SWRI - Alliance Annual Report - April 14, 2016

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the
Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute (SWR Institute)
April 14, 2016

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      February 20, 2003

    2. Dates Renewed

      • July 21, 2005
      • July 11, 2007
      • July 6, 2009
      • June 24, 2011
      • March 20, 2014
    3. Evaluation Period

      February 20, 2015 - February 19, 2016

    4. Overview

      The OSHA and SWR Institute Alliance provides SWR Institute members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers, particularly by reducing and preventing falls and continuing to address issues related to small business, motor vehicle, and hazard communication.

    5. Implementation Team Members


      • Courtney Murray - Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, Office of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction
      • Morgan Seuberling* - Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
      • Camillia McArthur - Program Analyst, Office of Small Business Assistance, DCSP
      • Bill Willson** - OOSA, DCSP

      SWR Institute

      • Dan Bagley - Otto Baum Company; Board Member, SWR Institute
      • Dan Cain - The George D. Alan Company; Past-President, SWR Institute
      • Dave Grady - Tri-State High Rise Services; Secretary/Treasurer, SWR Institute
      • Doug DeSilvio - The George D. Alan Company; Worker Representative, SWR Institute
      • Raymond Fornicola - Valcourt Exterior Building Services; Worker Representative, SWR Institute
      • Jeremy Davis - Tri-State High Rise Services; Worker Representative, SWR Institute
      • Ron Pilla - Valcourt Building Services; President, SWR Institute
      • Wayne Johns - The George D. Alan Company; Worker Representative, SWR Institute
      • Jennifer Crane - Vice President, SWR Institute
      • Nicole Dayoub - Associate Director, SWR Institute

      Roofer's Union

      • John Barnhard - Director of Research and Education, Roofer's Union

    *Morgan Seuberling served as the Alliance Coordinator until April 1, 2015. Morgan Seuberling returned as the Alliance Coordinator on February 1, 2016.
    **Bill Willson served as the Alliance Coordinator from April 1, 2015 until December 31, 2015.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    • No Alliance Team Meetings were held during the timeframe of this report.
  3. Results

    The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.

    Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives: To share information on OSHA's National Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process.

    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached

    June 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published an article entitled "National STAND-DOWN Recap."


    July 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published an article entitled "OSHA's most commonly asked questions."


    October 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published two articles entitled "New Compliance Assistant Resources" and "OSHA Small Entity Compliance Guide for Confined Spaces in Construction."


    November 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published two articles entitled "Announcing OSHA's New Draft Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines" and "A 'gotcha' move? Construction industry reacts to OSHA fine increase bombshell."


    Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives: To share information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    OSHA's 2015 National Stand-Down


    SWR Institute support included:

    • Published an article on the OSHA National Stand-down for Fall Prevention in Construction in the March, April and May 2015 issue of the Member Briefs.
    • Posted information on OSHA's National Safety Stand-down to Prevent Falls in Construction, the OSHA National Stand-down poster, and links to OSHA's web page for the National Stand-down on their Alliance web page.
    • Provided a Banner on their homepage with a direct link to OSHA national outreach initiative on the National Safety Stand-down to prevent falls in construction.
    • SWR Institute provided their members a road map on how they can assist in the National Fall Protection Stand-down. A total of 26 member companies participated in the outreach.
    Fall Prevention 4,967


    OSHA's 2014 National Outreach Campaign Focusing on the Heat Illness Prevention.

    SWR Institute support included:

    • Published an article entitled "Heat Illness Can Be Deadly" in the June 2014 issue of the MemberBRIEFS. The article included links to OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention Web page and links to the Bilingual Information Sheet/Portuguese Wallet Card.
    Heat Illness Prevention 970
    Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives: To convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on falls, vehicle safety, and other industry related hazards to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, March 19, 2015, Washington, DC.

    • Chris Bates, Doug DeSilvio, Jim Dougherty, Ron Pilla, and Mark Howell represented SWR Institute at the event.

    Fall Protection NA

    Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, September 10, 2015, Washington, DC.

    • Chris Bates, Doug DeSilvio, Jim Dougherty, Dave Grady, Steven Stewart, and Mark Howell represented SWR Institute at the event.

    Fall Protection NA

    Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, March 24, 2016, Washington, DC.

    • Chris Bates, Doug DeSilvio, and Ron Pilla represented SWR Institute at the event.

    Fall Protection NA

    Outreach and Communication: To develop information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to develop ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools, and OSHA's and the SWR Institute's Web sites) to employers and workers in the industry.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached

    Alliance Product

    SWR Institute Safety and Health Field Manual-Revised (March, 2015)

    SWR Institute revised their Safety and Health Field Manual and the product was posted to the SWR Institute Web site and linked to from the OSHA and SWR Institute Alliance Web page.

    Alliance Product

    Toolbox Talks:


    SWR Institute developed the following toolbox talks and posted the products to the SWR Institute Web site and linked to from the OSHA and SWR Institute Alliance Web page.


    1, 217 Page views for Reporting period

    Alliance Product

    Spanish Translation of Alliance Developed Toolbox Talks:

    SWR Institute translated the following toolbox talks into Spanish and posted the products to the SWR Institute Web site and linked to from the OSHA and SWR Institute Alliance Web page.

    • Competent Person (Spanish Translation 2015, March).
    • Drinking Water (Spanish Translation 2015, March).
    • Illumination (Spanish Translation 2015, March).



