- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:CPL 02-00-046
- Old Directive Number:CPL 2.46
- Title:Memorandum of Understanding Between the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the U.S. Coast Guard
- Information Date:

SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding Between the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the United States Coast Guard
A. Purpose. This instruction provides national guidelines for the interpretation and implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the United States Coast Guard, which became effective December 7, 1980, concerning the Occupational Safety and Health of personnel working on the Outer Continental Shelf of the States. (See Appendix A.).
B. Scope. This instruction applies OSHA-wide.
C. Action. OSHA Regional Administrations/Area Directors shall ensure that OSHA responsibilities are carried out in accordance with G. and Appendix A of this instruction. In situations that differ from the examples given in G., an attempt shall be made to apply the basic intent of the MOU as stated in F. of this instruction.
D. Federal Program Change. This instruction describes a Federal program change which affects State programs. Each Regional Administrator shall:
- 1. Ensure that this change is forwarded to each State
- 2. Explain the technical content of the change to the State
designee as requested.
- 3. Ensure that State designees are asked to acknowledge receipt of
this Federal program change in writing, within 30 days of notification, to
the Regional Administrator. This acknowledgment should include a description
either of the State's plan to implement the change or of the reasons why the
change should not apply to that State.
- 4. Review policies, instructions and guidelines issued by the
State to determine that this change has been communicated to State program
personnel. Routine
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 March 22, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
- monitoring activities (accompanied inspections and case file
reviews) shall also he used to determine if this change has been implemented
by actual performance.
E. State Plan States.
- 1. The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1333)
provides that "the subsoil and seabed of the Outer Continental Shelf" and
"all devices permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed" are areas of
"exclusive Federal jurisdiction." Thus, States and Health jurisdiction over
working conditions on these sites.
- 2. This exclusion does not pertain to such islands or structures
which are located within the area of the territorial sea. (For State
jurisdiction, see Figure 1.) However, when State plan States receive a
complaint or notice of an accident, the State shall discuss the matter with
the local Coast Guard District Office prior to initiating any action. In
addition, any complaints or accident notices received involving worksites
located on the Outer Continental Shelf (outside State jurisdiction) shall be
forwarded to the local Coast Guard District Office for their action by the
F. Background. The "Outer Continental Shelf" as used in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments (P.L.95-372) September 18, 1978, means that portion of the Continental Margin lying beyond State boundaries within U.S. Federal jurisdiction.
- 1. The Continental Margin consists of the Continental Shelf, the
Continental Slope and the Continental Rise. Bounding the Continental Slope
Margin is the land (Continent) on one side and the deep seabed on the other.
(See Figure 1, page 3.)
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
- 2. The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act expands the U.S. Coast
Guard's role for Safety and Health on the Outer Continental Shelf. By these
amendments, Congress has indicated that it expects the U.S. Coast Guard to be
the principal Federal Agency on matters of safety and health; as well as
continuing the present role it exercises for safety of vessels, diving,
artificial islands, fixed drill rigs, etc.
- 3. OSHA's authority is derived from the Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970. The very broad coverage of this Act expressly includes
the OCS (29 U.S.C. 653(a)). Because of this broad coverage, Section 4(b)(1)
was included in the OSHA Act to preclude the application of OSHA standards to
working conditions addressed by another agency's regulations or
- 4. Section 208 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act expressly
preserved the provisions of the OSH Act, including the OSH Act's application
to the Shelf and to all hazardous working conditions except those addressed
by other agencies' standards. Section 208, which amends Section 21 of the
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act states: "Nothing in this Act shall affect
the authority provided by law to the Secretary of Labor for the protection of
Occupational Safety and Health...."
- 5. The 1978 amendments to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
greatly increased the Coast Guard's authority to promulgate and enforce
safety and health standards on the Shelf. The Coast Guard, with its issuance
of a diving standard, has already begun to implement Congress' instructions.
