumentation and measurements, control techniques, sources of available help, and special issues such as bioaerosols and radon. Students are required to bring a personal calculator to this course. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 06/10/97 - 06/13/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #234 BIOHAZARDS This course assists health and safety professionals in evaluating biological hazards during occupational exposure. Focus is placed on work practices, personal protective equipment, control techniques, recognized pathogens, and current applicable OSHA standards. Course includes discussions of the bloodborne pathogens standard, TB guidelines, compliance policy, and inspection techniques. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 04/08/97 - 04/11/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #235 EXPANDED HEALTH STANDARDS This course is designed to assist OSHA compliance personnel with risk assessment and compliance programs for expanded health standards. This course includes coverage of medical surveillance/toxicology, policy and standard setting practice, industry practice, and workplace evaluation. Course features include workshops, practices in reviewing programs, and analytical methods. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. Safety personnel: #121. LOCATION: Salt Lake City Technical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's.; 3.0 CM's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #236 HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) SYSTEMS COURSE This course is designed to provide information on different types of HVAC systems and components, related standards and codes, methods of ventilation measurements, maintenance considerations, system evaluation and troubleshooting, reading plans and specifications, and OSHA compliance issues. Course highlights include performing ventilation calculations and measurements and reviewing Construction documents. Students are required to bring a personal calculator to this course. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. Safety personnel: #121. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; * CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch DATES: To be determined. * Being applied for. _____________________________________________________________________ #245 EVALUATION OF SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS This course focuses on assessing safety and health programs, emphasizing techniques to evaluate the thoroughness of the programs and the effectiveness of their implementation. The application of the OSHA Safety and Health Program Guidelines is supplemented by OSHA policy, related directives, and the current field manual. Course highlights include applying the evaluation and analysis techniques to actual program elements. (4 days) NOTE: This course is limited to Federal OSHA, State 18(b), and 7(c)(1) Consultation personnel and current Voluntary Protection Program participants. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 01/14/97 - 01/17/97 05/06/97 - 05/09/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #300 SAFETY AND HEALTH FOR OIL AND GAS WELL OPERATIONS This course focuses on the safety and health aspects of on- and off-shore oil and gas well operations. It includes terminology, processes, equipment and materials, and special hazards. The course features operations of a drilling rig and a workover rig. Participants observe oil drilling equipment and operations such as making up and breaking out pipe drilling joints, throwing the spinning chain, placing and removing drilling pipe, and working from the derrick. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. LOCATION: Texas A & M University, Abilene, Texas. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety glasses, safety shoes, and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 11/19/96 - 11/22/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #301 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND SOIL MECHANICS This course focuses on OSHA standards and on the safety aspects of excavation and trenching. Students are introduced to practical soil mechanics and its relationship to the stability of shored and unshored slopes and walls of excavations. Various types of shoring (wood timbers and hydraulic) are covered. Testing methods are demonstrated and a one-half-day field exercise is conducted, allowing students to use instruments such as penetrometers, torvane shears, and engineering rods. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. (1) All participants must have completed #200 or have equivalent construction training or experience. (2) Industrial hygienists may substitute #101 for #200. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety shoes and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 01/14/97 - 01/17/97 04/29/97 - 05/02/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #302 TUNNELING AND UNDERGROUND OPERATIONS This course focuses on the safety and health aspects of underground operations and the related OSHA standards. The student is introduced to basic tunneling operations, from sinking the initial shaft to completion of the project. Topics include inspection procedures, drill and blast methods, boring machines, and environmental controls including air quality and ventilation. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. (1) All participants must have completed #200 or have equivalent construction training or experience. (2) Industrial hygienists may substitute #101 for #200. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 08/26/97 - 08/29/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #303 CONCRETE, FORMS AND SHORING This course introduces the student to principles of forms and shoring and the quality of concrete, hot and cold weather placing practices, and inspection procedures. Topics include relevant OSHA standards, curing of concrete, form removal, and ASTM standards on sampling concrete. The session includes laboratories on making concrete, testing hardened concrete, reinforced concrete, pre- and post-stressing of concrete, lift-slab construction, and reading concrete construction blueprints and shoring plans. (3 days) NOTE: Class ending time is 4:05 p.m. on the last day. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. (1) All participants must have completed #200 or have equivalent construction training or experience. (2) Industrial hygienists may substitute #101 for #200. LOCATION: University of Wisconsin, Platteville, Wisconsin. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Appropriate clothing for mixing and handling concrete. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $374. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.7 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 02/04/97 - 02/07/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #304 POWER PRESS GUARDING This course focuses on the specific requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217, Mechanical Power Presses. Part revolution and full revolution clutch mechanisms are discussed in detail, with related hazards and guarding methods. Students operate presses in the Training Institute laboratory, determine appropriate safeguards, and analyze press operations. