Accident Search Results
Description, Abstract, Keyword | SIC | NAICS | Event Date Range | OSHA Office | Inspection Nr |
Keyword: aerial | All | All | 08/07/2002 to 08/07/2012 | All Offices - Fed & State | All |
# | Summary Nr | Event Date | Report ID | Fatality | SIC | NAICS | Event Description | |
201 | 201272622 | 08/14/2007 | 0418300 | X | 7349 | 561790 | Employee Is Electrocuted While Replacing Sign | |
202 | 201272747 | 05/15/2008 | 0418300 | X | 1791 | 238120 | Employee Is Killed In Fall From Aerial Lift | |
203 | 200902377 | 04/29/2009 | 0418400 | X | 1731 | 238210 | Employee Is Killed When Crushed Between Lift And Ceiling | |
204 | 200901684 | 08/26/2005 | 0418400 | X | 783 | 561730 | Employee Dies In Fall From Aerial Lift | |
205 | 200902534 | 01/14/2011 | 0418400 | X | 1629 | 237990 | One Employee Is Killed, One Employee'S Leg Is Amputated | |
206 | 200901098 | 09/06/2002 | 0418400 | X | 7312 | 541850 | Employee Is Electrocuted | |
207 | 200901361 | 01/23/2004 | 0418400 | X | 1711 | 238220 | Fall From Aerial Lift Kills Employee | |
208 | 200901619 | 03/30/2005 | 0418400 | X | 783 | 561730 | Employee Dies In Fall From Bucket Of Truck Lift | |
209 | 200901395 | 03/10/2004 | 0418400 | X | 1629 | 237130 | Employee Died When Catapulted Out Of Aerial Lift Basket | |
210 | 201450707 | 10/15/2005 | 0418500 | X | 1742 | 238310 | Employee Dies In Fall From Aerial Lift | |
211 | 200451938 | 11/17/2005 | 0418600 | X | 4911 | 221121 | Electric Shock - Induced Voltage In Deenergized Line | |
212 | 200451979 | 02/01/2006 | 0418600 | X | 1731 | 238210 | Electrician Is Killed When Crushed By Lift | |
213 | 200452787 | 04/11/2011 | 0418600 | X | 783 | 561730 | Employee Dies After Fall From Bucket While Felling Tree | |
214 | 200674992 | 09/22/2004 | 0418800 | X | 782 | 561730 | Employee Is Killed In Fall From Aerial Lift | |
215 | 200674547 | 03/31/2003 | 0418800 | X | 7359 | 532490 | Employee Killed When Pinned Between Machine And Backhoe | |
216 | 200674562 | 07/14/2003 | 0418800 | X | 1542 | 236220 | Aerial Lift Pins Employee Against Beam And Kills Him | |
217 | 200677722 | 05/01/2009 | 0418800 | X | 1751 | 238350 | Employee Falls From Scissor Lift, Suffers Concussion, Dies | |
218 | 200674000 | 09/16/2002 | 0418800 | X | 761 | 0 | Employee Is Killed When Lift Bucket Drops To Ground | |
219 | 200677540 | 10/28/2008 | 0418800 | X | 1761 | 238160 | Employee Falls Through Roof Opening, Is Killed | |
220 | 200676419 | 11/19/2006 | 0418800 | X | 1799 | 236220 | Employee Is Crushed Between Lift And Roof |