OSHA fully supports the Coast Guard's intention to promulgate additional
standards to protect workers on the shelf. However, OSHA, under Section
4(b)(1) of the OSH Act, still has responsibility for any hazardous working
condition for which the Coast Guard has not yet promulgated enforceable
standards. As the Coast Guard promulgates more standards OSHA's application
to OCS workplaces will diminish.
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
- 6. OSHA has been actively cooperating with the Coast Guard's
standards development projects. The agency has assisted the Coast Guard in
identifying and collecting for Coast Guard promulgation those OSHA standards
relevant to inspected vessels and shall assist in more projects in the
- 7. A Coast Guard investigation alone, however, does not relieve
OSHA of its responsibilities. At the present time there exists a substantial
number of working conditions on offshore oil/gas rigs which OSHA addresses
under its standards applicable to general industry and construction, for
which the Coast Guard has yet to promulgate standards.
- 8. The Memorandum of Understanding entered into by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the United States Coast
Guard sets forth procedures intended to avoid duplication of issuance of
citations of violations and regulatory overlap while still retaining the
agencies' mutual responsibilities.
G. Requirements.
- 1. Sections I, II and III of the MOU (Appendix A) provide a
general description of the purpose of the MOU, a description of the "Working
Conditions" on the Outer Continental Shelf, and outline each agency's
responsibility under the Act.
- 2. Section IV A enumerates five areas pertaining to standards
development and promulgation which will be the responsibility of the
headquarters staff of both agencies. OSHA National Office staff may require
assistance from the field on specific projects associated with standards
research and development. In such cases appropriate contact and inquiries
through channels shall be made by the National Office staff of the pertinent
Field Office.
- 3. Section IV B, Items a.-e. listed below, are statements of
authorities, procedures and specifics to be followed in carrying out the
intent of the MOU.
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
- a. Routine enforcement activities (Section IV B.1.c., where
the Coast Guard does not exercise statutory authority to prescribe or enforce
standards affecting Occupational Safety and Health on the OCS) shall not be
conducted by the concerned OSHA Field Office prior to discussion with the
local Coast Guard District Office as to the procedures the OSHA Office
intends to follow.
- b. General schedule inspections in the absence of a request by
the Coast Guard shall be cause for the Area Director to seek permission from
the OSHA National Office, Office of Field Coordination and Experimental
Programs, prior to conducting such an inspection.
- c. Allegations of violations (complaints) of applicable OSHA
requirements shall be referred to the Commander of the local Coast Guard
District Office for action. (Appendix B lists the Coast Guard district
- (1) The complainant shall be informed of the above action
and also will be given the Office address and telephone number of the
appropriate Coast Guard District Office.
- (2) The OSHA office receiving the complaints shall maintain
a record of complaints and shall periodically monitor the action taken by the
Coast Guard. This will be entered in the record.
- (3) Written and oral complaints shall be forwarded to the
Coast Guard within a reasonable time. Additionally, oral complaints shall be
transcribed and forwarded to the Coast Guard for confirmation
- (4) If the Coast Guard requests assistance for disposition
of the complaints, OSHA will assist accordingly.
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
- d. Accident investigations on the OCS shall be conducted by
the Coast Guard in accordance with the regulations issued under its
- (1) The Coast Guard shall cooperate with OSHA with respect
to identifying violations of applicable OSHA standards related to the
casualty or accident by:
- (a) Inviting OSHA to formal Coast Guard
- (b) Developing lines of inquiry suggested by OSHA;
- (c) Making investigation information available to
- (2) The Coast Guard shall notify OSHA where an
investigation identifies an apparent violation of an applicable OSHA
standard, and subsequently will cooperate with OSHA with respect to any
enforcement action OSHA may undertake.
- e. When the Coast Guard requests an OSHA office to assist in,
or respond to complaints, accident investigations or routine enforcement
activities, that office shall:
- (1) Inform the National Office, Office of Field
Coordination and Experimental Programs, and
- (2) Consult with the local or pertinent Coast Guard
District Office regarding the inspection and, when required, the availability
of transportation.
