- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:CPL 2-2.54
- Old Directive Number:CPL 2-2.54
- Title:Respiratory Protection Program Manual
- Information Date:

OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.54 February 10, 1992 Office of Science and Technology Assessment
A. PURPOSE. This instruction sets forth accepted practices for respirator users, provides information and guidance on the proper selection, use, and care of respirators, and contains requirements for establishing an OSHA respirator program.
B. SCOPE. This instruction applies to all OSHA employees who need to wear a respirator to perform her/his duties.
C. IMPLEMENTATION. Detailed instructions for implementing the above requirements are prescribed in the following chapters.
- 1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Compliance
Safety and Health Officers (CSHO's) as well as other Agency personnel may be
exposed to a variety of respiratory hazards while conducting safety and
health compliance inspections, consultation or monitoring visits.
- 2. The human respiratory system can be protected by avoiding or
minimizing exposure to harmful substances; however, in some cases this may
not be possible and an appropriate respirator shall be required. Certain
respirators can reduce/remove many contaminants from an atmosphere. When
concentrations of these contaminants are too high to be reduced/removed or
when oxygen levels are too low, other respirators are available which can
supply breathing quality air to the wearer. Therefore, proper selection of
the appropriate respirator for the conditions at hand is mandatory.
E. FEDERAL PROGRAM CHANGE. This instruction describes a Federal program change which affects State programs. Each Regional Administrator shall:
- 1. Ensure that this instruction is forwarded to each State
designee using a format consistent with the Plan Change Two-Way Memorandum in
Appendix P, OSHA Instruction STP 2.22A, CH-2.
- 2. Explain the technical content of this instruction to the State
designee upon request.
- 3. Ensure that State designees acknowledge receipt of this Federal
program change in writing to the Regional Administrator as soon as the
State's intention is known, but not later than 70 calendar days after the
date of issuance (10 days for mailing and 60 days for response). This
acknowledgement should include an indication of the State's intention either
to follow the respiratory program requirements in the following chapters of
this instruction or to develop alternative "at least as effective"
requirements. If the State adopts alternative requirements, ensure that it
submits a plan supplement within six months, in accordance with OSHA
Instruction STP 2.22A, CH-3, as appropriate, following the established
schedule that is agreed upon by the State and Regional Administrator to
submit non-Field Operations Manual/Technical Manual Federal Program
- 4. Inform each State designee that this instruction provides
specific methods and guidelines for implementation of a respiratory program
for Safety and Health Compliance Officers and sets out the requirements for a
minimum acceptable respiratory protection program for the Agency. To ensure
that State Compliance Officers are provided the minimum protection prescribed
in 29 CFR 1910.134, each state must either follow the respiratory program
requirements prescribed in following chapters of this instruction or develop
alternative requirements which are as effective.
- 5. Review policies, instructions and guidelines issued by the
State to determine if this change has been communicated to State
Gerard F. Scannell Assistant Secretary
DISTRIBUTION: National, Regional and Area Offices, All CSHOs, State Designees, 7(c)(1) Project Managers, NIOSH Regional Program Directors
- Office of Science and Technology
- A. NATIONAL OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1 B.
REGIONAL OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1 C. AREA OFFICE . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-2 D. PROGRAM COORDINATOR . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . I-3 E. CSHO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . I-5
- A. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-1 B.
RESPIRATORS. . . . . . . . . . . III-6
Chapter IV. TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IV-1
- A. QUANTITATIVE FIT TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-1
- 1. PURPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-1 2.
DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-1 3. APPARATUS. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . V-1 4. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . .
. . V-3 5. EXERCISE REGIMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-5 6.
CALCULATION OF FIT FACTORS . . . . . . . . . . V-7
- 1. PURPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-8 2.
RESPIRATOR SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-8 3. FIT TEST PROCEDURE .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . V-8
- C. OTHER REQUIREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V-12 D.
RECORDKEEPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V-13
Chapter VI. MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VI-1
APPENDIX A Checklist and Inspection form for MSA SCBA A-1
APPENDIX B Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for
The guidelines established in this program may be supplemented as local needs dictate. However, the direction herein MUST be included in Regional and Area Office programs.
- 1. Issue guidelines and directives that initiate and update the
- 2. Assist the Regional Administrators in complying with the
- 3. Recommend appropriate respiratory protective equipment.
- 4. Audit and review the effectiveness of the program.
- 5. Administrate the respiratory protection program for the
National Office personnel.
- 1. Establish a Regional respirator program and ensure that each
Area Office establishes/implements a consistent program.
- 2. Examine and evaluate the Area Office's program to determine its
- 3. Recommend systems for complying with the program and assist in
technical requirements.
- 4. Maintain models and sizes of air-purifying type of respirator
available for selection and fitting. These models and sizes will be
representative of respirators from major manufacturers.
- 5. Ensure the purchase of the proper type of equipment in adequate
- 6. Establish a respirator program for Regional Office staff as
outlined in Area Office requirements of this section.
- 7. Appoint a Regional coordinator to administer and evaluate the
overall program. The Regional coordinator monitors field office adherence to
the procedures established in this directive. A written report detailing
program effectiveness measures shall be submitted to the Director,
Directorate of Technical Support annually.
- 8. ANNUAL REPORT FORMAT. The following information shall be
included in the annual report.
- a. Listing by field office by name of those quantitatively fit
tested including:
- (1) Current test date, quantitative fit testing/ (QNFT)
method (Portacount or Photometric), respirator models evaluated and fit
factors (FF) derived.
- (2) Most recent previous quantitative fit test date, model
selected and fit factors (FF) obtained.
- b. Resources used to administer the program
- (1) Staff-years to perform quantitative fit testing
including subject time.
- (2) Staff-years to administer program which includes
training, evaluation and report writing.
- c. Comments and suggestions concerning program administration,
effectiveness, technical problems relating to equipment and other relevant
- 1. Assume responsibility for administrating the program in the
Area Office.
- 2. Ensure that the respirator program is adhered to by the
- 3. Delegate authority for the coordination of the program, or
parts of the program, to a person(s) trained in the use and care of specific
types of equipment as determined by the Area Director. Responsibility and
authority for the respirator program shall be assigned to a single person.
This individual will be designated the Respiratory Protection Program
- 4. Provide an evaluation of the respiratory protection program to
the Regional Coordinator annually. The report shall include the elements
listed under THE ANNUAL REPORT FORMAT (b.8.) of this chapter.
- 1. Attend the OSHA Training Institute respiratory protection
- 2. Develop standard operating procedures (SOPs)
- 3. Be responsible for cleaning, maintenance and storage of all
respirators not routinely used, or not individually assigned.
- 4. Maintain respirator supplies, including spare parts; obtain new
equipment and maintain non-individually assigned equipment ready for
- 5. Ensure that sufficient quantities of filters and chemical
cartridges and canisters for specific contaminants shall be available in each
Area Office.
