Region 4 – Alliance Annual Report – October 7, 2022

U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Atlanta Regional Office
61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Room 6T50
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(678) 237-0400; Fax (678) 237-0447

OSHA Training Institute Education Centers (OTIEC)
Region IV Alliance Annual Report
November 10, 2022

  1. Alliance Background
    1. Date Signed
      September 29, 2015

      Renewal Date
      October 4, 2017
      October 7, 2022

    2. Evaluation Period:
      November 6, 2021, through November 8, 2022

    3. Overview:
      The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Atlanta Regional Office and the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers (OTIECS) in Region IV recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful American workplaces. The OTIEC Alliance is focused on providing students and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers, particularly by reducing and preventing exposure to prevalent health and safety hazards in the general and construction industries.

    4. Implementation Team Membership and Contributors
      The implementation team included representatives from the OSHA Regional Office and the OTIECS in Region IV.

      Americo Pagan, Assistant Regional Administrator for Cooperative and State Programs
      Kaylene Sherrod-Moore, Regional Program Analyst
      LeAnna Jackson, Training Administrator
      Tom Bosley, Regional Alliance Coordinator

      Region IV - OSHA Training Institute Education Centers (OTIECS)
      Sheryl Foucher, University of Alabama (UA) - OSHA Training Institute Education Center (OTIEC)
      Mylene Kellerman, University of South Florida (USF) - OTI Education Center
      Holli Singleton and Wendy Laing, North Carolina (NC) State University – Southeastern OTI Education Center
      Bryan Lane, University of Tennessee – Southeastern OTI Education Center
      Hilarie Warren, Georgia Tech - OTI Education Center
      Zach Rhodus, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) - OTI Education Center
      Joseph Small and Kristen Woodmore, Volunteer State Community College - OTI Education Center

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    During this period, the Alliance group conducted implementation team meetings virtually. The Alliance group also frequently communicated and coordinated via email.

    • April 26, 2022 (Zoom Meeting/Conference Call)
    • Alliance Implementation Team coordinated during the May 3 – 5, 2022, DTE/OTIEC Meeting
    • July 19, 2022, FFSHC Forum Meeting with Alliance group
    • September 13, 2022 (MS Teams Meeting/Conference Call)
    • November 8, 2022 (MS Teams Meeting/Conference Call)
  3. Results

    Dissemination: Alliance Program participant shared information on OSHA-developed or OSHA Alliance Program-developed tools and resources, OSHA standards/rulemakings, enforcement, or outreach campaigns.

    Dissemination Type Date Description Emphasis Area(s)* Number Reached (numeric value)
    Dissemination 11/2021 - 10/2020 – During this period, the OSHA Region IV Newsletter continued to include a quarterly feature known as “OTIEC Corner.” Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 8,000 (circulation)
    Dissemination During this period

    During this period, the representatives from the University of South Florida (USF), University of Alabama (UA), Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), the Volunteer State Community College (VSCC) - OTIEC and the Georgia Tech - OTIECs promoted the Alliance, while staffing a booth at the following conferences:

    1. OSHA Region IV Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association (VPPPA) 2022 Safety and Health Excellence Conference in Birmingham, AL, June 7 through 8, 2022.
    2. Worker’s Compensation Institute (WCI) 2022 Safety and Health Conference in Orlando, FL, August 22 through 23, 2022.
    3. Tennessee Safety and Health Congress & Expo in Nashville, TN, August 29 through 30, 2022.
    Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 5,000+ Contacts
    Dissemination During this period The Southeastern OTIEC at North Carolina State University (NCSU) continued to use its newsletter to promote OSHA’s campaigns and initiatives using its bi-monthly newsletter the “Safety Guardian.” The newsletter is disseminated to employers and workers across North Carolina, including Federal Field Safety and Health Council (FFSHC) members. Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 6,000 (circulation)
    Dissemination During this period The University of South Florida OSHA Training Institute Education Center (USF OTIEC) continued to use its monthly newsletter to promote OSHA’s campaigns and initiatives and share Region 4 occupational safety and health news. The newsletter is disseminated to employers and workers in the public and private sectors across Region IV. Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 6,000 (circulation)
    Dissemination During this period The Volunteer State Community College (VSCC) - OTIEC distributed a monthly newsletter to stakeholders, including members of the Middle Tennessee - FFSHC. Areas of emphasis include upcoming training events, OSHA success stories, OSHA recruitment efforts, as well as regional and national emphasis programs. Federal Workers, Construction and Fall Prevention 10,000 (circulation)
    Dissemination/ Training During this period

    During this period, the Georgia Tech - OTIEC conducted the following free seminar courses in support OSHA’s campaigns, initiatives, and stand-downs:

    In support of OSHA Safe and Sound Campaign: (8/15 – 21/2022) OSHA 7510 – Introduction to OSHA for Small Businesses; OTI 7200 – Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Control for Healthcare Facilities; OSHA 7005 – Public Warehousing and Storage; Infectious Disease Training for Funeral Home Workers; and Infectious Disease Training for Long-term Care healthcare.

    Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 500+
    Dissemination/ Training During this period

    During this period, USF OTIEC offered complimentary OSHA courses in support of OSHA’s Initiatives, Campaigns, and Emphasis Programs in collaboration with the local OSHA Area Offices and the Florida OSHA Consultation Program:

    1. Workers Memorial Day – OSHA# 7500 (April 28, 2022)
    2. National Fall Prevention Stand-Down, OSHA# 7405, (May 3 and May 5, 2022)
    3. Safe + Sound Campaign – OSHA# 7500 (Aug. 18, 2022)
    Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 500+
    Dissemination/ Training During this period

    During this period, the University of Alabama (UA) - OTIEC promoted OSHA’s campaigns, initiatives, and stand-downs in the following manner:

    University of Alabama (UA) OTIEC conducted several free seminar courses in support of OSHA Safe and Sound Campaign: (8/17/2022) “How Soon We Forget,” and (8/19/2022) “Work Zone Management and Trends in Reflective Materials.”

    Construction, Small Business, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 500+
    Dissemination/ Training During this period

    During this period, VSCC - OTIEC offered the following OSHA courses in support of OSHA’s Initiatives and Campaigns. The VSCC OTIEC also conducted numerous courses in support of OSHA’s Emphasis Programs:

    1. National Fall Stand-Down: (May 2 -6, 2022), OSHA 3115 – Fall Protection and OSHA 7405 - Fall Awareness for Construction
    2. Safe + Sound Campaign: (August 15, 2022), OSHA 510 – Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction Industry, OSHA 503 – Update for General Outreach Trainers.
    Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, and Transportation 500+
    Dissemination/ Training During this period During this period, the Region IV – OTIEC Alliance and the USF-OTIEC’s collaboration with the OSHA family was promoted during speaking engagements and presentations. Construction, Small Business, and Safety and Health Management System 1,000+
    Dissemination/ Training During this period

    During this period, the Region IV – OTIEC’s conducted the following activities to train and educate federal and private sector workers regarding COVID-19:

    On 11/18/2021, the University of Alabama (UA) OTIEC conducted a “Vaccination Fact” free seminar.

    Construction, Ergonomic, Fall Prevention, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Heat Illness Prevention, Transportation and COVID-19 Pandemic 40 - attendees

    Outreach Events and Training for non-OSHA Staff: Alliance Program participant or OSHA participation in events, which includes speeches/presentations, exhibits, roundtables, conferences, informational webinars or other meetings or training in support of the Alliance or an OSHA initiative.

    Activity Type Date Event Name Representative Name(s) and Affiliation(s) Title Of Presentation (if applicable) City State Emphasis Area(s)* Number Reached (numeric value)
    Training/Meeting 11/18/2021 Louisville FFSHC and Middle Tennessee FFSHC conducted a joint meeting Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) OTIEC supported the Louisville and Middle Tennessee – FFSHCs with a presentation on Powered Industrial Trucks. Powered Industrial Trucks Louisville
    Federal Workers and Safety and Health Programs 16 Attendees
    Training/Meeting 3/18/2021 North Carolina FFSHC meeting The Southeastern OTIEC at NCSU facilitated a virtual training session/meeting with the North Carolina –FFSHC via Zoom. Workplace Safety and Health Raleigh NC Federal Workers and Safety and Health Programs 15 - Attendees
    Training/Meeting 4/28/2022 Louisville FFSHC and Middle Tennessee FFSHC conducted a joint meeting The Louisville, Middle Tennessee, and Mississippi Gulf Coast – FFSHCs participated in a virtual presentation conducted by EKU. Workplace Safety and Health Louisville
    Federal Workers and Safety and Health Programs 15 - Attendees
    Training/Meeting 5/2/2022 National Safety Stand-Down The Volunteer State Community College (VSCC) OTIEC conducted a free fall protection training event in support of the National Fall Stand-Down. Fall Protection Awareness Seminar Gallatin TN Construction and Fall Prevention 50+
    Training/Meeting 6/15/2022 Atlanta FFSHC, Safety Day Event
    (Invitation made to all the FFSHCs in Region IV)
    Georgia Tech OTIEC supported the Atlanta-FFSHC annual Safety Day event, which featured a presentation by Col. Ray Rotteman, USAF, Ret., focused on safety culture training. Safety Culture Training Atlanta GA Federal Workers and Safety and Health Programs 152 attendees
    Training/Meeting 7/20/2022 Mississippi Gulf Coast FFSHC Meeting The University of South Florida (USF) OTIEC provided training on radiation safety and health for the council. Radiation Safety Gulfport
    Federal Workers and Safety and Health Programs 15 - Attendees
    Training/Meeting 9/16/2022 North Carolina FFSHC meeting The US Navy safety office conducted a presentation on its hazard reporting and tracking system for the North Carolina –FFSHC. The meeting was also supported by the Southeastern OTIEC at NCSU. Hazard Reporting and Tracking System Raleigh NC Federal Workers and Safety and Health Programs 15 - Attendees
    Training/Meeting 9/23/2022 Trenching Safety Training Event The VSCC-OTIEC conducted trenching safety training event in conjunction with the Tennessee chapter of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA). Trenching and Excavation Safety Nashville TN Construction, Small Business, and Trenching 50+
    Training/Meeting During this period Safety and Health Training for Youth Workers

    During this period, the following OTIECs have provided safety and training to youth workers:

    EKU-OTIEC worked with Kentucky Area Technology Centers (ATC) to provided qualified instructors with the appropriate training to become authorized Outreach trainers. To date, 4,125 Kentucky ATC students have received OSHA 10-/30-hour training.

    UA-OTIEC has worked with local high schools, technical programs, and college to provided OSHA 10 and 30-hour training to 2,316 young workers, since FY 2020.

    Youth Safety and Health Training





    Construction and Youth Workers



    Total: 6,441

    Report prepared by Tom Bosley, Region IV Alliance Coordinator, Atlanta Regional Office