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Feb. 19, 2015


Jacksonville, Florida-based roofing company continues to expose workers to
dangerous falls; OSHA proposes nearly $80K in penalties

Employer name: Transformers Construction Services Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, was subcontracted by A&G Construction Group Inc.

Inspection site: 153 Forest Edge Drive, St. Johns, Florida 32259

Date inspection initiated: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration initiated the inspection on Oct. 1, 2014, as part of the agency's Regional Emphasis Program on Falls in Construction.

Inspection findings: OSHA issued one willful citation for allowing employees to conduct roofing work at heights up to 16 feet without fall protection. The company has previously been cited for similar fall protection violations. Two serious violations were cited for failing to properly brace roof trusses so they wouldn't collapse; and not providing a ladder or stairs to access the upper level of the roof structure.

Quote: "Transformers Construction is aware workers need to be protected from dangerous falls, but deliberately allows employees to work one slip away from death," said Brian Sturtecky, OSHA's area director in Jacksonville. "Home builders and general contractors that continue to hire and turn a blind eye to their sub-contractor's poor safety record is an unacceptable work practice."

Proposed penalties: $79,900

A copy of the citations are attached.

Transformers Construction has 15 business days from receipt of its citations and proposed penalties to comply, request a conference with OSHA's area director, or contest the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.

To ask questions, obtain compliance assistance, file a complaint or report workplace hospitalizations, fatalities or situations posing imminent danger to workers, the public should call OSHA's toll-free hotline at 800-321-OSHA (6742) or the agency's Jacksonville Area Office at 904-232-2895.

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Media Contacts:

Lindsay Williams, 678-237-0630,
Michael D'Aquino, 678-237-0630, d'

Release Number: 15-189-ATL(47)

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