- 4. Section V of the MOU shall be the responsibility of the Office
of Training.
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
- 5. Section VI. The OSHA representative is:
- James M. Meagher, Chief Division of Maritime Programming
Room N3608 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C.
- Commander David Zawadzki, USCG Manager, Outer
Continental Shelf Safety Project - Room 1604 2100 - 2nd Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590
Thorne G. Auchter Assistant Secretary
DISTRIBUTION: National, Regional and Area Offices All Compliance Officers State Designees NIOSH Regional Program Directors
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
I. PURPOSE-The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to establish procedures to increase consultation and coordination between the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with respect to matters affecting the occupational safety and health personnel working on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States.
II. DEFINITION-For purposes of the Memorandum, the following definition applies:
Working Conditions on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States
Working Conditions related to activities, including diving, taking place on or from, on the waters adjacent to, or otherwise associated with artificial islands, installations, or other devices permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed and exploring for, developing or producing resources from the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States, or any device (other than ship or vessel) used for the purpose of transporting such resources(43 U.S.C. 1333(a)(1)).
- A. United States Coast Guard
The USCG has authority to promulgate and enforce Safety and Health Relations working on the OCS of the United States. In carrying out this responsibility on the OCS the Coast Guard will cooperate with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to maximize the safety and health protection of employees, avoid duplication of effort, and avoid undue burdens on the maritime industry. The USCG, consistent with its statutory authority:
- 1. Promulgates regulations and may modify any regulation, interim
or final, applying to hazardous working conditions related to activities on
the Outer Continental Shelf, and promulgates such other regulations as may be
necessary to promote the safety of life and property on the OCS;
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
- 2. Promulgates regulations to provide for scheduled onsite
inspection, at least once a year, of each facility on the Outer Continental
Shelf which is subject to any environmental, safety or health regulation
promulgated by the Coast Guard pursuant to the OCS Act*, and also provides
for periodic onsite inspection without advance notice to the operator of such
facility to assure compliance with such environmental, health or safety
- 3. Reviews any allegation from any person of the existence of a
violation of a safety or health regulation or other unsafe working
- 4. Investigates and makes a public report on any death or serious
injury occurring as a result of operations conducted pursuant to the OCS Act,
and may investigate and report on other injuries, casualties or
- 5. Initiates appropriate civil and criminal procedures and other
actions to enforce any provision of the OCS Act or any regulation issued
under the Act.
- B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct)** applies with respect to working conditions on Outer Continental Shelf Lands (29 USC 653(a)), but does not apply to working conditions with respect to which the Coast Guard or other Federal agencies exercise statutory authority to prescribe or enforce standards affecting occupational safety and health (29 USC 653(b)(1), Sec. 21(d) of the OCS Act). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will cooperate with the Coast Guard to maximize the safety and health protection of employees, avoid duplication of effort, and avoid undue burdens on the maritime Industry.
Consistent with its statutory authority under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, OSHA:
- 1. Prescribes occupational safety and health rules and regulations
as necessary to carry out its responsibility under the OSHA Act;
- 2. Inspects and investigates places of employment to insure
compliance with any applicable OSHA requirements;
*"OCS Act refers to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, as Amended (43 USC 1331 et seq).
**"OSH Act" refers to Public Law 91-596, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
- 3. Responds to allegations of violations of applicable OSHA
requirements and makes investigations where there are reasonable grounds to
believe that a violation exists.
- 4. Issues citations and initiates appropriate civil and criminal
procedures against employers for violations of applicable OSHA
The two agencies agree, consistent with their statutory obligations, to observe the following procedures in carrying out their responsibilities to promote safe working conditions on the OCS:
- A. Development and promulgation of standards
The Coast Guard will develop and promulgate necessary regulations to assure safe and healthful working conditions on the OCS. OSHA will continue to promulgate general standards, which may apply to working conditions on the OCS not being regulated by the Coast Guard. In developing regulations and standards, the two agencies will cooperate to the maximum extent possible. Such cooperation will include, but will not be limited to the following:
- 1. Information and data availability. For the purposes of
identifying work hazards, determining accident or illness causes, developing
corrective measures, and assessing the impacts of new or revised regulations
or standards, the two agencies will exchange data and study results to the
extent permitted by law.
