• Record Type:
    OSHA Instruction
  • Current Directive Number:
    OFF 5.1
  • Old Directive Number:
    OFF 5.1
  • Title:
    Printing and Distribution of Publications
  • Information Date:
Archive Notice - OSHA Archive

NOTICE: This is an OSHA Archive Document, and may no longer represent OSHA Policy. It is presented here as historical content, for research and review purposes only.

OSHA Instruction OFF 5.1 JAN 15, 1987 Office of Management Systems and Organization

Subject: Printing and Distribution of Publications

A. Purpose. This instruction establishes policy governing the printing and distribution of OSHA program publications, introduces a centralized distribution system, and assigns responsibilities.

B. Scope. This instruction applies OSHA-wide.

C. Action. All OSHA personnel will follow the printing and distribution policy as described in paragraph "G" of this instruction.

D. Background As the result of continuing budget deficits, a study of OSHA's printing and distribution practices was commissioned and performed. The results indicated that a lack of policy, procedure, clearly delegated responsibilities and controls over the procurement and distribution of publications were the major cause of budget overruns and resulted in duplication of effort, inefficiency and waste. The recommendations presented in the study were reviewed and approved by the senior staff of the National Office and appear in this instruction.

E. Definitions.

1. Administrative Publication.
a. A printed item designed and printed expressly for internal use by OSHA personnel, such as forms, manuals, handbook, etc.
b. A printed item distributed in accordance with established policy, procedure, or regulation. Examples are: Opening and Closing Conference Guides, General Industry Standards, publications, posters, and other items given away during the course of an inspection as specified in the Field Operations Manual, and proposed standards.

OSHA Instruction OFF 5.1 JAN 15, 1987 Office of Management Systems and Organization

2. Program Publication. A printed item designed primarily for distribution to the public. Such publications include: educational, technical, and informational documents, final standards, pamphlets, posters, flyers, and books.
Note: Some items, such as the General Industry Standards, may be used both as administrative and program publications. In such cases, that portion of the total stock designated for public distribution will be subject to the policy set forth below. This instruction addresses itself to the distribution of all publications except those which are strictly administrative in nature.
3. Originator. One who develops or requests the procurement of publications.

F. Responsibilities.

1. Office of Administrative Services (OAS) is responsible for:
a. Providing printing services.
b. Establishing individual publication costs.
c. Insuring that publications are sold through the Superintendent of Documents.
d. Controlling, storing, and distributing publications.
e. Considering exceptions to distribution policy.
f. Establishing and maintaining inventories and publication files.
g. Providing relevant management information to originators.
2. Office of Information and Consumer Affairs (OICA) is responsible for:
a. Coordinating and developing publicity requirements for new program publications.
b. Publicizing new publications prior to distribution.


OSHA Instruction Off 5.1 JAN 15, 1987 Office of Management Systems and Organization

c. Maintaining a current publications catalog.
d. Developing, in coordination with the Office of Field Coordination and Experimental Programs:
(1) A standardized collection of informational publications which will be provided to each Regional, Area, and District Office for display and distribution, and
(2) Unique regional publications which will be provided to appropriate field offices as needs are determined. These publications will be disseminated along with the standardized publications.
3. Originators are responsible for the following:
a. Insuring that publicity requirements for new publications are coordinated and cleared through the Office of Information and Consumer Affairs before submitting the initial Printing and Reproduction Request (DL-72) to the Office of Administrative Services.
b. In the case of a publication having a dual identity as both an administrative and a program publication, providing the Office of Administrative Services with information regarding the the amount of publications to be set aside for administrative purposes. The amount of publications ordered for program purposes will not exceed the limitations established in Section "G", Paragraph 5.
4. Regional and Area Offices shall:
a. Individually notify the Office of Administrative Services when the supplies of program publications available for public distribution are exhausted.
b. Distribute program publications in accordance with the policy established in Section "G", Paragraph 1.
c. Refer bulk requests to the Superintendent of Documents, refer requests for exceptions to the policy to the Office of Administrative Services.


OSHA Instruction OFF 5.1 JAN 15, 1981 Office of Management Systems and Organization

G. Policy.

1. Distribution Limitations.
a. Publications will be distributed only in response to a request. Automatic bulk distribution of publications by mailing list and/or Delivery Instruction (Form DL 1-2980) to other than OSHA addressees is PROHIBITED.
b. Only one publication will be provided per request.
2. Sale of Publications. Program publications will be sold by the Superintendent of Documents or the National Information Service, depending on the nature of the publication. Requests for more than one copy of a publication will be referred to these sources for purchase.
3. Publicity. To introduce the availability of new publications, notices or advertisements, rather than the publication itself, will be distributed. Such announcements will refer interested parties to the Office of Administrative Services for a complementary copy of the item. Announcements will also cite the Superintendent of Documents as a source for additional copies.
4. Stock. No more than 50 copies of any program publication will be delivered to, or stored by, any organizational element of the National Office other than the Office of Administrative Services.
5. Ordering Publications. In ordering publications, two limitations apply:
a. Initial Procurement. No more than 50,000 copies of any publication will be initially ordered. Resupply will depend on the rate of use.
b. Resupply. No more than a year's supply of publications may be ordered at any one time.
6. Publication Records. At a minimum, the following records will be maintained. a. A log of publications distributed


OSHA Instruction OFF 5.1 JAN 15, 1981 Office of Management Systems and Organization

b. A log of exceptions granted
c. A file for each publication containing
1) Copies of correspondence pertaining to the printing or procurement of the publication
2) Publicity clearance memo from the Office of Information and Consumer Affairs.
3) Copies of the original and subsequent printing and reproduction requisitions
4) Cost data
5) Inventory data
7. Reports. The following report will be provided to Directorates
a. A monthly report providing information on the number of request received per publication, the cost involved, and the number remaining in stock.
b. A annual cumulative report for assistance in budget planning. This report will contain:

1) A list of program publications charged to each Directorate
2) The number of requests for each publication distributed in the past year

3) The average number of publications distributed per request
4) The cost of publications

5) The number of publications remaining in stock.

H. Exceptions to the policy as stated in Section G, paragraphs 1 and 2.

1. More than one copy per request may be obtained by:
a. Non-profit organizations such as labor unions,


OSHA Instruction OFF 5.1 JAN 15, 1981 Office of Management Systems and Organization

state governments, universities, New Direction grantees, etc.
b. Those conducting conferences or training sessions approved by OSHA.
2. No more than $100 worth of any one publication (based on printing costs) will be sent in response to a request for multiple copies of the publication.
a. For example, if an item costs $2.00 to print; distribution of this item is limited to 50 copies per requestor.
b. If an item cost $0.10 to print, then up to 1,000 copies may be distributed in response to a request.
The Office of Administrative Services will maintain information regarding printing costs and the maximum number of copies of each publication which may be distributed per request.
3. Requestors will be granted one exception per publication.
4. In the case requests for quantity distribution for those publications which the Superintendent of Documents might choose not to sell, the Office of Administrative services will coordinate with the originator, and make an ad hoc judgment for each request.

Basil J. Whiting Deputy Assistant Secretary

Distribution: National, Regional, and Area Offices