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants must have completed #204 or the equivalent. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 06/24/97 - 06/27/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #305 OSHA TECHNICAL UPDATE--SAFETY This course provides experienced CSHO's with current technical information about significant topics in the safety field. Topics include new safety standards, national directives, recent developments in the field of occupational safety, and up-to-date abatement methods. (4 days) NOTE: This course is intended for Federal and State compliance and consultation personnel. PREREQUISITES: All participants should have two years of OSHA experience or the equivalent. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 12/17/96 - 12/20/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #306 SAFETY AND HEALTH FOR GRAIN HANDLING OPERATIONS This course covers the safety and health aspects of the grain handling industry including terminology, processes, equipment, and mechanical/electrical safeguards. A working model of a bucket elevator leg is used to demonstrate various safety devices, such as heat detectors, motion sensors, belt alignment, and tramp metal collectors. Working models of a grain dryer and dust collector are used to provide hands-on training and show proper operating procedures. Also covered are the health hazards common to grain handling such as dusts, pesticides, and fumigants. Course materials include case histories and a review of OSHA enforcement procedures. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. (1) All participants should have one year of OSHA experience or the equivalent. (2) OSHA safety personnel must have completed #121 and OSHA industrial hygienists must have completed #101. LOCATION: Manhattan, Kansas. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 05/20/97 - 05/23/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #307 SAFETY AND HEALTH IN SAWMILLS AND LOGGING OPERATIONS This course introduces the basic components of sawmill operations, from log handling to finished products. Hazards, proper controls, and related OSHA standards are discussed for each operation. Topics such as materials handling, electrical hazards, machine guarding, and health hazards are covered. Course features a field exercise at an operating sawmill. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants should have two years of OSHA experience or the equivalent. LOCATION: To be determined. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Hard hats, safety glasses, safety shoes, hearing protection, and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 06/03/97 - 06/06/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #308 PRINCIPLES OF SCAFFOLDING This course focuses on the safety aspects of scaffolding and current OSHA requirements. The student is introduced to the basics of scaffolding operations from installation to dismantling. Topics include built-up scaffolds, suspension scaffolds, and interpretation of related standards. Installation and dismantling methods are demonstrated and a one-day field exercise is conducted. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. (1) All participants must have completed, #200 or have equivalent construction training or experience. (2) Industrial hygienists may substitute #101 for #200. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety shoes and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 12/10/96 - 12/13/96 07/15/97 - 07/18/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #309 ELECTRICAL STANDARDS This course is designed to provide the student with an indepth study of OSHA's electrical standards and the hazards associated with electrical installations and equipment. Topics include single- and three-phase systems, cord- and plug-connected and fixed equipment, grounding, ground fault circuit interrupters, hazardous locations, and safety-related work practices. The hazards of power generation, transmission, and distribution systems are also covered. Emphasis is placed on electrical hazard recognition and OSHA inspection procedures. Hands-on training is provided using various types of electrical test equipment. A field exercise at a worksite is also included in the course. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants must have completed #203 or have equivalent training or experience. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $1039. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 03/18/97 - 03/28/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS This shortened version of #309 is designed to provide the student with a survey of OSHA's electrical standards and the hazards associated with electrical installations and equipment. Topics include single and three-phase systems, cord- and plug-connected and fixed equipment, grounding, ground fault circuit interrupters, hazardous locations, and safety-related work practices. Emphasis is placed on electrical hazard recognition and OSHA inspection procedures. Hands-on training is provided using various types of electrical test equipment. (5 days) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants must have completed #203 or have equivalent training or experience. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. *DATES: 01/27/97 - 01/31/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #310 APPLIED SPRAY FINISHING AND COATING PRINCIPLES This course focuses on the hazards associated with spray finishing and coating operations. Topics include a review of industrial processes and related equipment and materials. Applicable OSHA requirements, NFPA standards, engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment are also covered. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. 1) All participants should have one year of OSHA experience or the equivalent. (2) OSHA safety personnel must have completed #121 and OSHA industrial hygienists must have completed #101. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 08/12/97 - 08/15/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #311 FALL ARREST SYSTEMS This course provides an overview of state-of-the-art technology for fall protection. Topics covered include the principles of fall protection, the components of fall arrest systems, the limitations of fall arrest equipment, and OSHA policies regarding fall protection. Course features a one-day field exercise demonstrating fall protection equipment. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. (1) All participants must have completed #200 or have equivalent construction training or experience. (2) Industrial hygienists may substitute #101 for #200. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety shoes and appropriate clothing for field exercise. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 02/25/97 - 02/28/97 05/13/97 - 05/16/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #312 HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE INSPECTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY This course is designed to increase the student's knowledge of hazardous waste site operations, emergency response procedures, safety and health hazards, and enforcement issues for the construction industry. Topics include the OSHA hazardous waste site and emergency response standard; site operations such as oil removal and handling; decontamination of heavy equipment; drilling; tank and drum removal; Superfund, RCRA, and SARA requirements; personal protective equipment; and construction strategies. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants must have completed either #200 or the equivalent and #222. LOCATION: Beckley, West Virginia. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 04/08/97 - 04/11/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #313 SAFETY AND HEALTH IN THE CHEMICAL PROCESSING INDUSTRIES FOR CONSTRUCTION This course focuses on the recognition, evaluation, and control of safety and health hazards in the chemical industry for construction related operations. Topics include hazards of confined space, crane safety, scaffolding, electrical safety and classified locations, fall protection and use of suspended personal platforms, excavation and trenching, chemical permit procedures, personal protective equipment, lock-out/tag-out, emergency action and fire prevention plans, respiratory protection, occupational noise, hazard communication, and applicable sections of 29 CFR 1926.64 for construction. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. Participants should have one year's experience or equivalent in chemical plants. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #322 APPLIED WELDING PRINCIPLES This course is designed to increase the student's knowledge of the processes and hazards associated with welding operations. Topics include the various types of welding processes such as oxy-acetylene, TIG, and open arc; proper use of each process; personal protective equipment; safety and health hazard recognition and control; and OSHA requirements. Course features demonstrations and hands-on exercises using various types of welding equipment. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Proper protective clothing, safety glasses, and safety shoes. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief Health Branch. DATES: 02/25/97 - 02/28/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #323 OSHA TECHNICAL UPDATE--HEALTH This course provides experienced CSHO's with current technical information about significant topics in the health field. Topics include new health standards; national directives; and recent developments in areas such as toxicology, noise, ergonomics, respiratory protection, industrial hygiene instrumentation, and hazard abatement methods. (4 days) NOTE: This course is intended for Federal and State compliance and consultation personnel. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants should have two years of OSHA experience or the equivalent. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 11/19/96 - 11/22/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #326 HEALTH HAZARDS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY FOR SAFETY PERSONNEL This course focuses on the recognition and evaluation of health hazards in the construction industry. Topics include health hazards associated with abrasive blasting, asbestos, confined spaces, demolition, painting, roofing, silica, lead, and welding. Participants will be instructed in the recognition of potential hazards, proper evaluation methods, applicable standards, and procedures for referring health hazards to industrial hygienists to complete the inspection/citation process. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants must have completed #121 and #200 or the equivalent. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 03/18/97 - 03/21/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #328 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE CHEMISTRY This course focuses on the laboratory analysis of workplace contaminants. Techniques, methods, and procedures used for analyzing industrial hygiene samples are discussed. Topics include microscopy, spectroscopy, chromatography, x-ray analysis, mass spectrometry, methods development, and quality control. Course highlights include hands-on training using laboratory instrumentation and a tour of the Salt Lake City Technical Center. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. (1) All participants should have a basic understanding of organic and inorganic chemistry. (2) In addition, safety personnel must have completed #121. LOCATION: Salt Lake City Technical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 3.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #330 SAFETY AND HEALTH IN THE CHEMICAL PROCESSING INDUSTRIES This course focuses on the recognition, evaluation, and control of safety and health hazards in the chemical industry. Topics include an overview of 29 CFR 1910.319, the hazards and control measures required for chemical processes, equipment, and materials commonly found in the chemical processing industries. Students participate in exercises on reading process and instrumentation diagrams, control room ventilation, and process separation for safety. A field trip to a chemical process facility is included. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. OSHA safety personnel: #121. OSHA industrial hygienists: #101. (1) All participants should have two years of OSHA experience or the equivalent. (2) Students must be devoid of facial hair in order to wear the respirator that is required for participation in the chemical plant field trip. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's; 8.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 05/06/97 - 05/16/97 07/22/97 - 08/01/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #330A SAFETY AND HEALTH IN THE CHEMICAL PROCESSING INDUSTRIES This shortened version of #330 provides the student with a survey of 29 CFR 1910.119, Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals. Topics include an overview of processes, equipment, and materials commonly found in the chemical processing industries; safety and health hazard recognition; and effective hazard control techniques. Course includes an overview of the Process Safety Management standard and OSHA compliance policies. (5 days) NOTE: This course is available to non-compliance personnel only. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 4.0 CM's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 10/28/96 - 11/01/96 _____________________________________________________________________ #331 HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE INSPECTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE This course is designed to increase the student's knowledge of hazardous waste site operations, emergency response procedures, safety and health hazards, and enforcement issues. Topics include the OSHA hazardous waste site and emergency response standard, training requirements, personal protective equipment, decontamination, incident command system, air monitoring, hazardous waste site safety plans, and site operations. Course features a hazard and risk analysis workshop and a field exercise in which participants have the opportunity to wear level A, B, C, or D chemical protective clothing while practicing procedures taught in class. (6 days) NOTE: Class ending time is 4:05 p.m. on the last day. PREREQUISITES: See Paragraph L.1. All participants must have completed #101 or #121 and #222 or the equivalent. LOCATION: To be determined. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $748. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 3.5 CEU's; 6.0 CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #332 OSHA OVERVIEW FOR PHYSICIANS This course is designed for contract and consulting physicians and primary care physicians. Topics include OSHA recordkeeping requirements, access to employee medical records, hazard communication, exposure to pathogens, TB guidelines, laboratory hazards, expanded health standards/ and hearing conservation. Course features tour of the Institute's laboratories and demonstrations of industrial equipment to assist physicians with surveys and issues relevant to occupational health in the workplace. (3 days) Note: Class ending time is 4:05 p.m. on the last day. PREREQUISITES: Participants must be licensed physicians. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $374. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.7 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #333 OSHA OVERVIEW FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSES This course provides an overview of OSHA and its regulations and guidelines for occupational health nurses. Topics include an introduction to OSHA, the inspection process, tools and terminology of industrial hygiene, recordkeeping and access to employer exposure and medical records, exposure to pathogens, and the role of the occupational health nurse in promoting occupational safety and health. Course features a simulated OSHA inspection and discussion of a comprehensive safety and health plan. (3 days) Note: Class ending time is 4:05 p.m. on the last day. PREREQUISITES: Participants must be occupational health nurses. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $374. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.7 CEU's; 20.4 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 12/17/96 - 12/19/96 08/12/97 - 08/14/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #340 HAZARD ANALYSIS IN THE CHEMICAL PROCESSING INDUSTRIES This course is designed to teach OSHA compliance officers the application of 29 CFR 1910.119 to the chemical industry. Topics include coverage or each section of the standard and corresponding practical exercises. Advanced compliance issues such as relief valve sizing, inspection strategy, nondestructive testing, and application of consensus standards and codes are discussed and reviewed. Course features a one-day field trip to a nondestructive testing laboratory. (9 days) PREREQUISITES: Course #330. All participants should have chemical plant experience or the equivalent. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 4.9 CEU's; 8.0 CM's. FOR INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 06/10/97 - 06/20/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #342 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION TRAINING PROGRAM This course is designed for experienced OSHA compliance officers and 11(c) investigators. The course introduces the students to the concepts and principles of criminal law. Topics covered include the elements of a criminal violation, crime scene investigation, collection and preservation of evidence, and interviewing techniques. Course highlights include videotaping and critiquing interview styles, and investigating staged accidents. (14 days) NOTE: This course is limited to OSHA compliance officers and 11(c) investigators. Class size is limited to 24. Do not enroll students during pre-registration. When dates are received from FLETC, the OSHA Training Institute will contact the Regions for qualified nominees. PREREQUISITES: Senior level CSHO's must be nominated by their Area Office. Enrollments must be made by the Regional Office. LOCATION: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Glynco, Georgia. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: CEU's - To be determined. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: To be determined. _____________________________________________________________________ #400 SAFETY UPDATE FOR OSHA MANAGERS This course for Federal and State OSHA managers and supervisors provides current technical information about significant safety topics as well as a forum for the exchange of safety-related information among supervisory personnel. Topics include new safety standards, national directives, and recent developments in occupational safety and health. Course features discussions by National Office managers of policy and procedure changes that impact field operations. (4 days) NOTE: Only Federal and State OSHA and Consultation supervisory personnel may be enrolled in this course. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 05/13/97 - 05/16/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #420 HEALTH UPDATE FOR OSHA MANAGERS This course for Federal and State OSHA managers and supervisors provides current technical information on significant topics in the health area as well as a forum for the exchange of health-related information among supervisory personnel. Topics include new health standards; national directives; and recent developments in areas such as toxicology, noise, ergonomics, respiratory protection, industrial hygiene instrumentation, and hazard abatement methods. (4 days) NOTE: Only Federal and State OSHA and Consultation supervisory personnel may be enrolled in this course. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: No private sector enrollment. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; * CM's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. DATES: 11/19/96 - 11/22/96 * Being applied for. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY This course is designed for personnel in the private sector interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health outreach program to their employees and other interested groups. Special emphasis is placed on those topics that are required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as on those that are the most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. Course participants are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the effective use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to conduct both a 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health course and to issue cards to participants certifying course completion. (5 days) NOTE: Private sector personnel who are not interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour programs should enroll in #510. All participants must bring a current copy of the OSHA construction regulations, 29 CFR 1926, to the course. PREREQUISITES: Course #510 or equivalent and five years of construction safety experience. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 10/21/96 - 10/25/96 06/16/97 - 06/20/97 03/10/97 - 03/14/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center Schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY This course designed for private sector personnel presents detailed information on how the provisions of the OSH Act may be implemented in the workplace. Rights and responsibilities under the OSH Act, the appeals process, and recordkeeping are covered. The course also includes an introduction to OSHA's general industry standards and an overview of the requirements of the more frequently referenced standards. This course allows the student to conduct both a 10- and 30-hour voluntary compliance course and issue cards to participants certifying course completion. (5 days) NOTE: All participants must bring a current copy of the OSHA regulations, 29 CFR 1910, to the course. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. *DATES: 11/18/96 - 11/22/96 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 04/28/97 - 05/02/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules _____________________________________________________________________ #502 UPDATE FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OUTREACH TRAINERS This course is designed for personnel in the private sector who have completed #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and who are active trainers in the outreach program. It provides an update on such topics as OSHA construction standards, policies, and regulations. (4 days) PREREQUISITES: Course #500. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 01/07/97 - 01/10/97 03/04/97 - 03/07/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #503 UPDATE FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY OUTREACH TRAINERS This course is designed for private sector personnel who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are active trainers in the outreach program. It provides an update on OSHA general industry standards and OSHA policies. (4 days) NOTE: All participants must bring a current copy of the OSHA regulations, 29 CFR 1910, to the course. PREREQUISITES: Course #501. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $415. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1.9 CEU's; 22.8 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 02/11/97 - 02/14/97 _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY This course for private sector personnel covers OSHA policies, procedures, and standards, as well as construction safety and health principles. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA construction standards. Special emphasis is placed on those areas that are the most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. Upon successful course completion, the student will receive an OSHA construction safety and health 30-hour course completion card. (5 days) NOTE: All participants must bring a current copy of the OSHA construction regulations, 29 CFR 1926, to the course. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's; 30.0 contact hours. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Construction Branch. DATES: 12/02/96 - 12/06/96 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 02/10/97 - 02/14/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE This course for private sector personnel covers industrial hygiene practices and related OSHA regulations and procedures. Topics include permissible exposure limits, OSHA health standards, respiratory protection, engineering controls, hazard communication, OSHA sampling procedures and strategy, workplace health program elements, and other industrial hygiene topics. Course highlights include workshops in health hazard recognition, OSHA health standards, and a safety and health program workshop. (5 days) PREREQUISITES: Course #501. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $540. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.5 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Health Branch. *DATES: 07/28/97 - 08/01/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES This course introduces Federal agency collateral duty (part-time) safety and health personnel to the OSH Act, Executive Order 12196, 29 CFR 1960, and 29 CFR 1910. It enables them to recognize basic safety and health hazards in their own workplaces and to effectively assist agency safety and health officers in their inspection and abatement efforts. The course features a mock inspection of a government facility. (5 days) NOTE: Class starting time is 12:45 p.m. on the first day. All participants must bring a current copy of 29 CFR 1910 to the course. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $478. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 2.2 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. *DATES: 12/16/96 - 12/20/96 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 * See Appendix B for OSHA Training Institute Education Center schedules. _____________________________________________________________________ #601 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES This course is designed for full-time Federal agency safety and health officers or supervisors assigned responsibilities under Executive Order 12196 and 29 CFR 1960. The course provides an overview of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Federal agency responsibilities with respect to OSHA, and workplace inspection techniques. Participants are given instruction in various OSHA standards. Actual or simulated workplace inspections are included. Course features a mock inspection and use of laboratory equipment. (10 days) NOTE: Class starting time is 12:45 p.m. on the first day. All participants must bring a current copy of 29 CFR 1910 to this course. PREREQUISITES: None. LOCATION: OSHA Training Institute. PRIVATE SECTOR TUITION: $1101. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 5.2 CEU's. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Chief, Safety Branch. DATES: 03/03/97 - 03/14/97 08/18/97 - 08/29/97 06/09/97 - 06/20/97 _____________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B University of California, San Diego 15373 Innovation Drive San Diego, California 92128-3424 1-800-358-9206 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 02/24/97 - 02/27/97 08/18/97 - 08/21/97 05/19/97 - 05/22/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 11/04/96 - 11/07/96 (LA) 06/02/97 - 06/05/97 (LA) 03/10/97 - 03/13/97 08/04/97 - 08/07/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 02/03/97 - 02/06/97 08/04/97 - 08/07/97 05/12/97 - 05/15/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 10/21/96 - 10/24/96 (LA) 05/19/97 - 05/22/97 (LA) 02/24/97 - 02/27/97 08/18/97 - 08/21/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11/11/96 - 11/15/96 06/16/97 - 06/20/97 02/03/97 - 02/07/97 09/08/97 - 09/12/97 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 11/04/96 - 11/08/96 (LV) 06/23/97 - 06/27/97 11/18/96 - 11/22/96 07/28/97 - 08/01/97 01/27/97 - 01/31/97 09/15/97 - 09/19/97 03/17/97 - 03/21/97 05/05/97 - 05/09/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11/04/96 - 11/08/96 04/07/97 - 04/11/97 01/27/97 - 01/31/97 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 09/30/96 - 10/04/96 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 11/18/96 - 11/22/96 05/12/97 - 05/16/97 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 08/11/97 - 08/15/97 TUITION: $495. (LA) Course scheduled in Los Angeles, California. (LV) Course scheduled in Las Vegas, Nevada. Eastern Michigan University-United Auto Workers 2000 Huron River Drive, Suite 101 Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 1-800-932-8689 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 12/09/96 - 12/13/96 06/09/97 - 06/13/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 04/07/97 - 04/11/97 09/22/97 - 09/26/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLE OF ERGONOMICS 10/14/96 - 10/17/96 04/14/97 - 04/17/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11/18/96 - 11/22/96 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 01/06/97 - 01/10/97 09/08/97 - 09/12/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 11/11/96 - 11/15/96 05/12/97 - 05/16/97 01/20/97 - 01/24/97 07/07/97 - 07/11/97 03/10/97 - 03/14/97 09/15/97 - 09/19/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11/11/96 - 11/15/96 02/17/97 - 02/21/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 02/24/97 - 02/28/97 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 03/17/97 - 03/21/97 TUITION: $575. _____________________________________________________________________ Georgia Tech Research Institute Environmental Science and Technology Laboratory 151 Sixth Street Atlanta, Georgia 30332 1-800-653-3629 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 08/25/97 - 08/29/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 02/17/97 - 02/21/97 08/11/97 - 08/15/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 02/11/97 - 02/14/97 09/09/97 - 09/12/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 06/02/97 - 06/06/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/07/96 - 10/11/96 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 01/13/97 - 01/17/97 (OR) 07/21/97 - 07/25/97 (TA) TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 11/11/96 - 11/15/96 05/05/97 - 05/09/97 01/13/97 - 01/17/97 (OR) 07/21/97 - 07/25/97 (TA) 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 09/22/97 - 09/26/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11/04/96 - 11/08/96 04/14/97 - 04/18/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 02/03/97 - 02/07/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 03/17/97 - 03/21/97 TUITION: $625. _____________________________________________________________________ (OR) Course scheduled in Orlando, Florida. (TA) Course scheduled in Tampa, Florida. Great Lakes OSHA Training Consortium (University of Minnesota, Minnesota Safety Council, University of Cincinnati) 640 Jackson Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 1-800-493-2060 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 02/10/97 - 02/13/97* 03/24/97 - 03/27/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 10/14/96 - 10/17/96* 09/09/97 - 09/12/97* 06/10/97 - 06/13/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 07/22/97 - 07/25/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 01/28/97 - 01/31/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 12/03/96 - 12/06/96 01/07/97 - 01/10/97* TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 09/10/96 - 09/13/96 09/09/97 - 09/12/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 12/09/96 - 12/12/96* 02/25/97 - 02/28/97 01/14/97 - 01/17/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 01/28/97 - 01/31/97 03/17/97 - 03/20/97* TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 04/08/97 - 04/11/97 07/21/97 - 07/24/97* TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ * Course scheduled at University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Keene State College 175 Ammon Drive Manchester, New Hampshire 03103 1-800-449-6742 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 01/13/97 - 01/17/97 09/29/97 - 10/03/97 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 01/06/97 - 01/09/97 09/22/97 - 09/25/97 05/19/97 - 05/22/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/28/96 - 11/01/96 05/12/97 - 05/16/97 12/02/96 - 12/06/96 06/23/97 - 06/27/97 03/31/97 - 04/04/97 08/11/97 - 08/15/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 11/04/96 - 11/08/96 06/16/97 - 06/20/97 12/16/96 - 12/20/96 07/28/97 - 08/01/97 03/10/97 - 03/14/97 09/08/97 - 09/12/97 05/05/97 - 05/09/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/21/96 - 10/25/96 04/14/97 - 04/18/97 02/03/97 - 02/07/97 07/21/97 - 07/25/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 01/27/97 - 01/31/97 06/09/97 - 06/13/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 02/10/97 - 02/14/97 08/18/97 - 08/22/97 TUITION: $565. _____________________________________________________________________ Maple Woods Community College Division of Continuing Education 2601 N E Barry Road Kansas City, Missouri 64156 1-800-841-7158 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 08/18/97 - 08/21/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 10/07/96 - 10/10/96 06/23/97 - 06/27/97 02/24/97 - 02127/97 09/22/97 - 09/25/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 11/11/96 - 11/14/96 06/09/97 - 06/12/97 12/02/96 - 12/05/96 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 01/27/97 - 01/30/97 09/22/97 - 09/25/97 05/19/97 - 05/22/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 09/30/96 - 10/03/96 04/28/97 - 05/01/97 12/09/96 - 12/12/96 07/07/97 - 07/10/97 02/03/97 - 02/06/97 09/08/97 - 09/11/97 09/15/97 - 09/18/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 10/28/96 - 10/31/96 04/21/97 - 04/24/97 11/18/96 - 11/21/96 05/12/97 - 05/15/97 01/13/97 - 01/16/97 06/16/97 - 06/19/97 02/10/97 - 02/13/97 07/14/97 - 07/17/97 03/24/97 - 03/27/97 09/15/97 - 09/18/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 12/02/96 - 12/05/96 05/05/97 - 05/08/97 02/24/97 - 02/27/97 08/11/97 - 08/14/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 12/09/97 - 12/12/96 05/19/97 - 05/22/97 03/03/97 - 03/06/97 07/28/97 - 07/31/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 06/16/97 - 06/19/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ National Resource Center for OSHA Training, A Consortium of Building and Construction Trades Department AFL-CIO and West Virginia University Safety and Health Extension 815 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 1-800-367-6724 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 03/24/97 - 03/27/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 01/13/97 - 01/16/97 08/25/97 - 08/29/97 (W) TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 04/07/97 - 04/10/97 07/14/97 - 07/17/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 04/21/97 - 04/24/97 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 (W) TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/21/96 - 10/24/96 05/05/97 - 05/09/97 (M) 12/09/96 - 12/13/96 (W) 06/23/97 - 06/26/97 02/10/97 - 02/13/97 08/18/97 - 08/21/97 03/17/97 - 03/20/97 09/08/97 - 09/12/97 (W) 04/14/97 - 04/17/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 10/07/96 - 10/11/96 (W) 04/21/97 - 04/24/97 (W) 11/04/96 - 11/07/96 05/12/97 - 05/15/97 12/02/96 - 12/06/96 (M) 06/09/97 - 06/13/97 (W) 02/10/97 - 02/14/97 (W) 08/04/97 - 08/08/97 (M) 02/24/97 - 02/27/97 09/15/97 - 09/18/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11/18/96 - 11/21/96 04/07/97 - 04/11/97 (N) 01/20/97 - 01/23/97 07/21/97 - 07/24/97 02/03/97 - 02/07/97 (W) 08/11/97 - 08/15/97 (W) 03/03/97 - 03/06/97 09/22/97 - 09/25/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 10/28/96 - 10/31/96 06/23/97 - 06/27/97 (M) 03/17/97 - 03/21/97 (W) 09/22/97 - 09/26/97 (W) 06/16/97 - 06/19/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 03/10/97 - 03/13/97 08/11/97 - 08/14/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, courses are scheduled in Silver Spring, Maryland. (W) Scheduled at West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia. (M) Scheduled at Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia. The National Safety Education Center (Northern Illinois University, Construction Safety Council, National Safety Council) Northern Illinois University College of Engineering and Engineering Technology External Programming Dekalb, Illinois 60115-2854 1-800-656-5317 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 05/05/97 - 05/09/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 02/24/97 - 02/28/97 08/11/97 - 08/15/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 05/27/97 - 05/30/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 06/23/97 - 06/27/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11/11/96 - 11/15/96 03/17/97 - 03/21/97 12/09/96 - 12/13/96 05/19/97 - 05/23/97 01/13/97 - 01/17/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 11/18/96 - 11/22/96 05/12/97 - 05/16/97 01/13/97 - 01/17/97 06/16/97 - 06/20/97 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 07/07/97 - 07/11/97 03/10/97 - 03/14/97 09/15/97 - 09/19/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/21/95 - 10/25/96 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 12/02/96 - 12/06/96 06/02/97 - 06/06/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 10/28/96 - 11/01/96 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 TUITION: $695. _____________________________________________________________________ Niagara County Community College Department of Corporate Training 160 Washburn Street P.O. Box 70 Lockport, New York 14095 1-800-280-OSHA (6742) _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 12/02/96 - 12/05/96 06/02/97 - 06/05/97 03/03/97 - 03/06/97 09/08/97 - 09/11/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 11/12/96 - 11/15/96 05/12/97 - 05/15/97 02/10/97 - 02/13/97 08/11/97 - 08/14/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 11/04/96 - 11/07/96 05/05/97 - 05/08/97 02/03/97 - 02/06/97 08/04/97 - 08/07/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 10/07/96 - 10/10/96 04/07/97 - 04/10/97 01/06/97 - 01/09/97 07/07/97 - 07/10/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 09/16/96 - 09/19/96 04/21/97 - 04/24/97 10/21/96 - 10/24/96 05/19/97 - 05/22/97 12/16/96 - 12/19/96 06/16/97 - 06/19/97 01/21/97 - 01/24/97 07/21/97 - 07/24/97 02/18/97 - 02/21/97 08/18/97 - 08/21/97 03/17/97 - 03/20/97 09/15/97 - 09/18/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 09/23/96 - 09/26/96 04/28/97 - 05/01/97 10/28/96 - 10/31/96 05/27/97 - 05/30/97 11/18/96 - 11/21/96 06/23/97 - 06/26/97 01/27/97 - 01/30/97 07/28/97 - 07/31/97 02/24/97 - 02/27/97 08/25/97 - 08/28/97 03/24/97 - 03/27/97 09/22/97 - 09/25/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 01/13/97 - 01/16/97 07/14/97 - 07/17/97 04/14/97 - 04/17/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 12/09/96 - 12/12/96 06/09/97 - 06/12/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 10/15/96 - 10/18/96 03/10/97 - 03/13/97 TUITION: $500. _____________________________________________________________________ Red Rocks Community College/ Trinidad State Junior College 13300 West Sixth Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80401-5398 1-800-933-8394 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 01/06/97 - 01/10/97 06/09/97 - 06/13/97 03/31/97 - 04/04/97 09/29/97 - 10/03/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 01/13/97 - 01/16/97 07/14/97 - 07/17/97 04/14/97 - 04/17/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 12/17/96 - 12/20/96 06/24/97 - 06/27/97 03/04/97 - 03/07/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 11/04/96 - 11/08/96 05/12/97 - 05/16/97 02/17/97 - 02/21/97 09/08/97 - 09/12/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/07/96 - 10/11/96 04/07/97 - 04/11/97 11/04/96 - 11/08/96 05/05/97 - 05/09/97 12/02/96 - 12/06/96 06/02/97 - 06/06/97 01/06/97 - 01/10/97 07/07/97 - 07/11/97 02/03/97 - 02/07/97 08/04/97 - 08/08/97 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 09/08/97 - 09/12/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 10/14/96 - 10/18/96 04/14/97 - 04/18/97 11/11/96 - 11/15/96 05/12/97 - 05/16/97 12/09/96 - 12/13/96 06/09/97 - 06/13/97 01/13/97 - 01/17/97 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 02/10/97 - 02/14/97 08/11/97 - 08/18/97 03/10/97 - 03/14/97 09/15/97 - 09/19/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/28/96 - 10/31/96 06/30/97 - 07/03/97 02/24/97 - 02/27/97 09/29/97 - 10702/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 01/27/97 - 01/31/97 07/28/97 - 08/01/97 04/28/97 - 05/02/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 12/09/96 - 12/12/96 06/30/97 - 07/03/97 03/24/97 - 03/27/97 TUITION: $495. _____________________________________________________________________ Texas Engineering Extension Service The Texas A&M University System 15510 IH-20 at Lumley Mesquite, Texas 75181 1-800-SAFE 811 (723-3811) _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 03/03/97 - 03/07/97 08/18/97 - 08/22/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 01/20/97 - 01/24/97 08/25/97 - 08/29/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #225 PRINCIPLES OF ERGONOMICS 04/22/97 - 04/25/97 08/19/97 - 08/22/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 