- 2. Standards research and development projects. The two agencies
will jointly participate in standards research and development projects of
mutual interest and benefit.
- 3. Review of existing regulations and standards. The two agencies
will jointly review existing USCG and OSHA regulations and standards to help
identify hazards that require priority attention in Coast Guard regulations
development projects;
- 4. Exchange of technical expertise. Each agency will provide the
other with technical support, where feasible, to assist in the review of
particular hazards or the development of regulations.
- 5. Early notice of rulemaking activities. The Coast Guard will
provide for OSHA's review and consultation copies of drafts of advance
notices which relate to working conditions on the OCS. Likewise, OSHA will
provide for the Coast Guard's review and consultation copies of drafts of
advance notices of proposed rulemaking, notices of proposed rulemaking, and
final rules, which have application to any working condition on the OCS.
Publication of any rule, however, is not contingent upon receipt of
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
- B. Enforcement of regulations and standards
While OSHA has statutory responsibilities with respect to workplaces on the OCS, the following provisions have been drafted to emphasize the Coast Guard's increasing role for safety and health on the OCS, as provided under the OCS Lands Act Amendments of 1978 (Pub. L 95-372). Through this Act, Congress expressed the expectation that the Coast Guard would be the principal Federal agency in matters of occupational safety and health on the OCS.
- 1. Routine enforcement activities:
- regulations issued under its authority which affect working
conditions on the OCS.
- occupational safety and health regulations promulgated under its
authority affecting working conditions on the OCS.
- requirements adopted under the OSH Act which apply to working
conditions on the OCS for which the Coast Guard or other Federal agencies
have not exercised their statutory authority to prescribe or enforce
standards affecting occupational safety and health. To minimize any
duplication which may result from exercising this responsibility, OSHA will
consult with the Coast Guard and seek to minimize the need for OSHA's routine
inspection activity.
- 2. Investigation of accidents:
- authority, the Coast Guard will investigate deaths, injuries and
other casualties to the OCS Act. In the course of all such investigations,
formal and informal, the Coast Guard will cooperate with OSHA regulations
related to the casualty or accident. Such cooperation will include: promptly
making investigation information available to OSHA; inviting OSHA attendance
at Coast Guard formal hearings; and developing lines of inquiry suggested by
OSHA. Where a Coast Guard investigation identifies an apparent violation of
an applicable OSHA regulation the Coast Guard will promptly notify OSHA and
subsequently will cooperate with OSHA with respect to any enforcement action
OSHA may undertake. This cooperation may include, but is not limited to,
providing transportation, as available; provided, however, OSHA remains
responsible for obtaining its own legal right of access to any
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
- 3. Investigation of allegations:
- person of the existence of a violation of an occupational safety
or health regulation or other unsafe working condition on the OCS and take
appropriate action under the circumstances. Copies of complaints of
occupational safety or health violations on the OCS received by OSHA will be
referred to the appropriate Coast Guard district commander for action. The
Coast Guard will notify OSHA as promptly as possible of the disposition of
allegations forwarded by OSHA.
The two agencies will review the training needs of agency personnel with responsibilities for matters pertaining to safety and health on the OCS, and will develop programs responsive to these needs.
The Coast Guard and OSHA shall each designate a representative who shall be responsible for coordinating implementation of the provisions of this Memorandum.
This Memorandum is effective upon signature by the parties. It may be amended at any time by mutual written agreement of the agencies and may be terminated by either agency upon thirty days written notice.
Nothing in this Memorandum shall be deemed to alter, amend, or affect in any way the statutory authority of the Coast Guard or OSHA.
- Signed at Washington, DC this 19th day of December, 1979.
