Violation Detail
Standard Cited: 19260021 B02 Safety training and education.
Inspection Nr: 1358797.015
Citation: 01002
Citation Type: Serious
Abatement Date: 12/02/2019 5
Initial Penalty: $5,304.00
Current Penalty: $3,622.00
Issuance Date: 05/02/2019
Nr Instances: 1
Nr Exposed: 13
Related Event Code (REC):
Gravity: 10
Report ID: 0728500
Contest Date: 05/17/2019
Final Order: 12/20/2019
Substance: 1591
Substance: 9000
Substance: 9020
Type | Latest Event | Event Date | Penalty | Abatement Due Date | Citation Type | Failure to Abate Inspection |
Penalty | F: Formal Settlement | 12/20/2019 | $3,622.00 | 12/02/2019 | Serious | |
Penalty | C: Contested | 05/30/2019 | $5,304.00 | 05/29/2019 | Serious | |
Penalty | Z: Issued | 05/02/2019 | $5,304.00 | 05/29/2019 | Serious |
Text For Citation: 01 Item/Group: 002 Hazard:
29 CFR 1926.21(b)(2): The employer did not instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe condition(s) and the regulation(s) applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any hazard(s) or other exposure to illness or injury: (a) At a construction site located at 3105 and 3115 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109: Employees were exposed to hazardous substances and unsafe working conditions. This was demonstrated when employees were working with asbestos containing materials (ACM). The employer failed to train employees on the locations of thermal system insulation and surfacing asbestos containing material and/or presumed asbestos containing material, asbestos-containing flooring materials, or flooring material where the absence of asbestos has not yet been certified; and instruction in recognition of damage, deterioration, and delamination of asbestos containing building materials; and how to properly avoid and/or properly handle ACM during demolition activities. In addition, employees were dry sweeping demolition debris causing dust to rise into the air. (b) At a worksite located 3119 to 3123 (Shankman Building) and 3125-3133 (Michelson Building), Kansas City, MO 64109: Employees were exposed to hazardous substances and unsafe working conditions. This was demonstrated when employees were working with lead containing materials. The employer failed to train employees on locations of lead containing materials; the recognition of lead containing materials and how to properly avoid and/or properly handle lead containing materials during demolition/manual scraping of interior walls. In addition, employees were dry sweeping demolition debris causing dust to rise into the air. (c) At a worksite located 3119 to 3123 (Shankman Building) and 3125-3133 (Michaelson Building), Kansas City, MO 64109: Employees were exposed to hazardous substances and unsafe working coditions. This was demonstrated when employees were working with silica. The employer failed to train employees on the recognition of silica containing materials and how to properly avoid and/or properly handle silica containing materials during demolition/manual scraping of interior walls. In addition, employees were dry sweeping demolition debris causing dust to rise into the air.