- Record Type:OSHA Notice
- Current Directive Number:00-04 (TED 1)
- Old Directive Number:TED 1 (00-04)
- Title:Cancellation of PUB 8-1.1, Guidelines for Cytotoxic (Antineoplastic) Drugs, January 29, 1986.
- Information Date:

NOTICE: This is an OSHA Archive Document, and may no longer represent OSHA Policy. It is presented here as historical content, for research and review purposes only.
DIRECTIVE NUMBER: 00-04 (TED 1) | EFFECTIVE DATE: June 21, 2000 |
SUBJECT: Cancellation of PUB 8-1.1, Guidelines for Cytotoxic (Antineoplastic) Drugs, January 29, 1986. |
Purpose: | This Notice corrects an omission when a chapter superseding OSHA Instruction PUB 8-1.1 was issued in the OSHA Technical Manual without a cancellation statement. |
Scope: | OSHA-wide |
References: | TED 1-0.15A, OSHA Technical Manual, January 20, 1999. |
Cancellations: | PUB 8-1.1, Guidelines for Cytotoxic (Antineoplastic) Drugs, January 29, 1986, is cancelled. |
State Plan Impact: | None. |
Action Offices: | None. |
Originating Office: | Directorate of Technical Support Office of Occupational Medicine |
Contact: | Angela Presson, M.D., MPH DTS, Office of Occupational Medicine 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-3457 Washington, DC 20210 202-693-2323 |
By and Under the Authority of
James Lemke
OSHA Directives Officer
- PURPOSE. This notice cancels OSHA Instruction PUB 8-1.1.
- SCOPE. This notice applies OSHA-wide.
- CANCELLATION. PUB 8-1.1, Guidelines for Cytotoxic (Antineoplastic) Drugs, January
29, 1986, is cancelled.
- OSHA Instruction TED 1-0.15A, OSHA Technical Manual (OTM), January 20,
- CPL 2-2.20B CH-4, OSHA Technical Manual, April 14, 1995 (Cancelled).
- OSHA Instruction TED 1-0.15A, OSHA Technical Manual (OTM), January 20,
- EXPIRATION DATE. This notice expires September 30, 2000.
- RESPONSIBLE OFFICE. Office of Occupational Medicine.
- INFORMATION OFFICES. All National Office Directorates and Regions, State Plan States, and Consultation Designees
- RESPONSIBLE OFFICE. Office of Occupational Medicine.
- FEDERAL PROGRAM CHANGE. None. For State reference only.
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.20B, OSHA Technical Manual, added many
chapters in its various Changes. CH-4 added Chapter 21, Controlling Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Drugs. This chapter included updated information on Cytotoxic (Antineoplastic) Drugs. This chapter replaced OSHA Instruction PUB 8-1.1 whose information is obsolete but didn't cancel
the instruction.
- The information in Chapter 21 was included when the OTM was revised. The latest revision of the OTM is OSHA Instruction TED 1-0.15A. Chapter 21 in CPL 2-2.20B was renumbered to Chapter 2. Controlling Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Drugs in Section VI: Healthcare Facilities.
- OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.20B, OSHA Technical Manual, added many
chapters in its various Changes. CH-4 added Chapter 21, Controlling Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Drugs. This chapter included updated information on Cytotoxic (Antineoplastic) Drugs. This chapter replaced OSHA Instruction PUB 8-1.1 whose information is obsolete but didn't cancel
the instruction.