- 6. Aid CSHOs in respirator fit testing. Each CSHO shall receive
respirator fitting instructions and undergo at least annual quantitative fit
testing to select the best fitting facepiece. Fit testing shall be performed
more frequently to meet the requirements prescribed in specific standards
such as asbestos or acrylonitrile.
- 7. Ensure that each Area Office properly maintains long service
life and emergency escape self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs). A
fully charged spare cylinder shall be available for routine use SCBA. These
cylinders will be properly inspected and maintained.
- 8. Provide additional training and information for CSHOs in the
correct use, maintenance, cleaning and care of respirators. Respirators
shall be repaired under the direction of the PROGRAM COORDINATOR.
- 9. Evaluate periodically the effectiveness of the respirator
program. The following elements should be considered when evaluating the
program's effectiveness:
- a. The proper types of respirators are selected.
- b. The wearers are properly trained.
- c. The correct respirators are issued.
- d. The respirators are worn properly.
- e. The respirators are properly maintained and
- f. The respirators are properly stored.
- g. Fit testing is conducted properly.
- h. All pertinent records are kept.
- i. Submit a report to the Regional Coordinator after each
evaluation of the program. The report shall include the results of
inspection, the respirator program administration, investigating wearer
acceptance, any inadequacy of the program and any action taken to correct the
deficiency, and target dates for planning implementation. The Regional
Coordinator shall prepare a summary of each area office's program to the
Regional Administrator.
- 1. Individuals assigned tasks which require respiratory protective
equipment will use the appropriate equipment in accordance with this
- 2. Each CSHO shall clean, disinfect and properly store as
necessary, the respirator assigned for personal use. Cleaning agents shall be
available in each Area Office.
- 3. Each CSHO shall inspect the respirator before each use and
after cleaning and disinfecting. The inspection shall include a check for
defects, missing parts and a facepiece leak check. If a respirator is found
defective, it shall be returned to the PROGRAM COORDINATOR for
- 4. Each CSHO shall comply with fit test requirements and all other
provisions of this directive.
- 5. Each CSHO shall attend the OSHA Training Institute respirator
- 1. Individuals assigned tasks which require respiratory protective
equipment shall use the appropriate equipment in accordance with this
- 2. Each respirator wearer shall clean, disinfect and properly
store as necessary, the respirator assigned for personal use.
- 3. Each respirator wearer shall inspect the respirator before each
use and after cleaning and disinfecting. The inspection shall include a check
for defects, missing parts and a facepiece leak check. If a respirator is
found defective, it shall be returned to the Directorate of Technical Support
for repair.
- 4. Each respirator wearer shall comply with fit test requirements
and all other provisions of this directive.
- 5. Each respirator wearer shall attend the OSHA Training Institute
respirator course.
A. Respirators and accessories shall be available for OSHA employees at job sites. Respirators shall be worn whenever requested by the employer, as well as during the time an OSHA employee is in a contaminated area performing air sampling, since the possibility of overexposure exists. Even in the event that air sampling is not being performed, and an OSHA employee is in a contaminated area which is likely to exceed the PEL (e.g., a previous citation for overexposure was issued to the company for that area), respirators shall also be worn. Exceptions to this policy may include air samples taken for screening purposes or other situations as individually approved by the supervisor. OSHA personnel are encouraged to wear respirators at any time they feel it is appropriate for their self-protection.
B. Written standard operating procedures (SOP) shall be prepared including all information and guidance necessary for proper respirator selection, use, care, and maintenance. The written SOP shall be provided by the Regional Office and shall be modified to suit the needs of each field location.
C. Respirators shall be selected on the basis of hazards to which the person is exposed with consideration given to both safety and health factors as well as probable risk. Individuals issuing respirators shall be adequately instructed to ensure that the correct respirator is issued and that each respirator is complete. To the extent possible half-mask respirators should be assigned to individual workers for their exclusive use.
D. Before initial use, all new respirators shall be washed, cleaned, sanitized and inspected per respirator manufacturer's instruction. The oxygen content of the SCBA cylinder shall be verified. Each respirator shall be properly fitted and a leakage test performed. Before each use, both positive and negative pressure fit checks shall be conducted. The user shall be instructed and trained in the proper use of respirators and informed about their limitations.
E. Respirators shall be cleaned and disinfected by the wearer after use. Those used by more than one CSHO shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use. Respirators shall be stored in a convenient, clean, and sanitary location free of contaminants which may damage the components of a respirator.
F. Respirators used on a regular basis shall be inspected during cleaning. Trained personnel shall replace worn or deteriorated parts with parts designed for the respirator. No attempt shall be made to replace components or to make adjustments or repairs beyond the manufacturer's recommendations. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and emergency escape SCBA shall be thoroughly inspected at least once a month and after each use, and a written record kept of inspection dates and findings. Since the SCBA is complex equipment, service of the device shall be limited to trained personnel certified by the manufacturer.
G. Supervisors and workers shall be instructed and trained in the selection, use, care, and maintenance of respiratory protective devices. Training shall provide each user an opportunity to handle the respirator, to have it fitted properly, to test its facepiece-to-face seal, to wear it in normal air for a familiarization period, and to wear it in a test atmosphere. Retraining will be performed as needed or at least annually to ensure an effective program.
H. There shall be regular inspections and evaluations to determine the continued effectiveness of the program.
I. Clean shaven skin must be in contact with all respirator sealing surfaces. Even a mild growth of whiskers may interfere with this seal. In addition, respirators shall not be worn when conditions such as sideburns, a skull cap that projects under the facepiece, temple pieces on corrective spectacles or goggles, or the absence of one or both dentures prevent a good facepiece--to-face seal. Therefore, while on duty, all OSHA employees within the scope of this policy must be clean shaven in the areas of the respirator face sealing surface and the face. If hair growth, other than in the clean shaven area of facepiece-to- face seal, interferes with the proper function of the respirator such as the exhalation valve, then it shall be altered or removed so as to eliminate interference. The Agency's position is to provide negative pressure, half-mask or full-face piece respirators that can be tested with available fit testing equipment. The Agency will also provide tight fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) to CSHO's upon request.
J. Corrective lenses which interfere with the facepiece-to-face sealing area shall not be used with a full facepiece. Contact lenses may be worn with a full facepiece with the approval of the Regional Program Coordinator.
K. Single use, disposable or maintenance free respirators will not be used by OSHA personnel. Since the CSHOs may encounter different air contaminants during an inspection, air-purifying respirators with replaceable cartridges shall be used because these devices provide more flexibility and reduce the number of single respirators which need to be carried by the CSHOs. Furthermore, disposable, maintenance free or single use respirators provide a poorer facepiece seal than multi-sized elastomeric facepieces and often it is difficult to perform an effective negative and/or positive pressure facepiece leakage test. Only "mechanical type" high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters enclosed in cartridges or canisters are acceptable for protection against any particulate exposure because efficiency of these filters does not change with dust loading and ambient conditions.
