- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:STD 1-5.5
- Old Directive Number:STD 1-5.5
- Title:Sinks used for Cleaning Operations
- Information Date:
- Standard Number:1910.108(a)(1)

OSHA Instruction STD 1-5.5 October 30. 1978
February 20, 1973
TO: Field and National Offices
Subject: Sinks Used for Cleaning Operations
1. Purpose. To clarify the applicability of 29 CFR 1910.108.
2. Background. There has been confusion as to whether sinks containing flammable or combustible liquids used for cleaning of parts are "dip tanks" under Section 1910.108(a)(1).
3. Interpretation. Dip tanks are described in great detail in Section 1910.108. These specifications indicate that dip tanks are not of the same nature as sinks containing flammable and combustible liquids used for parts cleaning, which are therefore not subject to Section 1910.108. The handling and storage of flammable and combustible liquids are covered by Section 1910.106.
4. Effective Date. This instruction is effective upon receipt and will remain in effect until canceled or superseded.
Director, Office of Standards
DISTRIBUTION: National Office Field A/Sec (3) Regional Administrators (3) Dep A/Sec (2) ARA Technical (2) Associate Administrator ARA Compliance (2) Directors (3) ARA State (1) SOL (35) Area/District Offices (3) BLS (1) Training Institute (4) Review Commission (6) CSHO's (1) NIOSH (1) Designated State Agencies (1) OGO Professional Staff (70) NIOSH Regional Program Directors OS Professional Staff (50) SOL Regional Attorneys (1) OS Tech. Centers (1) NACOSH Subcommittee (1)
(Originator: OSS)