Violation Detail
Standard Cited: 19260020 B01 General safety and health provisions.
Inspection Nr: 1609733.015
Citation: 01003A
Citation Type: Serious
Abatement Date: 02/08/2023 5
Initial Penalty: $4,688.00
Current Penalty: $3,281.60
Issuance Date: 01/20/2023
Nr Instances: 1
Nr Exposed: 5
Related Event Code (REC):
Gravity: 10
Report ID: 0317000
Contest Date:
Final Order: 02/10/2023
Type | Latest Event | Event Date | Penalty | Abatement Due Date | Citation Type | Failure to Abate Inspection |
Penalty | I: Informal Settlement | 02/10/2023 | $3,281.60 | 02/08/2023 | Serious | |
Penalty | Z: Issued | 01/20/2023 | $4,688.00 | 02/08/2023 | Serious |
Text For Citation: 01 Item/Group: 003A Hazard:
29 CFR 1926.20(b)(1): The employer did not initiate and maintain such programs as may be necessary to comply with this part. a) Jobsite located at 546 Valor Dr, Downington PA: The employer failed to maintain a safety and health program to address the associated hazards that employees may be exposed to, such as but not limited to: a damaged synthetic web sling containing tears, snags, cuts, oil stains & knots rigged to lift and lower roof & gable end trusses; operation of a rough terrain forklift truck without employees having been instructed or trained on the associated hazards; hazard recognition training not provided to ensure employees were not standing or passing underneath suspended loads; and performing material handling operations using slings and a rough terrain forklift truck without having been provided training on the aspect of rigging. Condition noted on or about July 21, 2022.