L. Any respirator may produce undesirable effects on the wearer. Respirators are uncomfortable, and may reduce field of vision, require the individual to carry extra weight, place an additional burden on the respiratory system, cause a feeling of claustrophobia, and may result in a general feeling of anxiety. The two areas of greatest interest as far as physiological effects are concerned are the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system.
M. Individuals shall be examined medically before being assigned to use respirators. The examining physician shall be given information about the equipment to be used. He or she should know whether it produces additional inspiratory and expiratory stress, whether it represents an additional weight, such as self-contained breathers, and whether it may cause an increase in the metabolic heat load, such as chemical protective clothing.
- 1. CSHOs shall not be assigned to tasks requiring use of
respirators unless it has been determined by medical authorities that they
are physically able to perform their duties while wearing the prescribed
respirators and chemical protective clothing. The examining physician shall
provide a written opinion which describes the ability of the CSHO to wear the
prescribed respirator and recommends limitations on the use of respirators if
any. The report and opinion shall be forwarded to the Office of Occupational
Medicine, Directorate of Technical Support.
- 2. The medical status of the respirator user shall be reviewed as
part of the examinations required under the agency CSHO physical program.
This review shall be performed with the assistance of the Office of
Occupational Medicine, Directorate of Technical Support.
- 1. The guidelines outlined in this section provide assistance in
the selection of appropriate respiratory protection by OSHA personnel. The
Agency shall provide appropriate approved respiratory protective devices and
the CSHOs shall use these devices whenever necessary to protect their health
due to the nature of the work environment. It is important that the safety
and health professional assess the potential hazards and degree of controls
which can be exercised over each situation. The respiratory protective
devices selected in each situation will depend upon the information from a
qualitative and/or quantitative determination of the hazard. The
professional judgment is essential to insure appropriate selections of
- 2. The nature of respiratory hazard, as it refers to the selection
and classification of respirators, depends upon the atmospheric oxygen
concentration; a contaminant's physical state, toxicity, and concentration;
the presence of other contaminants or stress factors in the working
environment; and worker exposure time and susceptibility. Respiratory
hazards may be classified as gas and vapor contaminants (immediately or not
immediately dangerous to life or health), particulate contaminants
(immediately or not immediately dangerous to life or health), and oxygen
deficiencies. Each classification requires a different type of respiratory
- 3. In the selection and use of respiratory protective devices,
health and safety factors must be considered, such as nature of the hazard,
intended uses and limitations of respiratory protective devices, movement and
work rate limitations, emergency escape time and distance requirements, and
training requirements.
- 4. Among additional general considerations in determining the
appropriate respirator are sorbet efficiencies, odor warning properties, eye
irritation potential, protection factors (PF), lower flammability limit
(LFL), and conditions which are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH
-- as defined in 1910.120). Reference materials are also available to assist
in determining the general conditions or situations which would indicate the
most prudent use of respirator protection (list available at the Directorate
of Technical Support).
- 1. In general, air-purifying cartridge or canister respirators
will be allowed if the contaminant(s) is known, the concentration(s) is
known, the air-purifying element provides adequate protection for the air
contaminant(s), and the contaminant(s) has good warning properties. Certain
specific health standards permit the use of air-purifying respirators even
though the chemical has poor or no warning properties. This type of
respirator may either be equipped with chemical cartridges or a canister for
protection against gases and vapors.
- 2. With regard to particulate respirators, an increase in
breathing resistance (comfortable breathing impaired). occurs as a result of
the challenge particulate lodging on the respirator filter. Since this is a
subjective indicator, the HEPA filter cartridges should be replaced at least
once a week in moderate to dusty workplaces or every three weeks in low dust
environments, when contamination of the cartridge surface is noticed, or when
the filter has been dropped or subjected to other trauma.
- 3. A much more insidious problem occurs with regard to end of
service life indication for gas and vapor cartridge/canister equipped
respirators. End of service life indication is generally based on an
individual's ability to detect (e.g., taste, smell) the contaminant within
the respirator wearer's facepiece. This guideline is totally subjective and
may expose the respirator user to considerable risk.
- The basis of the subject detection principle is the assumption
that gases/vapors in question have good warning properties. Often the
necessary information relative to this liming factor is difficult to obtain
or may not exist; i.e., the odor threshold of a particular material. Studies
have also shown that certain people have only a moderately developed sense of
smell. Olfactory fatigue may occur to individuals acclimatized to the
- Some gaseous contaminants will migrate across the adsorbent or
absorbent bed while the respirator is not in use, such as overnight. This
migration subjects the user to an initial dose of the contaminant when the
respirator is again placed in service. Therefore, as a minimum, gas/vapor
cartridges shall be disposed of after each day's activities no matter how
short those activities were. A day's activities would begin when the plastic
seal or bag is removed from the cartridges allowing those cartridges to be
exposed to moisture. These cartridges, even if they are not exposed to a
contaminated atmosphere, must be discarded. A label must be attached to the
cartridge indicating the installation date.
- 4. Since odor threshold and olfactory fatigue vary among different
individuals, the use of chemical cartridge respirators against substances
with poor warning properties shall not be permitted unless its use is
permitted in specific health standards. In this case, reliable information
concerning service life must be available. Since some reactive chemicals
cannot be effectively adsorbed by the sorbet, its use should also be
restricted. A PARTIAL (not all inclusive) list of air contaminants with poor
odor warning properties or short breakthrough time follows:
- Acrolein, aniline, arsine, boron hydrides, bromine, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbonyls, carbon disulfide, cyanogen
dimethylaniline, dimethyl sulfate, fluorine, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen
fluoride, hydrogen selenide, hydrogen sulfide, isocyanates: HDI, MDI, MIC and
TDI, methanol methyl bromide, methyl chloride, methyl iodine, nickel
carbonyl, nitrocompounds: nitrobenzene, nitrogen oxides, nitroglycerine,
nitromethane, ozone, phosgene, phosphine, phosphorous trichloride, stibine,
sulfur chloride, and vinyl chloride.
- 5. With regard to air-purifying respirators, the fit factor
obtained during fit testing has little predictive ability for determining the
specific level of protection that will be achieved all of the time in the
workplace. Because of this, the respirator assigned protection factors
listed in Table I should not be exceeded no matter how high the fit factor
during fit testing:
- 1. Normally a Compliance Safety and Health Officer, both health
and safety will not enter, without prior Regional approval, an area where an
atmosphere supplying respirator is required.
- Whenever possible, evaluation methods, i.e., sampling
strategies, will be applied which will not require entry into an extremely
hazardous area. In those situations where entry must be made into
potentially oxygen deficient environments or contaminated atmospheres which
are immediately dangerous to life or health, an appropriate approved
atmosphere supplying respirator must be used. Some situations which may
require the use of such respiratory protective equipment include entry into
confined spaces, hazardous substance spill/waste disposal areas, employer
requirement for specific atmosphere supplying respiratory protection and
emergency investigations requiring entry into potentially IDLH atmospheres.
