- Part Number:1926
- Part Number Title:Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
- Subpart:1926 Subpart CC
- Subpart Title:Cranes and Derricks in Construction
- Standard Number:
- Title:Design, construction and testing.
- GPO Source:
The following requirements apply to equipment that has a manufacturer-rated hoisting/lifting capacity of more than 2,000 pounds.
Crawler, truck and locomotive cranes manufactured prior to November 8, 2010 must meet the applicable requirements for design, construction, and testing as prescribed in ANSI B30.5-1968 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6), PCSA Std. No. 2 (1968) (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6), the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section, or the applicable DIN standards that were in effect at the time of manufacture.
Mobile (including crawler and truck) and locomotive cranes manufactured on or after November 8, 2010 must meet the following portions of ASME B30.5-2004 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) as applicable:
In section 5-1.1.1 ("Load Ratings--Where Stability Governs Lifting Performance"), paragraphs (a)--(d) (including subparagraphs).
In section 5-1.1.2 ("Load Ratings--Where Structural Competence Governs Lifting Performance"), paragraph (b).
Section 5-1.2 ("Stability (Backward and Forward)").
In section 5-1.3.1 ("Boom Hoist Mechanism"), paragraphs (a), (b)(1) and (b)(2), except that when using rotation resistant rope, § 1926.1414(c)(4)(ii)(A) applies.
In section 5-1.3.2 ("Load Hoist Mechanism"), paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(4) (including subparagraphs), (b) (including subparagraphs), (c) (first sentence only) and (d).
Section 5-1.3.3 ("Telescoping Boom").
Section 5-1.4 ("Swing Mechanism").
In section 5-1.5 ("Crane Travel"), all provisions except 5-1.5.3(d).
In section 5-1.6 ("Controls"), all provisions except 5-1.6.1 (c).
Section 5-1.7.4 ("Sheaves").
Section 5-1.7.5 ("Sheave sizes").
In section 5-1.9.1 ("Booms"), paragraph (f).
Section 5-1.9.3 ("Outriggers").
Section 5-1.9.4 ("Locomotive Crane Equipment").
Section 5-1.9.7 ("Clutch and Brake Protection").
In section 5-1.9.11 ("Miscellaneous equipment"), paragraphs (a), (c), (e), and (f).
Prototype testing: mobile (including crawler and truck) and locomotive cranes manufactured on or after November 8, 2010 must meet the prototype testing requirements in Test Option A or Test Option B of this section. Tower cranes manufactured on or after November 8, 2010 must meet the prototype testing requirements in BS EN 14439:2006 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6).
Note: Prototype testing of crawler, locomotive and truck cranes manufactured prior to November 8, 2010 must conform to paragraph (a) of this section.
Test Option A.
The following applies to equipment with cantilevered booms (such as hydraulic boom cranes): All the tests listed in SAE J1063 (Nov. 1993) Table 1 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) must be performed to load all critical structural elements to their respective limits. All the strength margins listed in SAE J1063 (Nov. 1993) Table 2 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) must be met.
The following applies to equipment with pendant supported lattice booms: All the tests listed in SAE J987 (Jun. 2003) Table 1 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) must be performed to load all critical structural elements to their respective limits. All the strength margins listed in SAE J987 (Jun. 2003) Table 2 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) must be met.
Test Option B. The testing and verification requirements of BS EN 13000:2004 (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) must be met. In applying BS EN 13000:2004, the following additional requirements must be met:
The following applies to equipment with cantilevered booms (such as hydraulic boom cranes): The analysis methodology (computer modeling) must demonstrate that all load cases listed in SAE J1063 (Nov. 1993) (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) meet the strength margins listed in SAE J1063 (Nov. 1993) Table 2.
The following applies to equipment with pendant supported lattice booms: The analysis methodology (computer modeling) must demonstrate that all load cases listed in SAE J987 (Jun. 2003) (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) meet the strength margins listed in SAE J987 (Jun. 2003) Table 2.
Analysis verification. The physical testing requirements under SAE J1063 (Nov. 1993) (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) and SAE J987 (Jun. 2003) (incorporated by reference, see § 1926.6) must be met unless the reliability of the analysis methodology (computer modeling) has been demonstrated by a documented history of verification through strain gauge measuring or strain gauge measuring in combination with other physical testing.
Rated capacity and related information. The information available in the cab (see § 1926.1417(c)) regarding "rated capacity" and related information must include, at a minimum, the following information:
A work area chart for which capacities are listed in the load chart. (Note: An example of this type of chart is in ASME B30.5-2004, section 5-1.1.3, Figure 11).
Posted warnings. Posted warnings required by this subpart as well as those originally supplied with the equipment by the manufacturer must be maintained in legible condition.
Friction mechanisms. Where friction mechanisms (such as brakes and clutches) are used to control the boom hoist or load line hoist, they must be:
Hydraulic load hoists. Hydraulic drums must have an integrally mounted holding device or internal static brake to prevent load hoist movement in the event of hydraulic failure.
[75 FR 48163, August 9, 2010]