03/10/97 - 03/14/97 09/22/97 - 09/26/97 06/16/97 - 06/20/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/28/96 - 11/01/96 05/26/97 - 05/29/97 12/02/96 - 12/06/96 06/09/97 - 06/13/97 01/20/97 - 01/24/97 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 02/17/97 - 02/20/97 07/21/97 - 07/25/97 02/24/97 - 02/28/97 08/11/97 - 08/15/97 03/31/97 - 04/04/97 08/18/97 - 08/22/97 04/21/97 - 04/25/97 09/29/97 - 10/03/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 10/07/96 - 10/11/96 04/07/97 - 04/11/97 11/04/96 - 11/08/96 05/05/97 - 05/09/97 12/02/96 - 12/06/96 06/02/97 - 06/06/97 01/13/97 - 01/16/97 06/23/97 - 06/27/97 01/27/97 - 01/31/97 07/14/97 - 07/18/97 02/10/97 - 02/14/97 07/28/97 - 08/01/97 02/24/97 - 02/28/97 08/04/97 - 08/08/97 03/24/97 - 03/28/97 09/08/97 - 09/12/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 10/07/96 - 10/10/96 05/05/97 - 05/08/97 12/09/96 - 12/12/96 05/19/97 - 05/22/97 01/13/97 - 01/16/97 07/14/97 - 07/17/97 02/10/97 - 02/13/97 08/04/97 - 08/07/97 03/24/97 - 03/27/97 09/22/97 - 09/25/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 10/21/96 - 10/25/96 04/07/97 - 04/11/97 02/03/97 - 02/07/97 09/15/97 - 09/19/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 10/14/96 - 10/18/96 04/28/97 - 05/02/97 TUITION: $595. _____________________________________________________________________ University of Washington Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite #100 Seattle, Washington 98105-6099 1-800-326-7568 _____________________________________________________________________ #201A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 12/09/96 - 12/12/96 06/16/97 - 06/19/97 01/20/97 - 01/23/97* TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #204A MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING STANDARDS 02/03/97 - 02/06/97 08/18/97 - 08/21/97* TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #309A ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 12/16/96 - 12/19/96 07/28/97 - 07/31/97 02/24/97 - 02/27/97* TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #500 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 01/21/97 - 01/24/97 05/12/97 - 05/15/97 03/17/97 - 03/20/97* TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #501 TRAINER COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 02/18/97 - 02/21/97 06/09/97 - 06/12/97 04/07/97 - 04/10/97* 07/21/97 - 07/24/97* TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #510 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 01/14/97 - 01/17/97 10/27/97 - 10/30/97 05/05/97 - 05/08/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #521 OSHA GUIDE TO INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE 12/02/96 - 12/05/96 03/03/97 - 03/06/97* TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ #600 COLLATERAL DUTY COURSE FOR OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES 11/18/96 - 11/21/96 04/07/97 - 04/10/97 TUITION: $525. _____________________________________________________________________ * Course scheduled in Portland, Oregon. APPENDIX C COURSE TITLE COURSE NO. PAGE Advanced Accident Investigation 202 A-10 Analytical Laboratory Orientation for State Consultants 151 A-6 Applied Spray Finishing and 310 A-27 Coating Principles Applied Welding Principles 322 A-29 Basic Accident Investigation 102 A-2 Basic Electrical Principles 203 A-10 Biohazards 234 A-20 Collateral Duty Course for Other 600 A-39 Federal Agencies Concrete, Forms and Shoring 303 A-23 Construction Inspection Procedures 209 A-14 and Policy Construction Standards 200 A-8 Construction Standards 200A A-8 Cranes and Materials Handling for 208 A-14 General Industry Cranes and Rigging Safety for 205 A-12 Construction Criminal Investigation Training Program 342 A-34 Effective Written Communication 152 A-7 Electrical Standards 309 A-26 Electrical Standards 309A A-27 11(c) Basic Investigator Training Course 142 A-5 Evaluation of Safety and Health Programs 245 A-21 Excavation, Trenching and Soil Mechanics 301 A-22 Expanded Health Standards 235 A-20 Fall Arrest Systems 311 A-28 Fire Protection and Life Safety 207 A-13 Fire Protection and Life Safety 207A A-13 Hazard Analysis in the Chemical 340 A-34 Processing Industries Hazardous Materials 201 A-9 Hazardous Materials 201A A-9 Hazardous Waste Site Inspection and 331 A-32 Emergency Response Hazardous Waste Site Inspection and 312 A-28 Emergency Response for the Construction Industry Health Hazards in the Construction 326 A-30 Industry for Safety Personnel Health Update for OSHA Managers 420 A-35 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 236 A-21 (HVAC) Systems Course Indoor Air Quality 233 A-19 Industrial Hygiene Chemistry 328 A-31 Industrial Noise 220 A-15 Industrial Toxicology 223 A-17 Initial Compliance Course 100 A-1 Inspection Techniques and Legal Aspects 141 A-4 Introduction to Health Standards for 125 A-4 Industrial Hygienists Introduction to Industrial Hygiene for 121 A-3 Safety Personnel Introduction to Industrial Hygiene for 121A A-3 Safety Personnel Introduction to OSHA for Non-Technical 143 A-5 Personnel Introduction to Safety Standards for 105 A-2 Safety Officers Laboratory Safety and Health 224 A-17 Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards 204 A-11 Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards 204A A-11 Maritime Standards 206 A-12 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene 521 A-39 OSHA Overview for National Office 144 A-6 Non-Technical Personnel OSHA Overview for Occupational Health 333 A-33 Nurse OSHA Overview for Physicians 332 A-33 OSHA Technical Update--Health 323 A-30 OSHA Technical Update--Safety 305 A-26 Occupational Safety and Health 601 A-40 Course for Other Federal Agencies Occupational Safety and Health 510 A-38 Standards for the Construction Industry Permit-Required Confined Space Entry 226 A-18 Power Press Guarding 304 A-24 Principles of Ergonomics 225 A-18 Principles of Industrial Ventilation 221 A-15 Principles of Scaffolding 308 A-26 Recognition, Evaluation and Control 228 A-19 of Ionizing Radiation Respiratory Protection 222 A-16 Respiratory Protection 222A A-16 Safety and Health for Grain Handling 306 A-25 Operations Safety and Health for Oil and Gas 300 A-22 Well Operations Safety and Health in Sawmills and 307 A-25 Logging Operations Safety and Health in the Chemical 330 A-31 Processing Industries Safety and Health in the Chemical 330A A-32 Processing Industries Safety and Health in the Chemical 313 A-29 Processing Industries for Construction Safety Hazard Recognition for 101 A-1 Industrial Hygienists Safety Update for OSHA Managers 400 A-35 State Plan Monitoring 153 A-7 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety 501 A-37 and Health Standards for General Industry Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and 500 A-36 Health Standards for the Construction Industry Tunneling and Underground Operations 302 A-23 Update for Construction Industry 502 A-37 Outreach Trainers Update for General Industry 503 A-38 Outreach Trainers