The Regional Administrator may delegate to the Area Director the approval
authority for use of SCBA in non IDLH situations.
- 2. An SCBA must not be used in IDLH or potentially IDLH
atmospheres unless a second or a standby CSHO is present and also equipped
with a SCBA. The CSHO must be in communication (visual, vocal or signal)
with the other CSHO at all times. The second CSHO will be present to provide
any needed assistance or rescue. A fully charged spare air cylinder must
always be available. Additionally, consideration for other than respiratory
protection needs must be given in situations where skin absorption/irritation
potential may be present. The standby CSHO shall have the necessary training
and equipment to perform a rescue if needed.
- 3. Learning and "hands on" experience with SCBA must be ongoing
and continuous. Compliance Safety and Health Officers who are designated to
use SCBA are to be trained in the operation and use of the devices and are to
follow the manufacturers' directions and the Regional/Area Office respiratory
protection program. The training must be on a regular basis (i.e., annually)
and include the actual wearing and use of SCBA during exercise situations
(e.g., walking). All SCBA wearers must be trained and certified by OSHA
recognized training facilities. A list is available from Directorate of
Technical Support.
- 4. The Assistant Regional Administrator for Technical Support
(ARA-TS) will be consulted for assistance in determining the appropriateness
of SCBA use in a specific situation. Any planned entry involving the use of
SCBA shall be coordinated with the ARA-TS.
- 5. Since a respirator used non-routinely is principally used for
hazardous situations or emergencies that occur only occasionally, routine
inspection and proper maintenance are essential to assure that the designated
degree of protection and useful service time are provided. Review of
non-routine use respirators (i.e., SCBA) should be consistent with the
recommendations of the manufacturer, the requirements of appropriate
regulatory standards (e.g., 29 CFR 1910.134) and existing Regional/Area
policies. Depending on the specific SCBA available for use at a location,
the items included in the maintenance program may require slight
modifications to encompass additional considerations as suggested by the
appropriate SCBA manufacturer(s). (Refer to Appendices I and II, or user
warning notices issued by NIOSH).
- 1. These devices constitute another class of non-routine use
respirators. Any respirator that protects adequately against a hazardous
atmosphere that has occurred suddenly may be used for escape purposes.
However, these devices shall not be used for entry into this type of
atmosphere even if that entry is for rescue purposes. Escape respirators
shall be provided and carried by all individuals when there exists a
potential for exposure to toxic materials at IDLH levels. Section F.8. of
this directive shall be followed for maintenance of emergency escape
respirators. Examples of these types of situations may exist in portions of
refineries, chemical plants, sewage treatment plants, and hazardous waste
sites etc. All emergency escape devices have limitations and these
limitations must be taken into account when selecting one of these
respirators. When entering a potential IDLH atmosphere, the CSHO shall
assess the egress route to ensure that the emergency egress time does not
exceed the capacity of the escape SCBA.
- a. If the toxic materials in question would cause eye
irritation, then a full facepiece or hood must be used.
- b. Even full facepiece air-purifying emergency eqress
respirators such as gas masks are contaminant(s) specific and will fail to
provide adequate protection at certain concentrations. In addition, those
units will not provide a breathing atmosphere and therefore cannot be used in
oxygen- deficient atmospheres. Since the conditions of most emergencies are
unknown, OSHA emergency escape devices shall be of the atmosphere supplying
- c. If it is available, only the continuous flow escape SCBA
with an air flow of 70 liters per minute shall be used. If the anticipated
escape time is in excess of the capacity of the continuous flow SCBA,
mouthpiece SCBA shall be used. It is available on loan from the OSHA
Cincinnati Laboratory (OCL).
Half-mask - 10 X
Full Facepiece - 50 X
Powered air-purifying: Half-mask + 250 X Full facepiece + 500 X
Pressure Demand Supplied Air Respirator (PDSAR):
Half-mask + 250 X Full facepiece + 500 X Full facepiece w/escape prov. + 1,000 X
Entry and escape: Full facepiece pressure + IDLH and unknown Demand Concentrations
Escape only: Continuous flow + IDLH Mouthpiece _ IDLH
1. Only a half-mask with interchangeable cartridges is acceptable.
2. Respirator assigned for higher concentrations may be used at lower concentrations.
3. Full facepiece is required if eye irritation is experienced.
4. A minimum service life of 60 minutes is required for sorbet cartridges and canisters to provide adequate protection against air contaminants having poor odor warning properties. The maximum use concentration
- (MUC) of a respirator for protection against gases or vapors is
limited by the service life of the sorbet. For example, if the cartridges
used for protection against compound X have only a service life of 60 minutes
at a concentration of 50 times the PEL, then the MUC for a full facepiece
PAPR equipped with these cartridges is only 50 times rather than 500 times
the PEL listed in the respirator selection table.
5. If it is available, compressed air having higher purity than Grade D, such as Grade H, or I should be used for the SAR and the SCBA.
6. Goggles supplied with the mouthpiece escape SCBA shall be used when eye irritation is experienced.
7. Pressure demand supplied air respirators equipped with an auxiliary self-contained air supply may be used under IDLH conditions when the anticipated use time is longer than the service life of the SCBA and the auxiliary air cylinder provides sufficient time for escape.
8. If it is available, the continuous flow escape SCBA having an air flow of 70 liters per minutes shall be used.
9. Air-purifying respirators may not be used in oxygen deficient or IDLH atmosphere.
10. Tight fitting PAPRs with a minimum flow rate of 170 liters per minute shall be used.
A. Selecting the respirator appropriate to a given hazard is important, but equally important is using the selected device properly. Proper use can be ensured by carefully training both supervisors and CSHOs in selection, use, fit testing and maintenance of respirators. Unless the reasons for the use of respiratory protective devices and instructions on proper use and maintenance are thoroughly understood and ongoing training provided, the devices will not be used or may not work properly. Minimum training activities shall include:
- 1. Instruction in the nature of the hazard and a discussion of
what the results may be if the respirator is not used.
- 2. A discussion of why a certain type of respirator is used in a
particular environment. The purpose of using respirators must be presented
as well as a description of respirator capabilities and
- 3. Periodic instruction and training in actual respirator use
including fit testing. Wearers of SCBAs and emergency escape devices must be
retrained every year. This training will include actual full service time
operations of the unit. End of service life indicator recognition will also
be covered.
- 4. Recognition of emergency situations and methods to deal with
such situations must be covered. Cleaning and maintenance of respirators
will also be covered.
- 5. All supervisors and CSHOs shall attend the OSHA Training
Institute course on Respiratory Protection.
There are two methods available for fit testing respirators, quantitative fit testing (QNFT) and qualitative fit testing (QLFT). QNFT shall be used for fit testing all CSHOs. QLFT may used to meet the requirements for a specific standard such as asbestos or acrylonitrile.
