Abbott - Alliance Annual Report - January 5, 2006
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
January 5, 2006
I. Alliance Background
Date Signed
September 10, 2003
Evaluation Period
September 10, 2004 - September 9, 2005
The OSHA-Abbott Alliance addresses developing information and increasing access to training resources in order to help improve the safety and health of employees in the healthcare industry. The Alliance focuses on a number of areas including, working with business schools to develop and integrate safety and health presentations and case studies into MBA level executive education seminars.
Implementation Team Members
OSHA: | |
Mike Connors Howie Eberts Lee Anne Jillings Elizabeth Sherfy |
Region V Region V Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA) OOSA |
Abbott: | |
Jim Murphy | Director, Global Crisis Management and Business Continuity Planning |
II. Implementation Team Meetings
Although the OSHA and ADA Alliance implementation team had no formal implementation team meetings during the evaluation period, Jim Murphy and Mike Connors were in regular contact to discuss developing and publishing the OSHA and Abbott Alliance case studies and related PowerPoint® presentation, and participating in speeches and presentations about the case studies and related Alliance Program issues.
III. Results
- Events and Products
Training and Education Goals
- Partner with business schools to develop and integrate safety and health presentations and business case study materials into MBA level executive education seminars.
Center for Business and Public Policy (CBPP) of the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
On April 4, 2005, OSHA and Abbott published eight case studies and a PowerPoint® presentation in collaboration the CBPP of the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University. CBPP linked the final case studies and PowerPoint® presentation on its Web site. - Develop and incorporate materials into business school curricula that communicate the business value and competitive advantages associated with the implementation of comprehensive safety and health programs in the workplace.
Occupational Safety and Health Case Studies
On April 4, 2005, the OSHA and Abbott Alliance finalized eight case studies dealing with ergonomics, auto parts manufacturing general safety and health, offshore manufacturing plants, exposure limits, stadium construction, and fleet safety to communicate the business value and competitive advantage of having an effective safety and health program in the workplace. The case studies and a related PowerPoint® presentation are available on the OSHA and Abbott Alliance Web page and OSHA's Compliance Assistance Web page. In addition, the ergonomics-related case studies are linked to on OSHA's Ergonomics Safety and Health Topics page for use by business schools and others involved in workplace safety and health training and education. Response to this has been good, as this section on the web site has been getting about 300 hits a month.
- Speak, exhibit, or appear at conferences, local meetings, or other events such as OSHA's outreach events.
National Manufacturer's Week Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 7, 2005
Howie Eberts, Assistant Regional Administrator, OSHA, Region V; Jim Murphy, Director of Global Crisis Management and Business Continuity Planning at Abbott, Abbott Park, IL; and Lee Anne Jillings, Director, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, OSHA presented on "The Business Case for Safety - Adding Value and Competitive Edge" to 10 attendees at the National Manufacturer's Week Conference on March 7, 2005, in Chicago, Illinois.
- Convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, or stakeholder meetings on safety and health issues in the healthcare industry to help forge innovative solutions to hazards in the workplace.
Strategies for Safety and Success in Long-Term Care, Decatur, Illinois, October 19, 2004, and Wheaton, Illinois, November 3, 2004
Mike Connors, Regional Administrator, OSHA, Region V; Dana Root, Ergonomist, OSHA, Region V; Bob Leonard, Industrial Hygienist, OSHA, Region V, spoke at the Strategies for Safety and Success in Long Term Care to 74 representatives from long-term care facilities on October 19, 2004, in Decatur, Illinois, and to 131 representatives from long-term care facilities on November 3, 2004, in Wheaton, Illinois. The goal of the conferences was for participants to create and implement an ergonomic program in their long-term care facilities.
- Work with stakeholders in the nursing home community to develop practical programs and processes for reducing injuries and illnesses.
- No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
- Work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects related to safety and health business case studies that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.
- No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
Other Products
Motor Vehicle Safety Safety and Health Topics Page
The following representative from Abbott serves on the editorial board of the Motor Vehicle Safety Safety and Health Topics Page, providing expertise and technical review:
- Joe McKillips, Manager of Global Fleet Safety
The OSHA-Abbott Alliance Web page features information on the products and activities of the Alliance and includes links to related documents, activities and events and milestones and successes. Links to the eight case studies and the PowerPoint® presentations were added to the Alliance Web page during the evaluation period. For information on the number of visits to the OSHA-Abbott Alliance Webpage, please see the Alliance Program Reach table.
Print and Electronic Media
Articles on the OSHA-Abbott Alliance have appeared in a number of printed and online publications, including: USNewswire, AvantResources, Safety Online, OSHA's Press Releases, Quick Takes and Alliance Quarterly Review. For more information on the articles, please see the Alliance Program Reach table.
- Partner with business schools to develop and integrate safety and health presentations and business case study materials into MBA level executive education seminars.
- Executive Summary
Through the Alliance Program, OSHA and Abbott are working together to improve the safety and health of employees in the healthcare industry, and develop and integrate safety and health presentations and case studies into MBA level executive education seminars.
The OSHA and Abbott Alliance reached out to members of the occupational safety and health community through a number of presentations, including at the Strategies for Safety and Success in Long Term Care held on October 19, 2004, in Decatur, Illinois, and on November 3, 2004, in Wheaton, Illinois. Alliance representatives also spoke at the 2005 National Manufacturers' Week Conference on March 7, 2005 in Chicago, Illinois.
