- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:CPL 02-02-019
- Old Directive Number:CPL 2-2.19
- Title:Quality Control Weighing Program
- Information Date:

OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.19 Oct 30, 1978
FROM: DONALD E. MACKENZIE, Director Office of Field Coordination
SUBJECT: Quality Control Weighing Program
After considerable effort, time, and expense, the Salt Lake City Lab has developed a good quality control weighing program for area office filter weighing. Accurate, prompt participation is a necessity form all area offices to meet legal sufficiency.
Area offices are given 10 working days to complete the weighing and return the filters. If an area office can not complete the weighing in that time period, the office shall contact the Regional Office and the Lab (Mr. Robert Adler, FTS #588-4270) and so indicate. Filter weighing shall then be completed as soon as possible. The Regional Office shall initiate action when informed that filters are not being returned promptly.
If the filters have become contaminated or misplaced, the Area Office shall request a new set. Inoperative balances should be sent to the manufacturer to be repaired. Finally, when area office results deviate more than 100 ug from the theoretical, the Regional Office shall determine the cause and take corrective action.
For specific information regarding this problem, contact Steve Mallinger (523-7725).
OFC:PSTEWART:cdg typed: 6/29/78