The qualitative and quantitative fit test procedures in this section shall be incorporated into all Regional and Area Office programs.
- 1. PURPOSE - Quantitative fit testing is performed to select the
best fitting respirator for CSHOs. Fit factors far exceeding practical field
use needs are generally obtained from QNFT. The fit factor is only
significant in terms of selecting the respirator providing the highest
- a. "Quantitative Fit Test" means the use of instrumentation
and appropriate procedures to measure respirator effectiveness.
Effectiveness refers to the respirator's ability to conform to the wearers
face minimizing face to seal leakage.
- b. "Challenge Agent" means the testing agent introduced into a
test chamber for photometric based systems. Ambient air is the challenge
agent, when employing condensation nuclei counter (CNC)
- Instrumentation. Two systems are currently available
- a. Photometric - Employs the generation of a known
concentration of corn oil, sodium chloride or other aerosol in a test
- b. Condensation Nuclei Counter (CNC) - Ambient air serves as
the challenge agent, no test chamber is necessary.
- (1) Test chamber. The test chamber shall be large enough
to permit all test subjects to freely perform all required exercises without
distributing the challenge agent concentration or the measurement apparatus.
The test chamber shall be equipped and constructed so that the challenge
agent is effectively isolated from the ambient air yet uniform in
concentration throughout the chamber. When ambient air is used as the
challenge agent, quantitative fit testing shall be conducted in an area
relatively free of air contaminants (including tobacco products). The
minimum ambient air particle count shall be 10,000 per c.c. before testing
- (2) When testing air-purifying respirators, the normal
filter or cartridge element shall be replaced with a high-efficiency
particular air filter supplied by the same manufacturer.
- (3) When applicable, the sampling instrument shall be
selected so that a strip chart record may be made of the test showing the
rise and fall of challenge agent concentration with each inspiration and
expiration at fit factors of at least 5,000, When utilizing systems that
perform automatic programmed calculations, the strip chart must record the
calculated average fit factor for each exercise period.
- (4) The combination of substitute air-purifying elements
(if any), challenge agent, and challenge agent concentration in the test
chamber shall be such that the test subject is not exposed in excess of the
permissible exposure limit to the challenge agent at any time during the
testing process.
- (5) The sampling port on the probed specimens respirator
shall be placed and constructed so that there is no detectable leak around
the port. A free air flow is allowed into the sampling line at all times and
so there is no interference with the fit or performance of the
- (6) The test chamber and test set-up shall permit the
person administering the test to observe one test subject inside the chamber
during the test.
- (7) The equipment generating the challenge atmosphere shall
maintain the concentration of challenge agent constant within a 10 percent
variation for the duration of the test.
- (8) The time lag (interval between an event and its being
recorded on the strip chart) of the instrumentation may not exceed 2
- (9) The tubing for the test chamber atmosphere and for the
respirator sampling port shall be the same diameter, length and material. It
shall be kept as short as possible. The smallest diameter tubing recommended
by the manufacturer shall be used.
- (10) The exhaust flow from the test chamber shall pass
through a high-efficiency filter before release to the
- (11) When sodium chloride aerosol is used, the relative
humidity inside the test chamber shall not exceed 50
- a. The fitting of half-mask respirators should be started with
those having multiple sizes and a variety of interchangeable cartridges and
canisters such as the MSA Comfo elite-M, North-M, Survivair-M. Use either of
the tests outlined below to assure that the facepiece is promptly
- (1) Positive pressure test. With the exhaust port(s)
blocked, the positive pressure upon slight exhalation should remain constant
for several seconds.
- (2) Negative pressure test. With the intake port(s)
blocked, the negative pressure upon slight inhalation should remain constant
for several seconds.
- (3) After a facepiece is adjusted, the test subject shall
wear the facepiece for at least 5 minutes before conducting an abbreviated
qualitative fit test by using either of the methods described below and using
the exercises a., b., c. and d. described in C.5. below. If the test subject
wears eye glasses or safety glasses when performing his/her duties, the fit
test must be performed when these glasses are worn.
- (a) Isoamyl acetate test. When using organic vapor
cartridges, the test subject who is capable of smelling the odor should be
unable to detect the odor of isoamyl acetate in the air near the most
vulnerable portion of the facepiece seal such as the nose bridge. A
combination cartridge or canister with organic vapor and high-efficiency
filters shall be used when available for the particular mask being tested.
The test subject shall be given an opportunity to smell the odor of isoamyl
acetate before the test is conducted in a location which is separated from
the test area.
- (b) Irritant fume test. When using high-efficiency
filters, the test subject should be unable to detect the irritant fume
(stannic chloride ventilation smoke tubes) squirted into the air near the
most vulnerable portions of the facepiece seal. The test subject shall be
instructed to close her/his eyes during the test period. Unless the test
subject cannot smell the odor of isoamyl acetate, the irritant fume test
should not be performed due to the irritant nature of the
- (c) A QNFT may be conducted only when the test subject
has obtained a satisfactory fit on either of the tests
- (d) Before the subject enters the test chamber, a
reasonably stable challenge agent concentration shall be obtained in the test
- (e) Immediately after the subject enters the test
chamber, the challenge agent concentration inside the respirator shall be
measured to ensure that the peak penetration does not exceed 5 percent for a
half-mask and 1 percent for a full facepiece.
- (f) A stable challenge agent concentration shall be
established prior to the actual start of testing.
- Prior to entering the test chamber, the test subject shall be
given complete instructions as to her/his part in the test procedures. The
test subject shall perform the following exercises, in the order given, for
each independent test.
- a. NORMAL BREATHING (NB). In the normal standing position,
without talking, the subject shall breathe normally for at least one
- b. DEEP BREATHING (DB). In the normal standing position the
subject shall do deep breathing for at least one minute pausing so as not to
- c. TURNING HEAD SIDE TO SIDE (SS). Standing in place the
subject shall slowly turn his/her head from side between the extreme
positions to each side. The head shall be held at each extreme position for
at least five seconds. Perform for at least one minute.
- d. MOVING HEAD UP AND DOWN (UD). Standing in place, the
subject shall slowly move his/her head up and down between the extreme
position straight up and the extreme position straight down. The head shall
be held at each extreme position for at least five seconds. Perform for at
least one minute.
- e. READING (R). The subject shall read out slowly and loud so
as to be heard clearly by the test conductor or monitor. The test subject
shall read the "rainbow passage".
- When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act
like a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light
into many beautiful colors. These take the shape of a long round arch, with
its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. There
is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. People look but no
one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond reach, his friends
say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the
- f. GRIMACE (G). The test subject shall grimace, smile, frown,
and generally contort the face using the facial muscles. Continue for at
least 15 seconds. The test is use to check the reseal of the respirator
after seal is broken.
