- Part Number:1908
- Part Number Title:Consultation Agreements
- Standard Number:
- Title:Monitoring and evaluation.
- GPO Source:
Assistant Secretary responsibility. A State's performance under a Cooperative Agreement will be regularly monitored and evaluated by the Assistant Secretary as part of a systematic Federal plan for this activity. The Assistant Secretary may require changes as a result of these evaluations to foster conformance with consultation policy. If the State policies or practices which require change are such that the State's assurance of correction of serious hazards and of the effectiveness of employers' safety and health programs is in doubt, the Assistant Secretary may, pending the completion of the changes, suspend recognition of a State's consultative visits as a basis for exemption from compliance inspection as permitted under § 1908.7(b)(4).
Consultant performance -
State activity. The State shall establish and maintain an organized consultant performance monitoring system under the Cooperative Agreement:
Performance of individual consultants shall be measured in terms of their ability to identify hazards in the workplaces which they have visited; their ability to determine employee exposure and risk, and in particular their performance under § 1908.6 (e) and (f); their knowledge and application of applicable Federal or State statutes, regulations or standards; their knowledge and application of appropriate hazard correction techniques and approaches; their knowledge and application of the requirements of an effective workplace safety and health program; and their ability to communicate effectively their findings and recommendations and the reasons for them to employers, and relevant information, skills and techniques to employers and employees.
Federal activity. State consultant performance monitoring as set out in §1908.9(b)(1) shall not preclude Federal monitoring activity by methods determined to be appropriate by the Assistant Secretary.
State reporting. For Federal monitoring and evaluation purposes, the State shall compile and submit such factual and statistical data in the format and at the frequency required by the Assistant Secretary. The State shall prepare and submit to the RA any narrative reports, including copies of written reports to employers as may be required by the Assistant Secretary.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1218-0110)
[49 FR 25094, June 19, 1984, as amended at 54 FR 24333, June 7, 1989]