Commandant Assistant Secretary United States Coast Guard Occupational Safety and Health Department of Transportation Department of Labor
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 CH-1 March 22, 1982 Office of Management Systems and Organization
SUBJECT: Page Change for OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46, January 20, 1982
A. Purpose. This instruction transmits a page change to OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46.
B. Scope. This instruction applies OSHA-wide.
C. Action. Replace the first page of OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46, dated January 20, 1982 with the attached new page. File this transmittal page after the signature page of the instruction.
D. Explanation. A line was omitted from the Purpose of CPL 2.46 and this page change corrects the omission.
Thorne G. Auchter Assistant Secretary
Distribution: National, Regional and Area Offices All Compliance Officers State Designees NIOSH Regional Program Directors
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA First Coast Guard District 16-18 North St. 150 Causeway Street 1 Dock Square, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02114 Boston, MA 02109 FTS & COM: 617-223-3601 COM: 617-223-6710 FTS: 223-6710
Area Director Commanding Officer 400-2 Totten Pond Rd-2nd floor U.S. Coast Guard Waltham, MA 02154 Marine Safety Office COM: 617-890-1238 447 Commercial Street FTS: 839-7681 Boston, MA 02109 FTS & COM: 617-223-1470
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Federal Bldg--Room 121 Marine Safety Office 40 Western Avenue P. O. box 108 Augusta, ME 04330 Portland, ME 04112 COM: 207-622-6171 FTS: 8-833-3251 FTS: 833-6417 COM: 207-780-3251
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard Federal Bldg and U.S. Post Office Marine Safety Office Room 204 John O'Pastore Federal Bldg. Providence, RI 02903 Providence, RI 02903 COM: 401-528-4669 FTS: 8-838-4335 FTS: 838-4667 COM: 401-528-4335
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Third Coast Guard District 1515 Broadway (1 Astor Plaza) Governors Island Room 3445 New York, NY 10004 New York, NY 100 FTS: 8-664-7852 COM: 212-944-3426 COM: 212-668-7852 FTS: 265-3432
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard Federal Bldg. and U.S. Post OfficeMarine Inspection Detachment Room 204 150 Bank St. Providence, RI 02903 New London, CT 06320 COM: 401-528-4669 FTS: 8-642-7203 FTS: 838-4667 COM: 203-442-4689
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard Room 242 U.S. Customs House Marine Inspection Office Second & Chestnut Street 801 Customhouse Philadelphia, PA 19106 Philadelphia, PA 19106 COM: 215-597-4955 FTS & COM: 215-597-4350 FTS: 597-4955
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Fifth Coast Guard District Gateway Bldg. - Suite 2100 431 Crawford St. 3535 Market Street Federal Building Philadelphia, PA 19104 Portsmouth, VA 23705 COM: 215-596-1201 FTS: 8-827-9288 FTS: 596-1201 COM: 804-398-6288
Safety Specialist Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 340 Federal Building Marine Safety Office 200 Granby Mall 200 Granby Mall Norfolk, VA 23510 Norfolk, VA 23510 COM: 804-441-3181 FTS: 8-827-3300 FTS: 827-3181 COM: 804-441-3300
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard Federal Building - Rm. 1110 Marine Safety Office Charles Center, 31 Hopkins Plaza U.S. Customhouse Baltimore, MD 21201 Baltimore, MD 21202 COM: 301-962-2840 FTS: 8-992-3545 FTS: 922-2840 COM: 301-752-3573
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard Federal Office Bldg. - Room 406 Marine Safety Office 310 New Bern Avenue Suite 20 Raleigh, NC 27601 201 N. Front St. COM: 919-755-4770 Wilmington, NC 28401 FTS: 672-4770 FTS: 8-671-4878 COM: 919-343-4878