- g. BEND OVER AND TOUCH TOES (B). The test subject shall bend
at the waist and touch toes and return to upright position. Repeat for at
least one minute.
- h. JOGGING IN PLACE (J). The test subject shall perform jog
in place for a least one minute.
- i. NORMAL BREATHING (NB). Same as exercise (a)
- j. The test shall be terminated whenever any single peak
penetration exceeds five percent for half-masks and one percent for full
facepieces. The test subject may be refitted and retested. If two of the
three required tests are terminated, the fit shall be deemed
- a. The fit factor determined by the quantitative fit test is
expressed as the ratio of challenge concentration outside the respirator to
the concentration inside the respirator.
- b. The average test chamber concentration is the arithmetic
average of the test chamber concentration at the beginning and of the end of
the test.
- c. The average peak concentration of the challenge agent
inside the respirator shall be the arithmetic average peak concentrations for
each of eight exercises of the test which are computed as the arithmetic
average of the peak concentrations found for each breath during the
- d. The average peak concentration for an exercise may be
determined graphically if there is not a great variation in the peak
concentrations during a single exercise.
- e. When fit factors are calculated by a computer the average
concentration, instead of average peak concentration, may be
- 1. PURPOSE - The Qualitative Respirator Fit Test procedures in
this section shall be performed to supplement quantitative fit testing to
meet the semi- annual fit testing requirement for a specific standard such as
asbestos or acrylonitrile.
- a. The test will be performed using the respirator which was
determined to be the most effective during the last quantitative fit test.
Isoamyl acetate will be the agent used. Individuals must be tested to ensure
that they can detect, isoamyl acetate. It may be necessary to use the
irritant smoke test, when an individual cannot detect isoamyl
- b. The fitting process shall be conducted in a room separate
from the fit-test room to prevent odor fatigue. Both rooms shall be well
ventilated and separated by a distance for enough to avoid cross
contamination. Prior to the selection process, the test subject shall be
shown how to put on a respirator, how it should be positioned on the face,
how to set strap tension, and how to assess a "comfortable" respirator. A
mirror shall be available to assist the subject in evaluating the fit and
positioning of the respirator. This will not constitute his/her formal
training on respirator use, only a review.
- c. Assessment of comfort shall include reviewing the following
points with the test subject:
- -Chin properly placed -Positioning of mask on nose
-Strap tension -Fit across nose bridge -Room for safety glasses -Distance
from nose to chin -Room to talk -Tendency to slip -Cheeks filled out
-Self-observation in mirror -Adequate time for
- d. The test subject shall conduct the conventional negative
and positive-pressure fit checks (e.g., see American National Standards
Practices for Respiratory Protection, ANSI Z88.2-1980). Before conducting
the negative or positive-pressure checks, the subject shall be told to "seat"
the mask by rapidly moving the head side-to-side and up and down, taking a
few deep breaths.
- e. The test subject is now ready for fit testing.
- f. After passing the fit test, the test subject shall be
questioned again regarding the comfort of the respirator. If it has become
uncomfortable, another model of respirator shall be tried.
- a. Each respirator used for fitting and fit testing shall be
equipped with organic vapor cartridges or offer protection against organic
vapors. The cartridges shall be changed at least weekly.
- b. After selecting, donning, and properly adjusting a
respirator, the test subject shall wear it to the fit testing
- c. Each test subject shall wear her/his respirator for at
least five minutes before starting the fit test.
- (1) NORMAL BREATHING (NB). In the normal standing
position, without talking, the subject shall breathe normally for at least
one minute.
- (2) DEEP BREATHING (DB). In the normal standing position
the subject shall do deep breathing for at least one minute pausing so as not
to hyperventilate.
- (3) TURNING HEAD SIDE TO SIDE (SS). Standing in place the
subject shall slowly turn his/her head from side between the extreme position
to each side. Perform for at least one minute.
- (4) MOVING HEAD UP AND DOWN (UD). Standing in place, the
subject shall slowly move his/her head up and down between the extreme
position straight up and the extreme position straight down. The head shall
be held at each extreme position for at least five seconds. Perform for at
least one minute.
- (5) READING (R). The subject shall read out slowly and
loud so as to be heard clearly by the test conductor or monitor. The test
subject shall read the "rainbow passage."
- When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act
like a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light
into many beautiful colors. These take the shape of a long round arch, with
its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. There
is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. People look, but
no one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond reach, his
friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the
- (6) BEND OVER AND TOUCH TOES. The test subject shall bend
at the waist and touch toes and return to upright position. Repeat for at
least one minute.
- (7) JOGGING IN PLACE (J). The test subject shall perform
jog in place for at least one minute.
- (8) NORMAL BREATHING (NB). Same as exercise (1)
- e. If at anytime during the test, the subject detects the odor
of the testing agent, she/he shall quickly exit from the test chamber and
leave the test area.
- f. If the entire test is completed without the test subject
detecting the odor of the testing agent, the test is passed and the
respirator selected is judged adequate.
- a. An analysis of the fit test records of our CSHOs in the
past shows the median fit factor to be 3,000 for a half-mask. Therefore, the
test subject shall not be permitted to wear a half-mask or full facepiece
respirator if the minimum fit factor of 500 or 3,000, respectively, cannot be
obtained. If hair growth or apparel interferes with a satisfactory fit, then
they shall be altered or removed so as to eliminate interference and allow a
satisfactory fit. If a satisfactory fit is still not attained, the test
subject must use a positive-pressure respirator such as a powered
air-purifying respirator, supplied air respirator or self-contained breathing
- b. The test shall not be conducted if there is any hair growth
between the skin and the facepiece sealing surface.
- c. If a test subject exhibits difficulty in breathing during
the tests, she or he shall be referred to a physician trained in respirator
disease or pulmonary medicine to determine whether the test subject can wear
a respirator while performing her or his duties.
- d. The test subject shall be given the opportunity to wear the
assigned respirator for one month. If the respirator does not provide a
satisfactory fit during actual use, the test subject may request another
quantitative fit test which shall be performed as soon as
- e. A respirator fit factor card shall be issued to the test
subject with the following information:
- (1) Name. (2) Date of fit test. (3) Make and model of
QNFT equipment. (4) Fit factors obtained through each manufacturer, model
and approval number (such as TC-21C-XXX) of the respirator
- (5) Name and signature of the person who conducted the
- (6) Filters used for qualitative or quantitative fit
testing shall be replaced whenever increased breathing resistance is
encountered, or when the test agent has altered the integrity of the filter
media. Organic vapor cartridges/canisters shall be replaced whenever there is
any indication of breakthrough by the test agent. Each fresh filter or
sorbet cartridge shall be dated when it is installed.
- NOTE: The fit test card, OSHA Form 187 is available from
the Directorate of Technical Support.
