- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:STD 01-01-006
- Old Directive Number:STD 1-1.6
- Title:29 CFR 1910.23(e)(5), (iii), Clearance of Handrails and Railings -- General Industry
- Information Date:

OSHA Instruction STD 1-1.6 October 30, 1978
Subject: 29 CFR 1910.23(e)(5)(iii), Clearance of Handrails and Railings--General Industry
1. Purpose
- The purpose of this directive is to provide guidelines on citing 29 CFR 1910.23(e)(5)(iii).
2. Documentation Affected
- This directive supersedes Field Information Memorandum #75-18 dated March 6, 1975
3. Background
- a. The present Standard, 29 CFR 1910.23(e)(5)(iii), states in part: "The length of brackets shall be such as will give a clearance between handrail and wall or any projection thereon of at least 3 inches. " 29 CFR 1910.23(e)(6) states: "All handrails and railings shall be provided with a clearance of not less than 3 inches between the handrail or railing and any other object."
- b. The proposed changes to Walking-Working Surfaces, will allow all handrails and railings to have a clearance of at least one and one-half inches between the handrail or railing and any other object.
OSHA Instruction STD 1-1.6 October 30, 1978
4. Action
- Pending final approval of the proposed changes in the standards, any violation of the clearance requirement of handrails and railings required in 29 CFR 1910.23 shall be considered de minimis, if the clearance is at least 1-1/2 inches.
5. Effective Date
- This directive is effective immediately and will remain in effect until canceled or superseded.
Richard P. Wilson Deputy Director, Federal Compliance and State Programs
A-1 E-1 B-2 HEW-1 C-1 NIOSH Regional Directors-1 D-4&5 NACOSH-1 Training Institute-4
(Originator: OCCS)