SWRI - Alliance Annual Report - March 15, 2012

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the
Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute (SWRInstitute)
March 15, 2012

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    February 20, 2003

    Dates Renewed

    July 21, 2005
    July 11, 2007
    July 6, 2009
    June 24, 2011

    Evaluation Period

    February 20, 2011 - February 19, 2012


    The Alliance provides SWRInstitute members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers. Through the Alliance, the organizations will continue to address fall, motor vehicle, and hazard communication hazards and issues related to small businesses.

    Implementation Team Members
    Dean McKenzie
    Morgan Seuberling
    *Nicholas Grzegozewski
    Robert Sanders OSBA, DCSP
    Office of Office of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction
    Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
    Office of Small Business Assistance (OSBA), DCSP
    Dan Bagley
    Dan Cain
    Dave Grady
    Deb Nemec
    Doug DeSilvio
    Erin Jurado
    Raymond Fornicola
    Jeremy Davis
    Miguel Robles
    Rick Heckel
    Ron Pilla
    Wayne Johns
    Jennifer Crane
    Otto Baum Company; Contractor, SWRInstitute
    The George D. Alan Company; President, SWRInstitute
    Tri-State High Rise Services; Chairperson, Safety Committee, SWRInstitute
    Associate Director, SWRInstitute
    The George D. Alan Company; Worker Representative, SWRInstitute
    Membership Director, SWRInstitute
    Valcourt Exterior Building Services; Worker Representative, SWRInstitute
    Tri-State High Rise Services; Worker Representative, SWRInstitute
    The George D. Alan Company; Worker Representative, SWRInstitute
    Structural Preservation Systems; Contractor Director, SWRInstitute
    Valcourt Building Services; President-Elect, SWRInstitute
    The George D. Alan Company; Worker Representative, SWRInstitute
    Associate Director, SWRInstitute
    Roofer's Union  
    John Barnhard Director of Research and Education, Roofer's Union
    *As of May 18, 2011, Nicholas Grzegozewski was replaced by Rob Sanders as OSBA's representative on the OSHA Alliance Team.
  2. Implementation Team Meetings
    March 8, 2011
    June 24, 2011
    September 24, 2011
    January 9, 2012
    Implementation Team Meeting
    Implementation Team Meeting
    Implementation Team Meeting
    Implementation Team Meeting
  3. Results 
    1. Products and events

      Raising Awareness of OSHA’s Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives

      • To convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on fall, motor vehicle, and hazard communication hazards to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.


      OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable Meeting, Department of Labor, September 20, 2011, Washington, DC

      On September 20, 2011, representatives from the SWRInstitute Alliance participated in the OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable meeting in Washington, D.C. During the meeting, Alliance Program participants discussed products developed through the Roundtable, including the Construction Workplace Design Solutions, and identified potential projects and compliance assistance resources to help address safety and health hazards in the construction industry.

      • To encourage worker participation in workplace safety and health by sharing awareness of the Safety and Health Field Manual that SWRInstitute developed through the Alliance.


      Safety Toolbox Talks

      Through the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance, members of the SWRInstitute Alliance Implementation Team developed a series of toolbox talks to help employers and workers identify the key hazards and OSHA requirements in the construction industry, including:

      • Aerial Lifts
      • Driving Safety
      • Fall Protection

      The toolbox talks were posted to the SWRInstitute Alliance Web page and linked to from the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Web page.    

      Outreach and Communication Goals

      • To develop information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to develop ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools, and OSHA’s and the SWRInstitute’s Web sites) to employers and workers in the industry.


      Tri-State Building Services Works with NYDOL for Safer Workplace

      Through the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance, OSHA collaborated with the  owners of Tri-State Building Services to develop a success story highlighting the company's work with the New York Department of Labor’s On-Site Consultation Program and SWRInstitute that lead to a decrease in their injury rates, which are significantly lower than industry averages. The company has also increased efforts to communicate safety and health information to Spanish-speaking workers and to provide training to all workers. The success story has been posted on the On-Site Consultation Web page and linked to from the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Web page.

      OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Web page

      OSHA is continuing to update and maintain the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Web page that is posted on the OSHA Web site.  The page includes the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance agreement, renewal agreements, annual reports, news releases, information on activities and events, milestones and successes of the Alliance, and links to resources developed by SWRInstitute through the Alliance Program. 

      SWRInstitute Web site

      SWRInstitute maintains an OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Web page on its Web site. The page has information on the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance and links to the OSHA Web site.  In addition, the page features links to resources developed by SWRInstitute through the Alliance Program, including the SWRInstitute Safety and Health Manual, the SWRInstitute Safety and Health Field Manual in both English and Spanish, as well as links to resources developed through the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable including the Fall Hazard Awareness Course, Fall Protection Slide Presentation, and Ladder Safety Toolbox Talks.

      Publications and Newsletters

      Information on the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance activities, OSHA initiatives, and Agency compliance updates have appeared in Member BRIEFs, the e-Newsletter published monthly by SWRInstitute.

      In addition,an article entitled "SWRInstitute Field Manual is Available to the Public" was written by Dan Cain, President, The George D. Alan Company, and published in the March 2010 edition of the Alliance Quarterly Review (AQR).  The AQR article offers information on what is topics are included in the manual and how it helps to identify key hazards in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry.  For more information on the articles and publications, please see the "Alliance Program Reach" table.

      OSHA Electronic Assistance Tools

      Representatives from SWRInstitute served on the editorial boards of the following Safety and Health Topics pages, providing OSHA with their expertise and technical review until January 18, 2012:

      • Fall Protection
        • David Carter, Chapman Waterproofing Company, Inc. Boston, MA
        • Eric Johnson, Spray-O-Bond Company, Milwaukee, WI
      • Respiratory Protection
        • David Carter, Chapman Waterproofing Company, Inc. Boston, MA
      • Sealant, Waterproofing, and Restoration Industry
        • David Carter, Chapman Waterproofing Company, Inc. Boston, MA
        • Eric Johnson, Spray-O-Bond Company, Milwaukee, WI
      • To speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA’s or SWRInstitute’s conferences, local meetings, or other annual events.


      SWRInstitute Fall Technical Meeting, September 25-27, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana

      On September 26-27, 2011, Wilfred Hebert, Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS), Region VI, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, and Alexander Novas, CAS, Region VI, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Office, USDOL-OSHA staffed an Alliance exhibit booth.  In addition, SWRInstitute distributed products developed through the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance to approximately 80 safety and health professionals that attended the exhibit booth.

      • To work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects on fall protection, motor vehicle safety and hazard communication that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.


      Construction Workplace Design Solutions

      Through the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, members of the SWRInstitute Alliance Implementation Team provided feedback on a series of Construction Workplace Design Solutions, which focus on design solutions to help prevent falls in the construction industry, including:

      • Falls From Structural Steel (Beam Columns)  
      • Falls From Ladders 
      • Falls From Roofs (Roof Anchors)
      • Falls From Height (Large Duct)  


      Spanish-translated Ladder Toolbox Talks

      Through the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, members of the SWRInstitute Alliance Implementation Team translated into Spanish a series of toolbox talks focusing on ladder safety, including:

      • Choosing the Right Ladder
      • Inspect Ladders Carefully!
      • Do's and Don'ts of Using a Ladder
      • Set Up and Use of a Ladder
      • Extension Ladder Safety
      • Using a Stepladder Safely

      The Spanish versions of the Ladder Toolbox Talks were posted on the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable Web page.

      2011 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week, May 1-7, 2011

      On May 1-7, 2011, the SWRInstitute Alliance and a number of other Alliance Program participants supported the 2011 NAOSH Week. Sponsored annually by the American Association of Safety Engineers, an Alliance Program participant, and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, the Week focuses on the importance of preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace. The theme for 2011 was "Celebrating a Century of Safety." 

      To help support the event, SWRInstitute Linked to the 2011 NAOSH Week Web page from the SWRInstitute Web site.