- f. 1926.58(h)(4)(ii) requires that employees who are wearing
negative pressure respirators be fit tested at least every six
- g. In addition, because the sealing of the respirator may be
affected, qualitative fit testing shall be repeated immediately and
quantitative fit testing as soon as possible when the test subject
- (1) Weight change of 20 pounds or more, (2) Significant
facial scarring in the area of the facepiece seal, (3) Significant dental
changes, i.e., multiple extractions without prosthesis, or acquiring endures,
(4) Reconstructive or cosmetic surgery, or (5) Any other condition that may
interfere with facepiece sealing.
- A summary of all test results shall be maintained in Regional Office
for seven years (see OSHA Instruction ADM 12-7.2A). These records shall be
considered as EMPLOYEE EXPOSURE RECORDS. A copy of the summary shall
- 1. Name of test subject.
- 2. Date of testing.
- 3. Name of the test conductor.
- 4. Fit factors obtained from every respirator tested (indicate
manufacturer, model, size and approval number).
- 5. Name and type of facepiece(s) which has failed during the
qualitative test or has yielded a fit factor less than those prescribed in
paragraph F.7.c.(1).
- 6. When applicable, the strip chart for fit testing shall also be
maintained for seven years (see OSHA Instruction ADM 12-7.2A), and should
contain the following information:
- a. Date and time b. Name of test subject c. Name of test
conductor d. Manufacturer name and model of QNFT equipment e. Respirator
(type, brand, style, size and TC number) f. Chart scale (e.g. 1
percent-full scale) g. Chart speed h. Initial ambient i. Initial base
line estimate j. Individual exercise (mark beginning and end) k. Final
base line l. Calculation of penetration for each exercise m. Overall fit
factor (average of all exercises) n. Notes (eyeglasses, dentures, scars,
- Copies of all records shall be forwarded to Directorate of
Technical Support annually in the form of computer diskette (s), with the
Regional Program Evaluation report.
A. A program for respirator cleaning and care shall be established as a part of the standard operating procedures (SOP) by all Regional and Area Offices. The purpose of this element of a respirator program is to assure that all respirators are properly maintained. If they are modified in any way, their protection may be reduced. The Program Coordinators shall be trained to inspect, clean, repair, and store respirators. The program should be based on the number and types of respirators, working conditions, and hazards involved.
- In general, the program should include: inspection, cleaning,
repair and storage.
- 1. All respirators shall be inspected before and after each use.
The cleaning of respirators is the responsibility of the CSHO who is using
the respirator, not the Program Coordinator.
- 2. SCBAs and all Emergency Egress Respirators shall be inspected
on a monthly basis and before or after each use to assure they will perform
satisfactorily. Inspection records shall be maintained for each
SCBA/Emergency Egress for seven years (see OSHA Instruction ADM 12-7.2A). At
a minimum, these records will include: date, inspector, and any unusual
conditions or findings. Any repairs or modification to these units shall be
documented in detail.
- 3. Air-purifying respirators:
- a. Thoroughly check all connections, gaskets and valves for
proper fit and tightness. Check the condition of the facepiece and all its
parts, and all connecting air tubes and head bands. Inspect parts, and all
connecting air tubes and head bands. Inspect rubber or elastomer parts for
pliability and signs or deterioration.
- b. Clean and disinfect respirators as follows:
- (1) Remove all cartridges, canisters, and filters, plus
gaskets or seals not affixed to their seats. Cartridges will be
- (4) Remove speaking diaphragm or speaking
diaphragm-exhalation valve assembly.
- (6) Wash facepiece and breathing tube in cleaner/sanitizer
recommended by the manufacturer with warm water, use manufacturers'
recommended temperature. Wash components separately from the facepiece, as
necessary. Remove heavy soil from surfaces with a hand
- c. After respirators have been inspected, cleaned, sanitized,
and repaired, store them so as to protect against dust, excessive moisture,
damaging chemicals, extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.
- d. Each unit shall be sealed in a plastic bag, placed in a
separate box, and tagged for immediate use.
- e. Cartridges and canisters shall always be stored in their
sealed plastic bags until ready for use. Canisters will be stored with
original seals intact in the upright position.
- 4. Examples of inspection procedures for the commonly used Mine
Safety Appliance (MSA) and the Survivair SCBAs are listed in Appendices A and
Video tapes reviewing proper inspection and maintenance procedures for MSA and other SCBAs are available at the Regional office.
- 1. Straps and buckles -- in place and not worn.
- 2. Back plate and cylinder lock -- not cracked or
- 1. Leaks.
- 2. Broken lens or needle.
- 3. If gauge reads less than 90 percent of rated capacity have
the cylinder refilled.
- 1. If present, make sure lock is functional. Cylinder lock is
no longer required, and may be absent on some units.
- a. Inspect "O-Ring" seal (in place and in good
- 2. HOSE
- b. No bubbles in outer coating (cylinder valve
- 1. Mainline valve (gold color) CLOSED.
- 2. Bypass valve (red color) CLOSED.
- 3. Open cylinder valve (Audi-Larm should ring).
- 4. Cover regulator outlet with palm of hand and open mainline
valve (gold).
- 5. Check pressure reading on regulator pressure
- NOTE: Cylinder should be full (2216 psig) or contain a
sufficient quantity of air to perform the anticipated task. Cylinders
containing 90 percent of rated capacity or less air pressure MUST BE
- 6. In rapid succession, remove and replace the palm of hand
over the regulator outlet. Air flow should be present when hand is removed
from outlet, and should be completely stopped when outlet is
- 7. Keep regulator outlet covered and close cylinder
- 8. Slowly remove hand from regulator outlet and observe the
needle on the regulator pressure gauge. Audi-Larm should ring between 500
and 600 psig.
- 9. Check the integrity of the regulator diaphragm by exhaling
into the regulator outlet. If the diaphragm is seated properly and has no
defects, it WILL NOT be possible to force the exhaled air through the
regulator. In addition, a negative pressure test on the regulator should be
- 10. Close main-line (gold) valve
- 11. Open cylinder valve
- 12. Making SURE there are NO OBSTRUCTIONS at the regulator
outlet, gently open the bypass (red) valve. Air should easily flow from the
regulator outlet, thus assuring that the bypass valve is
- NOTE: During this portion of the checkout procedure, there
will be no indication of pressure on the regulator pressure gauge. This
condition is due to the fact that the mainline valve is closed, and NO PACK
PRESSURE on the regulator outlet may be applied when the bypass valve is
- 13. Allow all residual air to escape through the bypass valve,
then close the bypass (red) valve. Audi-Larm should ring at 500 to 600 psig,
but there will be no indication of pressure on the gauge as previously
- 1. Breathing tube
- a. Stretch and visually inspect for holes or
- b. Check rubber gasket (in place and in good
- 1. Head Harness
- a. Inspect end stops and serration for damage and
- 2. LENS
- a. Inspect for scratches, cracks and proper mounting in
the facepiece.
