Region 5 News Release: 11-1766-CHI
Dec. 20, 2011
Contact: Scott Allen Rhonda Burke
Phone: 312-353-6976 312-353-4807
US Department of Labor's OSHA cites rubber parts fabricator Acme
Machell Co. in Waukesha, Wis., for 22 safety and health violations
WAUKESHA, Wis. – The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited rubber parts fabricator Acme Machell Co. Inc. for 22 - including six repeat - violations, following safety and health inspections conducted at the company's Waukesha facility. OSHA opened inspections in July after receiving complaints alleging burn hazards and poor housekeeping throughout the plant. Proposed fines total $77,600.
Five repeat health violations are for failing to implement a hazard communication plan, train first-aid responders on an exposure control plan to protect against exposure to bloodborne pathogens and diseases, offer hepatitis B vaccines to designated first-aid responders, review or update the exposure control plan and maintain a list of chemicals being used in the facility along with relevant material data safety sheets. One repeat safety violation is for failing to properly guard the rear area of a press. A repeat violation exists when an employer previously has been cited for the same or a similar violation of a standard, regulation, rule or order at any other facility in federal enforcement states within the last five years. Acme Machell Co. was cited for all of these violations in 2007.
Two serious health violations are for failing to properly maintain fire extinguishers and for eight instances of failing to maintain adequate air pressure in air nozzles used for cleaning. Six serious safety violations involve electrical deficiencies, failing to evaluate and audit energy control procedures annually, failing to adequately train workers on hazardous energy control procedures and a lack of personal protective equipment. A serious violation occurs when there is substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result from a hazard about which the employer knew or should have known.
Eight other-than-serious health and safety violations are for failing to use personal protective equipment to prevent burns, inspect fire extinguishers, unblock access to electrical panels, provide appropriate housekeeping and supply workers with information on the use of respirators. An other-than-serious violation is one that has a direct relationship to job safety and health, but probably would not cause death or serious physical harm.
"Employers who are cited for repeat violations demonstrate a lack of commitment to the health and safety of their workers," said George Yoksas, director of OSHA's Milwaukee Area Office. "Failing to conduct required training and ensure the use of required personal protective equipment when needed is unacceptable. OSHA is committed to protecting workers, especially when employers fail to do so."
Acme Machell Co. had been inspected by OSHA four times prior to these most recent inspections.
The company has 15 business days from receipt of its most recent citations and penalties to comply, request an informal conference with OSHA's area director or contest the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.
To ask questions, obtain compliance assistance, file a complaint, or report workplace hospitalizations, fatalities or situations posing imminent danger to workers, the public should call OSHA's toll-free hotline at 800-321-OSHA (6742) or the agency's Milwaukee office at 414-297-3315.
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. OSHA's role is to ensure these conditions for America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education and assistance. For more information, visit
U.S. Department of Labor news materials are accessible at The information above is available in large print, Braille, audio tape or disc from the COAST office upon request by calling 202-693-7828 or TTY 202-693-7755.