Violation Detail
Standard Cited: 19100038 F01 Emergency action plans.
This violation item has been deleted.
Inspection Nr: 1371131.015
Citation: 01001
Citation Type: Serious
Abatement Date: 08/01/2019
Initial Penalty: $6,251.00
Current Penalty: $0.00
Issuance Date: 06/14/2019
Nr Instances: 6
Nr Exposed: 200
Related Event Code (REC):
Gravity: 1
Report ID: 0111500
Contest Date: 07/12/2019
Final Order: 11/30/2020
Type | Latest Event | Event Date | Penalty | Abatement Due Date | Citation Type | Failure to Abate Inspection |
Penalty | F: Formal Settlement | 11/30/2020 | $0.00 | 08/01/2019 | Serious | |
Penalty | C: Contested | 07/12/2019 | $6,251.00 | 08/01/2019 | Serious | |
Penalty | Z: Issued | 06/14/2019 | $6,251.00 | 08/01/2019 | Serious |
Text For Citation: 01 Item/Group: 001 Hazard:
29 CFR 1910.38(f)(1): The employer did not review the emergency action plan with each employee covered by the plan when the employee was assigned initially to a job: Facility: The emergency action plan was not reviewed with each employee when initially assigned to the job.