- a. Locate exhalation valve stem, inside respirator at the
bottom. With index finger, press down on valve stem. This action will free
the valve if it has become stuck in the closed position during
A. Ascertain all straps are straight and functional, and buckles and snaps are in operating condition. Then don backpack.
A. Date, sign, mark psig, and findings on inspection sticker.
B. Forward one (1) copy of completed form to AA-TS.
- DATE _________________________
Place a check mark in appropriate space and note any defects:
INSPECTION POINT: SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY COMMENTS _________________________________________________________________
1. Straps and Buckles _________________________________________________________________
2. Back Plate and Cylinder Lock _________________________________________________________________
3. Pressure Gauge (Cylinder) _________________________________________________________________
4. Cylinder Pressure _________________________________________________________________
5. Cylinder Valve Lock _________________________________________________________________
6. High Pressure Hose _________________________________________________________________
7. High Pressure Hose Connector _________________________________________________________________
8. By-Pass Valve _________________________________________________________________
9. Main-Line Valve _________________________________________________________________
10. Pressure Gauge (Regulator) _________________________________________________________________
11. Pak-Alarm _________________________________________________________________
12. Breathing Tube _________________________________________________________________
13. Breathing Tube Connector _________________________________________________________________
14. Breathing Tube Gasket _________________________________________________________________
15. Facepiece Body _________________________________________________________________
16. Head Harness _________________________________________________________________
17. Lens _________________________________________________________________
18. Exhalation Valve _________________________________________________________________
- Inspected by: ________________
Forward one (1) copy of completed form to AA-TS. (Source: Los Alamos National Laboratory)
The SCBA should be inspected for defects before and after each use, and at least once monthly if it not used. Units that are used for Emergency Response should be inspected and functional tested daily. The SCBA should be repaired as necessary, cleaned and disinfected, and then stored properly to assure that is it maintained in satisfactory working condition. A record should be kept of inspection dates and findings.
The following is a recommended checklist for visually inspecting the Mark 2 SCBA.
- 1. Nicks, scratches, or abrasion which would impair outward
- 2. Deep gouges or cracks which would reduce impact
- 1. Crushed, bent, or corroded buckles. 2. Damaged or
loosened rivets securing buckles to facepiece.
- 1. Tightness of the rim screws. 2. Deformation or broken
- 1. Screws securing the nozzle cover. 2. Clamp securing the
low pressure hose to the nozzle.
- 3. Exhalation valve seat (in nozzle). 4. Heat damage to the
nozzle body (warping, cracking, etc.) 5. Nozzle spring. 6. Exhale through
the exhalation valve, no sticking should be evident.
- 1. Cuts, gouges, or punctures. 2. Tears or nicks in sealing
lips. 3. Age or heat induced damage to the rubber. 4. Pull out of
attaching rivets.
- 1. Cuts, nicks or punctures in the hose. 2. Age or heat
induced cracking, crazing, or hardening of the rubber.
- 3. Crushed, broken, or cracked quick connect.
- 1. Abrasion or nicking of headstrap legs. 2. Age or heat
induced hardening of the rubber.
- 1. Case and Cover - Dents or heat damage. 2. Silicone "Trap
Door" valve assembly. 3. "O" ring in low pressure air outlet. 4. Smooth
operation of bypass valve. 5. Damaged threads and worn out slots on "quick
- adaptor. 6. Pressure gauge - lens clarity, pointer to zero,
deformation of needle.
- 7. Pressure gauge hose and fittings.
- 1. Debris or water under the bell. 2. Tightness of the socket
head screws securing bell to body.
- 3. Dents or deformation of bell. 4. Hose and end connectors. 5.
Retaining rings secure on end connectors. 6. Abrasion of hose. 7.
Condition of female threads on C.G.A. handwheel. 8. Condition of o-ring and
groove on C.G.A. nipple.
- 1. Proper function of cylinder - securing band and
- 2. Cylinder secure in frame and band. 3. Frame bent or
broken. 4. Stitching of webbing. 5. Buckles - shoulder straps and waist
- 1. External inspection - dents, gouges, blisters, or
discolored paint.
- 2. Internal inspection - every three years inspect interior of
- 3. Last hydrostatic test date - every three years. 4.
External damage to cylinder valve. 5. Smooth operation of valve handwheel
and ratchet mechanism.
- 6. Tightness of screws securing rubber guard on cylinder
- 7. Condition of threads on valve outlet. 8. Cylinder
pressure - gauge needle in the green area.
- 1. Don the facepiece. 2. Block inlet of low pressure hose with
palm of hand. 3. Inhale gently - facepiece should "collapse." 4. Exhale
through the exhalation valve, no sticking should be evident.
- 1. Attach regulator to fully charged cylinder. 2. Close bypass
valve and slowly open cylinder valve. 3. Check that cylinder valve and
regulator pressure gauge show the same.
- 4. Attach facepiece and inhale - regulator should deliver on
inhalation without excessive effort, free flow, or fluttering.
- 5. Slowly open bypass valve. A steady flow of air should enter
the facepiece. No delay in air flow.
- 6. Turn "Quick-On" fitting all the way to the left - no air should
flow when the facepiece is off.
- 1. Open cylinder valve to fully pressurize the regulator - close
cylinder valve.
- 2. Wait 15 seconds. While looking at the regulator gauge, open
the cylinder valve. Any movement indicates a leak.
- 1. Remove the facepiece from the regulator. 2. Open cylinder
valve to fully pressurize the regulator -
- close cylinder valve. 3. Slowly open bypass valve and watch the
regulator pressure gauge. Alarm should begin ringing when the gauge reads
1/4 full.
- 4. Bleed all residual air from the system using bypass valve, the
close valve completely. Complete inspection record.
1. For sanitary reasons, the facepiece should be cleaned and disinfected after each use, even if it does not look dirty.
2. Make a cleaning solution by mixing water with any detergent that contains effective disinfectants (such as quaternary ammonium compounds.)
3. Heat the solution to 140-160 F.
4. Immerse the facepiece in the cleaning solution.
5. Using a soft brush, gently clean the facepiece.
6. Rinse the facepiece in a fresh-water bath and allow it to air dry. Mild heat (less than 160 F) may be used to speed up the drying. Use of a towel to dry the facepiece is not recommended unless a clean, lint-free towel is used.
7. Use caution when cleaning the facepiece lens. Although the outer surface of the lens has a proprietary anti-scratch coating, it can be damaged through careless or abusive handling. Do not attempt to "polish out" scratches with any abrasive agent as this will only cause further damage to the remaining coating. Warm, soapy water (using Joy, Mr. Clean, Simple Green, Lestoil, etc.) is usually adequate to remove adhering grime. Stubborn deposits may require the use of denatured or isopropyl alcohol or other mild solvents. Do not allow any solvent to come into contact with rubber or plastic parts. Use solvents only in a well-ventilated area.
8. Apply Survivair anti-fog PN 9510-15 to the inside of the lens.