Region 4 News Release: 09-1340-ATL (408)
Nov. 23, 2009
Contact: Michael D'Aquino Michael Wald
Phone: 404-562-2076 404-562-2078
US Department of Labor's OSHA cites Decatur, Ga., wheel repair shop with failure-to-abate and repeat safety and health violations
ATLANTA -- The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is proposing $69,550 in penalties against Wheel Repair Solutions, doing business as World of Wheels & Hubcaps, for safety and health violations at its Decatur, Ga., location.
OSHA observed seven failure-to-abate violations while conducting a follow-up inspection at World of Wheels & Hubcaps. The employer failed to develop a written hazard communication program, failed to provide a hazard communication training, failed to certify that a hazard assessment for personal protection had been conducted, failed to develop or implement a written respiratory protection program, and did not train workers who wear tight-fitting respirators. In addition, the employer allowed workers to use compressed air greater than 30 pounds square inch (PSI) for cleaning and did not provide employees with hazard communications training. The proposed penalty for the failure-to-abate violations is $66,750.
The citations also include three repeat violations with a proposed penalty of $2,800 for employees wearing tight-fitting respirators without a medical evaluation and not being fit-tested for the equipment, and for the employer storing compressed cylinders of oxygen and acetylene together.
The company has received one other-than-serious violation with no monetary penalty for not having a visible exit sign.
"All workers deserve a safe workplace. This company is fully aware of what needs to be corrected with its safety and health program. It is time that World of Wheels & Hubcaps takes responsibility for its employees' safety and health," said Gei-Thae Breezley, director of OSHA's Atlanta-East Area Office.
The company has 15 business days from receipt of the citations to comply, request an informal conference with OSHA's area director or contest the citations and proposed penalties before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. The site was inspected by staff from OSHA's Atlanta-East Area Office, 2183 Northlake Parkway, Building 7, Suite 110, Tucker, Ga.; telephone 770-493-6644.
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, OSHA's role is to promote safe and healthful working conditions for America's men and women by setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, outreach and education. For more information, visit
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