Violation Detail
Standard Cited: 19100119 E03 III Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals.
Inspection Nr: 985164.015
Citation: 01004
Citation Type: Serious
Abatement Date: 01/04/2016 2
Initial Penalty: $5,500.00
Current Penalty: $5,500.00
Issuance Date: 01/14/2015
Nr Instances: 1
Nr Exposed: 44
Related Event Code (REC):
Gravity: 5
Report ID: 0522500
Contest Date: 02/03/2015
Final Order: 10/28/2015
Type | Latest Event | Event Date | Penalty | Abatement Due Date | Citation Type | Failure to Abate Inspection |
Penalty | F: Formal Settlement | 10/28/2015 | $5,500.00 | 01/04/2016 | Serious | |
Penalty | C: Contested | 02/05/2015 | $5,500.00 | 02/19/2015 | Serious | |
Penalty | Z: Issued | 01/14/2015 | $5,500.00 | 02/19/2015 | Serious |
Text For Citation: 01 Item/Group: 004 Hazard:
29 CFR 1910.119(e)(3)(iii): The process hazard analysis shall address: Engineering and administrative controls applicable to the hazards and their interrelationships such as appropriate application of detection methodologies to provide early warning of releases. (Acceptable detection methods might include process monitoring and control instrumentation with alarms, and detection hardware such as hydrocarbon sensors.): a. The employer's 2010 revalidation PHA for the No. 2 Formaldehyde Plant did not address all engineering controls applicable to the hazards identified in the process hazard analysis such as, but not limited to, the following safeguards: high oxygen concentration alarm, low oxygen concentration alarm, high-high oxygen concentration interlock, high-high-high oxygen concentration interlock, low-low oxygen concentration interlock, high methanol volume percent alarm, high-high methanol volume percent interlock, high vaporizer outlet temperature alarm, low vaporizer outlet temperature alarm, low-low vaporizer outlet temperature interlock, high converter catalyst bed temperature alarm, high-high converter tube hot spot temperature/high average tube hot spot temperature interlock, two high-high converter tube hot spot temperature interlock, high-high converter hot spot temperature/temperature rate of rise interlock, high converter exit gas temperature alarm, high-high converter exit gas temperature interlock, high-high-high converter exit gas temperature interlock, high converter pressure alarm, low converter pressure alarm, high-high converter pressure interlock, low-low converter pressure interlock, low HTF flow rate to converter alarm, low-low HTF flow rate to converter interlock, high HTF condenser steam pressure alarm, low HTF condenser steam pressure alarm, high HTF system pressure alarm, low HTF system pressure alarm, high-high HTF system pressure interlock, high HTF condenser boiler feed water level alarm, low HTF condenser boiler feed water level alarm, low-low HTF condenser boiler feed water level interlock, primary blower failure interlock, secondary blower failure interlock, high/low methanol flow alarms, and low methanol flow interlock.