Additionally, the OSHA and Abbott Alliance finalized eight cases and a related PowerPoint® presentation and posted them in a number of locations on OSHA's Web site, including the OSHA and Abbott Alliance Web page, OSHA's Compliance Assistance Web page and OSHA's Ergonomics Safety and Health Topics page. The case studies and PowerPoint® were developed collaboratively with the CBPP to be incorporated into business school curricula to communicate the business value and competitive advantage of having an effective safety and health program in the workplace. The case studies focus on a variety of industries and safety and health issues, including ergonomics, construction, auto parts manufacturing and fleet safety. For example, one case study describes how Blue Cross Blue Shield Rhode Island was able to reduce musculoskeletal disorders related to workers' compensation cases with lost workdays by implementing a new ergonomic program and increasing workstation evaluations. Several of the case studies focus on Abbott's implementation of safety and health programs in the areas of global safety and health, ergonomics, fleet safety and occupational exposure limits.
Information about the Alliance is available on the OSHA Web site with links to related documents, activities and events, and milestones and successes on the OSHA and Abbott Web page. In addition, a representative from Abbott serves as a member of the editorial board of OSHA's Safety and Health Topics page for Motor Vehicle Safety. Through these online resources, OSHA and Abbott Alliance representatives provide members of the public with information about the Alliance and related compliance assistance tools and resources. - Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) | Number of Individuals Reached or Trained |
OSHA and Abbott Alliance Web page on the OSHA Website | 4649 |
Strategies for Safety and Success in Long-Term Care, in Decatur, Illinois on October 19, 2004 Speakers: Mike Connors, Regional Administrator, Region V, OSHA Dana Root, Ergonomist, Region V, OSHA, Bob Leonard, Industrial Hygienist, Region V, OSHA |
74 |
Strategies for Safety and Success in Long-Term Care, in Wheaton, Illinois on November 3, 2004 Speakers: Mike Connors, Regional Administrator, Region V, OSHA Dana Root, Ergonomist, Region V, OSHA, Bob Leonard, Industrial Hygienist, Region V, OSHA |
131 |
March 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety and Health Programs," SHE News Headlines | Data Not Available |
April 4, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety and Health Programs," OSHA Press Release | 69 News Services |
National Manufacturing Week, in Chicago, Illinois, on March 7, 2005, "The Business Case for Safety - Adding Value and Competitive Edge" Speakers: Jim Murphy, Abbott Howie Eberts, Region V, OSHA Lee Anne Jillings, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, OSHA |
10 |
April 4, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety and Health Programs," Politics - U.S. Newswire Press Releases | Data Not Available |
April 4, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety and Health Programs," AvantResources - OSHA Watch | 30,776 |
April 4, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety and Health Programs," HRmarketer | Data Not Available |
April 4, 2005: "OSHA Alliance With Abbott Leads To Case Studies On Benefits Of Successful Safety And Health Programs," Safety Online | Data Not Available |
April 4, 2005: "OSHA Alliance With Abbott Leads To Case Studies On Benefits Of Successful Safety And Health Programs," Pharmacy Choice | Data Not Available |
April 5, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case...," USERNOMICS | Data Not Available |
April 7, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety and Health Programs," KHOU Houston | Data Not Available |
April 8, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety and Health Programs," National Clearinghouse | Data Not Available |
April 10, 2005: "OSHA Alliance With Abbott Leads to Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety, Health Programs," Government Innovators Network | Data Not Available |
April 15, 2005: "National Alliance Program Activity," QuickTakes | 55,000 |
April 13, 2005: "OSHA Alliance with Abbott Results in Case Studies on Benefits of Successful Safety, Health Programs" | Data Not Available |
TOTAL | 90,640 |
IV. Upcoming Milestones
In the upcoming year, OSHA and Abbott will renew their Alliance and continue to reach out to employees in the healthcare industry about occupational safety and health issues. Representatives from the Alliance will promote and publicize the safety and health case studies it developed for business schools and safety and health professionals. OSHA and Abbott representatives will identify forums to make presentations about how the case studies are effective tools for illustrating the business value of safety and health programs.
For example, Mike Connors will make a presentation at the World Safety Congress on September 20, 2005, in Orlando, Florida about the importance of making the business case for safety. His presentation will feature the OSHA and Abbott case studies. Mike Connors also will make presentations about the case studies at Chicago Joint Safety Days, in Chicago, Illinois, on September 29, 2005, to the Ohio Manufacturers Association in Columbus, Ohio, on October 25, 2005, and at the Honda Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 3, 2005. In addition, Mike Connors and Jim Murphy have agreed to make a presentation on the case studies at CBPP's Safety and Health Seminar, entitled "Engaging Tomorrow's Leaders in Safety and Health: The Case Study Approach," which will be held in at Georgetown University in Washington, DC in January 2006.
The OSHA and Abbott Alliance has also agreed to explore opportunities to develop additional case studies. The Alliance plans to develop a case study that describes the success of a foundry Partnership, which includes six foundries in OSHA's Region V's Area Office in Appleton, Wisconsin, labor unions and the Wisconsin Health Consultation Program. The Partnership's successes include substantial reductions in workplace injury and illness rates and increased awareness of ergonomics risks associated with the foundry product processes among employees and management. The foundries involved have also experienced significant savings from increased productivity and reduced workers' compensation costs.
OSHA also plans to create a Safety and Health Topics page on Making the Business Case for Safety and Health and will involve the OSHA and Abbott Alliance and a number of other Alliance Program participants in its development. Work on the Topics page will begin in early 2006. In addition, Abbott representatives will continue to serve on OSHA's Motor Vehicle Safety and Health Topics page.
Report prepared by: Elizabeth Sherfy, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, January 5, 2006.