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard Federal Office Bldg. - Room 406 Marine Safety Detachment 310 New Bern Avenue Room 128, Maritime Bldg. Raleigh, NC 27601 113 Arendell St. COM: 919-755-4770 Morehead City, NC 28557 FTS: 672-4770 FTS: 8-670-2438 COM: 919-726-1525
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Seventh Coast Guard District 1375 Peachtree St, N.E.-Suite 587 51 S. W. 1st Avenue Atlanta, GA 30309 Miami, FL 33130 COM: 404-881-3573 FTS & COM: 305-350-5654 FTS: 257-3573/2281
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA U.S. Coast Guard Art Museum Plaza - Suite 4 Marine Safety Office 2809 Art Museum Drive 2831 Talleyrand Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32207 Jacksonville, FL 32206 COM: 904-791-2895 FTS: 8-946-2648 FTS: 946-2895 COM: 904-791-2648
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 700 Twiggs St, Room 624 Marine Safety Office Tampa, FL 33602 155 Columbia Drive COM: 813-228-2821 Tampa, FL 33606 FTS: 826-2821/23 FTS: 8-826-2191 COM: 813-228-2191
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 400 Mall Boulevard Marine Safety Office Suite J P. O. Box 8191 Savannah, GA 31405 Savannah, GA 31412 COM: 912-354-0733 FTS: 8-248-4347 FTS: 248-4393 COM: 912-232-4321
U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Commanding Officer 334 Meeting St, Room 312 U.S. Coast Guard Federal Bldg. - 6th floor Marine Safety Office Charleston, SC 29403 196 Tradd St. COM: 803-724-4529 P. O. Box 724 FTS: 677-4529 FTS: 8-677-4434 COM: 803-724-4433
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Eighth Coast Guard District 555 Griffin Square Bldg.-Rm. 602 Rm. 1313 Hale Boggs Federal Bldg. Dallas, TX 75202 500 Camp St. COM: 214-767-4731 New Orleans, LA 70130 FTS: 729-4731 FTS: 8-682-6298 COM: 504-589-6298
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 600 South St. - Room 337 Marine Inspection Office New Orleans, LA 70130 1440 Canal St. COM: 504-589-2451/2 Canal LaSalle Bldg., Suite 2300 FTS: 682-6166/7 New Orleans, LA 70112 FTS: 8-682-6273 COM: 504-589-6273
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 600 South St. - Room 337 Marine Inspection Detachment New Orleans, LA 70130 P. O. Box 2374 COM: 504-589-2451/2 Morgan City, LA 70380 FTS: 682-6166/7 FTS: 8-389-0515 COM: 504-384-8607
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Marine Inspection Detachment 2156 Wooddale Blvd. Room B-16 Hoover Annex, Suite 200 707 Florida Street Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Baton Rouge, LA 70801 COM: 504-923-0718 X474 FTS: 8-687-0271 FTS: 687-0474 COM: 504-389-0271
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 600 South St. - Rm. 337 Marine Inspection Detachment New Orleans, LA 70130 P.O. Drawer 989 COM: 504-589-2451/2 Houma, LA 70360 FTS: 682-6166/7 COM ONLY: 504-868-5595
District Supervisor Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 4455 S. Podra Dr. Marine Safety Office Suite 105 P. O. Box 1621 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 COM: 512-888-3257 FTS: 8-734-3192 FTS: 734-3257 COM: 512-831-9691
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 2320 La Branch St., Rm. 2118 Marine Safety Office Houston, TX 77004 Rm. 313, Post Office Bldg. COM: 713-226-5431 601 Rosenberg FTS: 527-5431 Galveston, TX 77550 FTS: 8-527-6655 COM: 713-763-1211 x655
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
Area Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 2320 La Branch St., Rm. 2118 Marine Inspection Office Houston, TX 77004 7300 Wingate St. COM: 713-226-5431 Houston, TX 77011 FTS: 527-5431 FTS: 8-527-5621 COM: 713-226-5621
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 951 Government St. Marine Safety Office Suite 511 200 Federal Office Bldg. Mobile, AL 36602 Mobile, AL 36602 COM: 205-690-2131 FTS: 8-534-2201 FTS: 537-2131 COM: 205-690-2201