    SWR Institute and OSHA Alliance Web Page

    SWR Institute maintains an Alliance Web page on its Website with information on the Alliance agreement and links to OSHA's electronic assistance tools, links to products developed by SWR Institute through the Alliance Program, such as the SWR Institute Safety and Health Manual, the SWR Institute Safety and Health Field Manual in both English and Spanish, and the Guidance Document for Multi-component Chemical Products in Construction. In addition, SWR Institute includes links to resources developed through the APCR, such as the Fall Hazard Awareness Course, Fall Protection Slide Presentation, and Ladder Safety Toolbox Talks.


    [Views for the Alliance Web Page during Reporting Period.]


    OSHA and SWR Institute Alliance Web Page

    OSHA maintains the OSHA and SWR Institute Alliance Web page that is posted on the OSHA Website. The page includes the Alliance agreement, renewal agreements, annual reports, and links to resources developed by SWR Institute through the Alliance Program.


    [Views for the Alliance Web Page during Reporting Period.]

    Outreach and Communication: To speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's or SWR Institute's conferences, local meetings, or other regional events

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    2015 Winter Technical Meeting, March 8 - 11, 2015, Miami, FL.

    • SWR Institute Alliance team members staffed an Alliance exhibit and distributed OSHA publications to conference attendees.


    2015 SWR Institute Fall Technical Meeting, September 18-21, 2015, Denver, CO.

    • SWR Institute Alliance team members staffed an Alliance exhibit and distributed OSHA publications to conference attendees.


    2015 Winter Technical Meeting, March 8 - 11, 2015, Miami, FL.

    On March 11.2015, Doug DeSilvio, SWR Institute, Provided the following information to the Safety Committee:

    • SWRI / OSHA Alliance - Program Highlights, Brief History, Current Products, Current Alliance Members and brief overview of available resources.
    • Safety & Health Field Manual - Updates to the new items added and changes made. Availability.
    • Toolbox Talks / QR Code / Video Library - Demonstration with sample of scanning a QR code on toolbox talk linked to a training video.
    • Canvas Business App - Brief Overview & Demonstration of creating and using this technology to develop apps based on your business needs. Sample completed reports and using the apps on your smart phones or tablets.
    Outreach and Communication: To share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding SWR Institute's good practices or effective approaches through training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum) developed by the participants.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    Jan 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published two articles entitled "NEW OSHA Compliance Assistance Products" and "Newly Revised Safety & Health Field Manual is Complete."


    April 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published two articles entitled "New Toolbox Talk Topics" and "National Safety Stand-Down."


    May 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published an article entitled "Revised Safety & Health Field Manual."


    August 2015: MemberBRIEFS Magazine

    SWR Institute published two articles entitled "Toolbox Talks" and "OSHA issues temporary enforcement policy for confined spaces in construction."

    TOTAL     16,629
  4. Evaluations

    SWR Institute revised a survey to evaluate the benefits of their Alliance developed products. The survey was re-posted on the toolbox web page in January 2015. Only three individuals completed the survey during the reporting period. Responses provided stated that the Alliance developed "products are very informative and give exact information on specific topics discussed." The responders like the addition of questions at the end of the toolbox talks.

    In addition, SWR Institute did provide web views for the Alliance developed toolbox talks for the 2015-2016 Annual Report.

  5. Upcoming Milestones

    In the upcoming year, OSHA and SWR Institute plan to undertake several additional projects through the Alliance to provide information, guidance and access to training resources on safety and health issues for small businesses. For example, SWR Institute will complete the toolbox talks focusing on: Slips, Trips and Falls; Foot Protection; Safety Clothing; Lifting and Back Protection. In addition, SWR Institute will revise their Silica Toolbox Talk to reflect compliance with the new OSHA standard on silica.

    Through the Alliance, SWR Institute will also continue to develop evaluation methods to determine the effectiveness of their Alliance-developed products and submit their results quarterly to OSHA.

    Lastly, SWR Institute will continue to participate in the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, when scheduled. For completing their outreach goals, SWR Institute will provide OSHA with an Alliance exhibit at their Fall 2016 and Winter 2017 Meetings.

    Report prepared by: Morgan Seuberling, Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, April 14, 2016.

    Activity Types:

    • Alliance Product: Products (e.g., fact sheets, videos, toolbox talks) developed by Alliance participants as part of the Alliance. These are not OSHA products.
    • Dissemination: An Alliance participant sends OSHA information, Alliance products, or other safety and health information to its stakeholders. This includes information sent by email or social media (Facebook, Twitter), and information included in newsletters and other publications. It also includes hits on the Alliance participant's or OSHA's Web page.
    • Evaluation: Any efforts by the Alliance participant to evaluate the effectiveness of an Alliance activity or the Alliance as a whole.
    • Event: Participation in events such as the Construction Roundtable and NAOSH Week.
    • Exhibit: OSHA exhibits at events sponsored by the Alliance participant.
    • OSHA Product Review: Review of an OSHA product by an Alliance participant. For example, an Alliance participant may provide technical comments on an OSHA eTool or publication. The review itself is considered the Alliance activity.
    • Speech/Presentation: Speeches or presentation by OSHA staff at events sponsored by the Alliance participant.
    • Training: This includes best practice seminars or other training that Alliance participants provide for OSHA staff. It also includes training for workers/employers/others by Alliance participants.
    • Other: Use this if an activity does not fit into one of the other categories.

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis:

    • Agriculture
    • Asian American/Pacific Islander Workers
    • Construction
    • Ergonomics
    • Fall Prevention
    • Hazard Communication/Chemicals
    • Health Care
    • Heat Illness Prevention
    • Hispanic/Latino Workers
    • Maritime
    • Oil and Gas
    • Small Business
    • Temporary Workers
    • Transportation
    • Young Workers