Region 4 - Alliance Annual Report - September 28, 2017
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Atlanta Regional Office
61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Room 6T50
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(678) 237-0400; Fax (678) 237-0447
OSHA Training Institute Education Centers (OTIEC)
Region IV Alliance Annual Report
September 28, 2017
Alliance Background
Date Signed
September 29, 2015
Evaluation Period
September 29, 2016, through September 28, 2017
The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Atlanta Regional Office and the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers (OTIECS) in Region IV recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful American workplaces. The OTIEC Alliance is focused on providing students and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers, particularly by reducing and preventing exposure to prevalent health and safety hazards in the general and construction industries.
- Implementation Team Membership and Contributors
The implementation team included representatives from the OSHA Regional Office and the OTIECS in Region IV.
Americo Pagan, Assistant Regional Administrator for Cooperative and State Programs
Shawndolena Arnold-Postell, Regional Training Specialist
Kaylene Sherrod-Moore, Regional Program Analyst
Tom Bosley, Regional Alliance CoordinatorRegion IV - OSHA Training Institute Education Centers (OTIECS)
Sheryl Foucher, University of Alabama (UA) - OSHA Training Institute Education Center
Bob Nesbit, University of South Florida (USF) - OTI Education Center
Keila Ashman, USF OTI Education Center
Wendy Laing, North Carolina (NC) State University - Southeastern OTI Education Center
Bryan Lane, University of Tennessee – Southeastern OTI Education Center
Tammy Cole, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) - OTI Education Center
Myrtle Turner, Georgia Tech - OTI Education Center
Zach Rhodus, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) - OTI Education Center
Bob Jankiewicz, Volunteer State Community College - OTI Education Center
Implementation Team Meetings
Quarterly implementation team meetings were conducted by telephone and in person during the following periods:
- September 29, 2016
- March 2, 2017
- May 9 through 11, 2017 (OTIEC Directors meeting in Vancouver, WA)
- Results
The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.
Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives:
The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following goal related to raising awareness of OSHA's rulemaking and enforcement initiatives:
- To share information on OSHA's National/Regional/Local Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process.
- To share information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
- To convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on National, Regional and Local Emphasis Program topics in order to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Other On September 29, 2016, the Alliance group conducted a meeting to discuss its goals and strategies for the year. Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 15 (number in attendance)
Dissemination During this period, the OSHA Region IV Newsletter was provided with quarterly articles for its "OTIEC Corner." Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 8,000 (circulation)
Other During this period, the Georgia Tech - OTI Education Center continued to offer a discount code for members of the Atlanta-FFSHC interested in attending training courses. Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 25+
Dissemination During this period, the USF - OTIEC promoted the Alliance through its monthly eNewsletter. Other topics addressed in the newsletter included the following: - >Developing effective workplace safety and health management systems.
- Employee reporting of workplace safety and health concerns.
Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 21, 000+
Other and Presentation On Wednesday, March 2, 2017, a conference call was conducted between the Atlanta Regional Office and OSHA's National Office (the Office of Alliance Programs and the Office of Federal Agencies Programs) to discuss the following: - Background of the OTI Education Center Alliance
- Alliance Focus
- Success of the Alliance
Construction, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/ Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 100+
Other During this period, the University of Tennessee and Volunteer State Community College - OTI Education Centers continued their efforts to revitalize the Middle Tennessee - FFSHC by hosting a meeting at Volunteer State Community College's Rochelle Center. Participants in the meeting included representatives from the University of Tennessee, Volunteer State Community College, the OSHA Nashville Area Office, as well as the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Construction, Fall Prevention, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 6
Other On May 18, 2017, the TVA hosted the first meeting of the revitalized Middle Tennessee – FFSHC. The meeting was attended by representatives from the OSHA Nashville Area Office, Volunteer State Community College, the University of Tennessee, as well as the Tennessee Valley Authority. Construction, Fall Prevention, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 7
Training and Education: The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following training and education goal:
- To develop effective training and education programs for industry to promote understanding of workers' rights, including the use of the OSHA complaint process, and the responsibilities of employers and to communicate such information to workers and employers.
- To deliver or arrange for the delivery of health and safety training to targeted industries in support of OSHA's National/Regional/Local Emphasis Programs.
- Coordinate with Field Federal Safety and Health Councils by hosting meetings and providing instructors at meetings.
- Collectively assessing the employer training needs in Region IV and the geographical distribution of OTIECs.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Training/Training Product for Dissemination During this period, the Southeastern OTIEC at NC State University shared its "Tractor Talk" publication with the other centers. This pamphlet is focused on agricultural safety and health and it was developed under an OSHA Susan Harwood Grant. Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 100+
Training On October 12, 2016, the USF OTIEC offered a free webinar on the Zika virus and outdoor workers. Construction, and Hazard Communication/Chemical 139
Training On January 25, 2017, the University of South Florida (USF) OTI Education Center provided members of the South Florida - FFSHC with construction safety and health training. Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, and Heat Illness Prevention. 100+
Training In April 2017, the University of Alabama (UA) - OTI Education Center conducted two safety and health training courses for members of the Mississippi Gulf Coast - FFSHC. These courses were focused on the following topics: - Evacuation and Emergency Planning
- Recordkeeping
Construction, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 50
Training On May 8, 2017, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) conducted two (2) free OSHA 7405 courses in support of OSHA's National Fall Prevention Safety Stand-down. Construction and Fall Prevention 40+
Training During this period, the USF OTI Education Center provided members of the South Florida FFSHC with a wide range of safety and health. These courses were focused on the following topics: - On February 10, 2017, OSHA course #7505, Introduction to Incident Investigation
- On May 12, 2017, OSHA course #7500, Introduction to Safety & Health Management
- On May 26, 2017, Heat Stress Awareness Webinar
- On June 16, 2017, the OSHA Silica Standard for Construction
- On July 21, 2017, a Heat Illness Prevention Webinar was conducted in collaboration with OSHA and South Florida FFSHC.
Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 200+
Training On July 13, 2017, the Southeastern OTIEC at NC State University and the Georgia Tech OTIEC collaborated to conduct a free training course focused on hazards in the poultry and meatpacking industry. OSHA Region IV currently has a Regional Emphasis Program (REP) focused on poultry processing facilities. Ergonomic, Fall Prevention and Hazard Communication/ Chemical 50
Outreach and Communication: The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:
- To speak, exhibit, and/or appear at OSHA's, safety and health conferences, local meetings, Region IV VPPPA Conference, Field Federal Safety and Health Council (FFSHC) meetings and related events.
- To work with other Alliance Participants on specific issues and projects, such as the Regional safety stand-down, that are addressed and developed through the Alliance.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Other and Presentation On October 7, 2016, the Southeastern OTIEC at NC State University hosted a meeting for the North Carolina - Field Federal Safety and Health Council. NC State presented updates on the following OSHA standards: Confined Spaces in Construction; Silica; and Recording and Reporting Illnesses and Injuries. Construction and Recordkeeping 37
Other and Dissemination During this period, the USF OTIEC promoted the Alliance at the following free safety and health events: - On October 21, 2016, at the Florida Marine Contractors Association Expo.
- On October 19, 2016, during the First Coast Manufactures Association, Annual Summit's safety panel discussion.
- On October 28, 2016, during the trenching and excavation presentation conducted for the Tampa International Airport - construction project.
- On December 8, 2016, at Bayonet Point Regional Medical Center during a presentation regarding OSHA's requirements for medical facilities.
Construction, Fall Prevention, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 100+
Dissemination and Exhibit The Region IV - OTIEC's exhibited at the Region IV VPPPA - June 20 - 22, 2017, Atlanta, GA. During this event the group promoted the OTIEC Alliance. Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation. 400+
Other and Presentation On June 16, 2017, the Southeastern OTIEC at NC State University hosted a meeting for the North Carolina - Field Federal Safety and Health Council. One of the featured presenters was the National Weather Service and the topic was heat stress prevention. Heat Illness Prevention 25+
Exhibit and Presentation On June 28, 2017, the Georgia Tech - OTI Education Center participated in the U.S. Department of Labor - Safety Day event in support of the Atlanta-FFSHC meeting on January 20, 2016. Construction, Fall Prevention, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation. 83 participants, 36 online participants, and 16 vendors
Exhibit, Speech/Presentation, Dissemination During this period, representatives from the UA OSHA Training Institute Education Center promoted the Region IV - OTIEC Alliance and exhibited at the Alabama Governor's Safety and Health Conference Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation. 1,000+
Dissemination During this period, the Southeastern OTIEC at NC State University continued to effectively promote workplace safety and health using it bi-monthly newsletter the "Safety Guardian." The newsletter is disseminated to employers and workers across North Carolina, including FFSHC members. Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation. 6,000 (circulation)
Other During this period, the new OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool was promoted to the OTI Education Centers in Region IV. The new app is available for both Android and iPhone and it was a collaborative effort between OSHA and NIOSH to update the OSHA Heat Safety Tool. Heat Illness Prevention 1,000+
Exhibit, Speech/Presentation, Dissemination During this period, the OTI Education Centers in Region IV supported all of the safety and health stand-down events conducted by OSHA Regionally and Nationally. - Georgia Struck-by Alliance 2017 Stand-down, April 3 -7, 2017, 411 jobsites, 23,354 workers.
- Region IV - Landscaping 2017 Stand-Down, Monday, April 17 - 18, 2017, 31 Sites and 508 workers.
- Region IV - Heat Illness Prevention Stand-down, May 22 - 24, 2017, 24 worksites and 8,096 workers.
- OSHA National Fall Prevention Stand-down, Monday, May 8 - 12, 2017.
- OSHA Safe and Sound Campaign, June 12 - 18, 2017.
Construction, Fall Prevention, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 31,000+
Presentation During this period, the EKU OTI Education Center conducted safety and health presentations for the Louisville - FFSHC. These presentations focused on the following safety and health topics: - On March 30, 2017, a presentation was conducted on ergonomics.
- On July 27, 2017, a presentation was conducted on machine guarding.
Transportation and Ergonomics 50+
Dissemination During this period, the Southeastern OTIEC at NC State University promoted the Fall Prevention Safety Stand-down with five (5) daily tip videos, continue to be available on YouTube and its website. Construction and Fall Prevention 3,000+ (circulation)
Upcoming Milestones in FY 2017 – FY 2018
- The OSHA and OTIEC Alliance will be renewed for a 5-year term.
- The Alliance group will continue to effectively support the Field Federal Safety and Health Councils (FFSHC) in OSHA Region IV.
- The Alliance group will continue to effectively support and promote OSHA's fall and heat illness prevention campaigns.
- The Alliance group will continue to effectively educate and training workers on topics related to OSHA's Regional and National Emphasis Programs.
Report Prepared by: Tom Bosley, Region IV Alliance Coordinator