U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Commanding Officer Professional Bldg. - Suite 300 U.S. Coast Guard 2900 North Street Marine Safety Office Beaumont, TX 77702 Federal Bldg. Customhouse COM: 713-839-2420 5th and Austin Ave FTS Phone: 527-2420 Port Arthur, TX 77640 FTS: 8-527-8244 COM: 713-983-8244
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Eleventh Coast Guard District 11349 Federal Bldg. 400 Oceangate 450 Golden Gate Ave. Union Bank Bldg. P.O. Box 36017 Long Beach, CA 90822 San Francisco, CA 94102 FTS: 8-984-9211 COM: 415-556-0586 COM: 213-590-2211 FTS: 556-0586
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 400 Oceangate, Suite 530 Marine Inspection Office Long Beach, CA 80902 165 North Pico Avenue COM: 213-432-3434 Long Beach, CA 90802 FTS: 796-2431 FTS: 8-984-9376 COM: 213-590-2376
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of
Compliance Programming
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 400 Oceangate, Suite 530 Marine Safety Office Long Beach, CA 90802 2710 Harbor Drive COM: 213-432-3434 San Diego, CA 92101 FTS: 796-2431 FTS: 8-895-5860 COM: 714-293-5860
Regional Administrator Commander (m) 11349 Federal Bldg. Twelfth Coast Guard District 350 Golden Gate Avenue 630 Sansome Street P.O. Box 36017 San Francisco, CA 94126 San Francisco, CA 94102 FTS & COM: 415-556-3860 COM: 415-556-0586 FTS: 556-0586
District Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 11349 Federal Bldg. Marine Safety Office 450 Golden Gate Avenue 1 Embarcadero Center P.O. Box 36017 Suite 309 San Francisco, CA 94105 San Francisco, CA 94111 COM: 415-556-8743 FTS & COM: 415-556-1697 FTS: 556-8743
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Thirteenth Coast Guard District Federal Office Bldg., Room 6003 915 Second Avenue 909 First Avenue Seattle, WA 98174 Seattle, WA 98174 FTS: 8-339-5078 COM: 206-442-5930 COM: 206-442-5078 FTS: 399-5930
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 121-107th Street, N.E. Marine Inspection Office Bellevue, WA 98004 1519 Alaskan Way COM: 206-442-7520 Building 1 FTS: 399-7520 Seattle, WA 98134 FTS: 8-399-7510 COM: 206-442-7510
OSHA Instruction CPL 2.46 January 20, 1982 Office of Compliance Programming
Area Director Commanding Officer U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 1220 Southwest Third St. Marine Safety Office Room 640 6767 N. Basin Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Portland, OR 97217 COM: 503-221-2251 FTS: 8-423-6320 FTS: 423-2251 COM: 503-221-6320
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 1220 Southwest Third St. Marine Safety Detachment Room 640 209 Federal Bldg. Portland, OR 97204 750 Commercial Street COM: 503-221-2251 Astoria, OR 97103 FTS: 423-2251 FTS Oper; 8-423-4111 COM: 503-325-7338
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 121-107th St. N.E. Marine Safety Detachment Bellevue, WA 98004 Federal Bldg., Rm. 103 COM: 206-442-7520 421 W. State Street FTS: 399-7520 Aberdeen, WA 98520 FTS: 8-429-9269 COM: 206-269-9309
Area Director Supervisor U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA U.S. Coast Guard 1220 Southwest Third St. Marine Safety Detachment Room 640 332 N. Front St. Portland, OR 97204 Coos Bay, OR 97420 COM: 503-221-2251 FTS: 8-429-9269 FTS: 423-2251 COM: 503-269-9309
Regional Administrator Commander (m) U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Fourteenth Coast Guard District 11349 Federal Building Prince Kalanianaole 450 Golden Gate Avenue Federal Building P.O. Box 36017 300 Ala Moana Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94102 Honolulu, HI 96850 COM: 415-446-0586 COM: 808-546-7531 FTS: 556-0586 (Dial FTS Oper. 8-556-0220, which is San Francisco Oper., give Honolulu No.)
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