    2. Executive Summary

      Through the Alliance Program, OSHA and SWRInstitute are working together to address safety and health issues in the sealant, waterproofing and restoration industry. The positive relationship that SWRInstitute has developed over the past nine years has led to the renewal of their Alliance during the reporting period and the development of many projects that the team is currently working on or has produced. For example, members of the SWRInstitute Alliance Implementation Team developed a series of toolbox talks to help employers and workers identify the key hazards and OSHA requirements in the construction industry for Aerial Lifts, Driver Safety, and Fall Protection. The toolbox talks were posted to the SWRInstitute Alliance Web page and linked to from the OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Web page.

      Through the Alliance Program, SWRInstitute members participated in the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, translated the Ladder Toolbox Talks into Spanish, and provided feedback on draft documents, including the Construction Workplace Design Solutions.

      In addition, OSHA staffed an Alliance Program exhibit booth during SWRInstitute's Fall Technical Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

      SWRInstitute representatives are also sharing their expertise with OSHA through participation on the editorial boards for three OSHA Safety and Health Topics pages, which includes Respiratory Protection and Fall Protection.

      Finally, as part of their outreach, SWRInstitute supported and promoted the 2011 NAOSH Week by linking to the 2011 NAOSH Week Web page from the SWRInstitute Web site.
    3. Alliance Program Reach

      Type of Activity
      (e.g., Conference, Training, Printing and Electronic Distribution, etc.)

      Number of Individuals
      Reached or Trained

      OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Web page on the Agency's Web site

      Data Not Available

      SWRInstitute Alliance Web page on the industry Web site


      OSHA Sealant, Waterproofing, and Restoration Industry Safety and Health Topics page

      Data Not Available

      OSHA Respiratory Protection Safety and Health Topics Page


      OSHA Fall Protection Safety and Health Topics


      September 26-27, 2011:  Fall Technical Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana


      Exhibit:  Wilfred Hebert, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region VI, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, and Alexander Novas, CAS, Region VI, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Office, USDOL-OSHA staffed an Alliance exhibit booth during the conference. 


      January 2011: "Creating a Culture of Safety: The 24/7 Safety Conversation"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute


      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      March 2011: "OSHA's Distracted Driving Initiative"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute

      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      April 2011: "Alliance Quarterly Review"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute

      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      April 2011: "OSHA Enforcement"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute

      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      May 2011:  "OSHA Urges Employers: Ban Texting While Driving"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute


      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      May 2011: "OSHA's Recordkeeping Advisor"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute


      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      June 2011: "Scaffold Industry Association Summer Training Opportunities"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute


      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      November 2011: "SWRInstitute Guidance Document for Multi-Component Chemicals"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute


      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      December 2011: "Don't Learn Safety by Accident"

      Member BRIEFS, SWRInstitute


      1011 SWRInstitute Members

      June 26, 2011: "OSHA renews Alliance with Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute"

      Waterproof Journal

      Not Available

      July 1, 2011: "OSHA Alliance with sealant association promotes worker safety and health"

      OSHA QuickTakes


      June 24, 2011: OSHA renews Alliance with Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute

      OSHA Trade News Release




  4. Upcoming Milestones

    The OSHA and SWRInstitute Alliance Implementation Team discussed a number of activities that will be undertaken in the upcoming year. Through the APCR, SWRInstitute will develop toolbox talks focusing on electrical safety, personal protective equipment, and respiratory protection; and create information sheets based on topics in the SWRInstitute Safety and Health Field Manual.

    In addition, members of the SWRInstitute will continue participate in the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, when scheduled, and contribute to the development of Construction Workplace Design Solutions. To continue with their outreach goals, SWRInstitute will provide OSHA with an Alliance exhibit at their Fall Meeting.

    Finally, SWRInstitute representatives will be joining with other Alliance Program participants to support the 2012 NAOSH Week, May 6-12, 2012, "Safety, What Every Business Needs."

    Report prepared by: Morgan Seuberling, Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, March 15, 2012.